Fine-Tuning My Running Strategy for Speed

Written: 3/9

Hello Dear Readers,

This year, I’ve set a new goal to enhance my running speed, sparking a deep interest in methods for faster running. I’ve also started closely monitoring my pace, ensuring consistency unless I train with the Fartlek methods, which involve varying speeds during the run. However, maintaining a steady pace remains my general aim.

In a recent run, I experienced a moment of clarity. I realized I could push myself harder, especially when I was just seconds off my target pace. Unlike a car with cruise control, I don’t have an automatic speed setting; it’s all about manually adjusting my effort based on how I feel physically during the run. This realization led me to a strategic shift. Now, I adjust my pace based on my performance relative to the target pace. If I’m ahead, I slow down; if I’m behind, I pick up the pace.

This approach, however, requires a delicate balance. It’s crucial to know your comfortable pace and to avoid the novice runner’s mistake of starting too fast only to slow down later, unable to maintain a consistent speed throughout the race. It is key to learn to adjust my target so that it’s always just slightly challenging but achievable.

Running is a continuous learning journey—not just about the sport but oneself. After several years, I’m still discovering new strategies and understanding my capabilities and limits. If one method doesn’t work, I’m ready to tweak it until I find what helps me run faster. The critical aspect here is perseverance; the resolve not to give up will eventually lead me to my fastest self.