Relentless Forward Motion: Embracing the Grind, One Run at a Time

Written 01/26/2025

Hello Dear Readers,

Ah, what a difference a week makes! The weather has finally decided to cooperate, and my runs are feeling much more bearable. Yesterday was so mild that I nearly ditched my windbreaker altogether. Gloves? Left them behind. And guess what? I didn’t regret it.

Running in this kind of weather is a dream. My body isn’t wasting energy trying to keep warm or cool down—it’s actually focusing on, you know, running. And the results? Well, let’s just say I had a good day. Not only did I crush my target pace for two consecutive 5Ks, but I also set a new personal best for my 10K. Not too shabby for a guy who, just a few years ago, had to relearn how to control his body.

My goal for this year? A sub-9-minute-per-kilometer 5K. Ambitious? Maybe. But here’s the kicker: It’s only January, and I’ve already pushed my pace down to 9:32/km. That’s progress. Real, tangible progress.

Now, let’s talk about running for a second. It’s a weird sport. Improvement is painfully slow, especially if you start from zero—trust me, I know. I wouldn’t call myself fast (or even moderately speedy), but I’m persistent. Whether the weather is unforgivingly cold or oppressively hot, I lace up and hit the road. I don’t quit. I just keep going.

My wife once told me that, eventually, running wouldn’t feel like a struggle—it would just be something I did. And she was right. At some point, my body got used to it. Even more surprisingly, I started experiencing what she calls “runner’s high.” She used to rave about how addictive it was, and while I wouldn’t say I’m hooked just yet, I do get it now. There’s something incredibly rewarding about seeing progress, even when it happens at a pace that would make a snail yawn.

Zooming out and looking at my progress over a year instead of obsessing over daily runs? That’s when I truly see how far I’ve come.

Of course, once summer rolls around, I expect my pace to slow down again—because running in the heat is basically self-inflicted suffering. But come fall, I’ll be ready to pick up speed again. The key is consistency. Just keep running, and the results will follow.

Oh, and speaking of progress, my planking game is back on track. Two-minute sessions are feeling solid again, thanks to the new platform. So, endurance? We’re rebuilding that, too.

All in all, I’d say things are looking pretty good. Now, let’s see what next week’s runs bring!

Planking Pains and Gains: My Battle with the New Platform

Written January 24, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Ever since my wife and I upgraded to a new planking platform, my core has been waging a full-scale rebellion. Holding a plank for my usual duration? Ha! My abs have other plans. Two likely culprits are sabotaging my endurance, and honestly, I feel personally attacked.

Why Am I Suddenly Terrible at Planking?

First, there was the dark age—that sad, plank-less week when our old platform broke. Not wanting to lose momentum, I switched to planking on the floor. Great idea in theory, except floor planking apparently isn’t the same beast. It felt easier, sure, but that “easier” came with a hidden cost—my endurance took a hit. Turns out, sometimes doing something isn’t as good as doing the right thing. Lesson learned.

Second, this new machine is demanding, and my body is not amused. Unlike the old platform, this one requires a completely different posture. My core, once a loyal ally, is now throwing tantrums over the additional balancing act. I plank, I wobble, I try to hold steady, and the machine just laughs at my suffering.

The Game Plan: One Problem at a Time

Since quitting isn’t an option (and my pride won’t let me), I’ve been sneaking in extra plank sessions throughout the day. The improvement has been slow but steady—exactly the kind of hard-earned victory that makes fitness both frustrating and rewarding.

Endurance Woes: Fighting for Seconds

When I first set foot (or rather, forearm) on this new machine, I barely lasted a minute. A whole 60 seconds before my core tapped out. Now, I’m creeping up to 90 seconds. Still far from my goal of nearly three minutes, but hey, progress is progress. I’ve been on and off gymnastics in the past, so I know one thing for certain—muscle endurance isn’t won overnight. It’s a painfully slow process of adding seconds, one grueling plank at a time. The only way forward? Reduce the timer, reclaim lost time, and build up gradually.

Core Chaos: The Balancing Act

Balance? What balance? This machine demands way more from my core, and my muscles are not amused. It’s like trying to hold a plank on a tiny, floating island that tilts at the slightest shift. Keeping the correct posture while balancing feels like taming a wild horse—one that insists on throwing me off at every opportunity. But I’m sticking with it. No matter how many times I feel like a baby giraffe learning to walk, I’ll get there.

The Silver Lining: Sore Abs = Progress

How long will it take to reach my previous planking glory? No clue. This is an entirely different beast, and I’ll have to tame it on its terms. One thing I do know? My abs are on fire. The soreness is proof that this machine is working harder than ever. If pain equals progress, then I’m definitely moving in the right direction.

So, for now, I’ll keep planking, keep struggling, and keep counting the seconds—until my core decides to stop complaining and start cooperating.

Back on the Run: Making Peace with Snow, Chill, and My New Plan

Written January 13, 2025

Hello Dear Readers,

Finally, the sun decided to make an appearance, peeking out from its hiding spot behind the clouds! Yesterday’s snow melt was just enough to liberate the outdoors from its icy grip, and that means one thing—I’m back in action. The air still has that classic winter edge, but I’m more than ready to hit the pavement and reclaim my running routine.

This impromptu “rest period” brought on by cloudy skies and subzero vibes wasn’t exactly what I had in mind. Sure, rest days are important, but let’s be honest—this one wasn’t by choice. However, in my downtime, I did some thinking (and a bit of stewing) about how to make up for lost time and, ideally, how to avoid falling behind again. That’s when my new running policy took shape.

Here’s the plan: Over the next couple of weeks, I’ll focus on both speed and mileage. If I manage to beat my target pace during the first half of a run, I’ll reward myself by stopping after 5K. But if I miss the mark? It’s a second 5K for me. No excuses, no shortcuts. It’s a win-win: either I improve my speed, or I make up for the distance I’ve missed. Motivation, thy name is accountability!

Now, let’s talk about Midwest winters. Being from Indiana, I’m no stranger to snow. A few flakes? Not a big deal. But this cold snap feels a bit personal—like winter heard me planning my runs and decided to crank up the Arctic settings just to spite me. And, of course, everyone’s favorite weather topic comes up: climate change. Some experts are saying the unusually warm ocean temperatures are throwing weather patterns into chaos. Am I ready to blame the oceans for my frosty morning runs? Not quite. But it does make me wonder if my running routine will need a seasonal overhaul in the future.

Regardless of what’s happening with the planet’s thermostat, I’m sticking to what I can control: running smarter and gradually increasing my pace. If all goes well, I’ll be crushing my target pace so often that extra 10Ks become a rare punishment, not the norm. That’s the dream, anyway.

Until then, I’ll bundle up, hit the road, and keep pushing forward—even if the weather is unpredictable. My goals are crystal clear. Running is as much about mental endurance as it is about physical stamina, and this new plan is all about building both.

So, here’s to embracing the chill, setting ambitious goals, and turning unwanted rest days into opportunities to recalibrate. If nothing else, winter is proving to be a relentless teacher. But hey, if I can conquer icy mornings and double-run challenges, maybe the spring sunshine will feel that much sweeter when it finally sticks around. For now, though, it’s just me, my running shoes, and a lot of determination.

From Stumbling Steps to Sore Legs: My 10K Running Journey

Written Jan 05, 2025

Hello Dear Readers,

This year, I made a bold proclamation: I’d conquer the 10K run more frequently than last year. Lofty, isn’t it? Well, it sounded heroic at the time. My main goal? Shave some seconds off my pace and make my running app sing my praises.

Let me set the scene: halfway through today’s 10K, I realized I’d missed my target pace by just a few seconds. Naturally, I did what any mildly obsessive runner would do—I pushed myself like I was being chased by a very determined turtle. The result? I barely hit my goal pace, but hey, “barely” still counts!

Looking back, it’s wild to think how far I’ve come. When I first started running seriously about 7-8 years ago, just finishing a few kilometers felt like scaling Everest. Rewind even further, and you’ll find me relearning how to walk after a brain stroke. Fun fact: my brain remembered that walking was a thing, but it forgot how to send the memo to my legs. The first time I told my wife I wanted to try running, she probably imagined me face-planting spectacularly. Spoiler: she wasn’t entirely wrong—I did fall a few times. But bruises fade, and determination grows.

Fast-forward to 2018, when we moved into our current home. I was still a slowpoke. A 5-kilometer run felt like a marathon, but over time, it stopped feeling like torture. Then came the glorious leap to 10 kilometers. Now, here I am—trying to outrun my past self, armed with sheer grit and slightly sore legs.

Speaking of sore legs, they’re the price of today’s achievement. My reward? I felt general weariness and the smug satisfaction of knowing this was my second-fastest 10K on record. Not bad for someone who started by jogging a single kilometer like a wobbly giraffe.

My endgame this year is to smash that 9:00 min/kilometer barrier. Today’s effort brought me closer, but it also left me with legs that felt like overcooked noodles. Stretching to the rescue! My daily leg stretches after a plank session is now less a routine and more a survival strategy.

So, here’s to run faster, recover smarter, and celebrate every hard-earned second because every step—whether wobbly or swift—proves that I’m still moving forward.

Starting the Year with a Run and Some Irish Coffee

Written January 1, 2025

Hello Dear Readers,

It’s the first day of the new year, and guess what? I’ve already checked off my first run. Did I crush my target pace? Not quite. But hey, let’s not dwell on that. Instead, let’s celebrate the fact that my pace today was a world away from where it was at the start of last year. Progress is progress, right? And for me, that’s more than enough to lace up my running shoes again on Friday.

This year, I’ve set my sights on reducing my target pace time further. Now, don’t get me wrong—I’m not gunning for Olympic speed or anything. But I’m all about inching closer to my goals, one step (or one run) at a time. That said, I know my biggest nemesis is just around the corner: cold weather. The kind of cold that turns your breath into tiny clouds and makes your fingers question why you didn’t just stay home. Winter running isn’t exactly my idea of a good time. Thankfully, I have a built-in weather barometer—my wife. She has this funny way of sensing bad weather before I even step outside. If her nose hurts, it’s guaranteed to be one of those frosty, windy days where the air feels like needles. Today, though, she didn’t mention a thing. That’s how I knew it wasn’t a lousy day to hit the pavement.

After that run, we eased into the new year with a quiet yet delightful New Year’s Eve celebration. No loud parties or midnight crowds for us—we kept it cozy, sipping Irish coffee and diving into a new board game called Abducktion. Yes, the name is as quirky as it sounds. It’s a strategy game involving alien abductions and ducks (yes, ducks), and I’d been itching to play it since Christmas. I don’t know who had more fun—me trying to outsmart my wife or her secretly plotting to obliterate my game strategy. Even though we were total rookies at it, the rules were simple, and we caught on quickly. By the time we wrapped up, we enjoyed the game so much that losing didn’t matter. (Okay, maybe it mattered a little. I’ll get her next time.)

What made the evening even better was that my wife made time to play. She’s a force of nature—always buzzing with projects and pouring her heart into everything she does. I admire that about her, but I also worry she doesn’t relax enough. Moments like this, where we’re just enjoying ourselves and letting go of the to-do lists, feel like little treasures. And honestly, seeing her smile while we strategized over alien ducks was the highlight of my day.So, here we are, stepping into the new year with laughter, Irish coffee, and a newfound love for board games. If this is any indication of what’s to come, 2025 is already off to a great start. Here’s to more runs, more laughs, and maybe even mastering Abducktion. Who’s ready for round two?

365 Days of Planking: My (Not-So-Secret) Superpower

Written December 29, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Guess who’s feeling like an absolute champ this morning? Spoiler alert: It’s me. Why, you ask? Because I’ve just hit a milestone that has me walking a little taller (probably thanks to my newly improved core strength). Drumroll, please… I’ve officially completed 365 consecutive days of planking! That’s an entire year of showing up, holding steady, and giving gravity a run for its money.

Now, let’s set some realistic expectations here. I’m not exactly a Guinness World Record holder or prepping for a plank-off with The Rock (yet). But I’m pretty proud of my progress. Right now, I’m inching closer to holding a solid 3-minute plank in one go. And let me tell you, it feels pretty amazing, considering where I started.

When I first embarked on this journey, my initial plank attempts barely scraped the one-minute mark. I’d start strong, shaking within 30 seconds, and collapse in a heap by 60. It wasn’t exactly graceful, but it was a start. Every habit begins somewhere, right? Fast-forward to today, and I can confidently say those early struggles have paid off. Three minutes may not seem too impressive, but for me, it’s a pretty big deal—and it’s proof that consistency works wonders.

The app I use has been my trusty sidekick throughout this journey. It keeps me on track, celebrates my streaks with little virtual confetti bursts (because who doesn’t love confetti?), and has been a surprisingly effective motivator. Seeing that little streak number climb higher and higher kept me committed, even on those days when the idea of planking sounded about as fun as a root canal.

This habit has become such a natural part of my routine that I can’t imagine starting my day without it. It’s like my morning coffee but with fewer jitters and more abs. And while I’m thrilled with my progress, I know there’s always room for improvement. My next goal is to see how far I can push my limits—not just in time but also in form and focus. Because, let’s face it, a 5-minute plank sounds impressive, but not if I’m doing it with my hips in the air like a triangle.

Of course, there’s always the possibility I’ll hit a practical limit at some point. Maybe my body will say, “Okay, this is as far as we’re going,” or my brain will decide to switch things up. And that’s fine, too. Goals evolve, habits shift, and new challenges emerge. I’ll reevaluate, adjust, and keep moving forward when that happens.

For now, though, I’m basking in the glow of this achievement. Here’s to staying consistent, celebrating progress, and tackling new goals with the same determination. Who knows? Maybe in another year, I’ll be writing about my 730-day streak—or teaching a masterclass in planking. Until then, I’m sticking to my plan, one plank at a time.

Stay strong, and as always, plan on!

Crossing the Finish Line: My 1000K Running Journey

Written on December 28, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Today, I finally hit my big running goal for the year—drumroll, please—1000 kilometers! That’s a pretty satisfying number, even if it’s less than last year’s total. I’ve come to realize that running isn’t just about hitting numbers; it’s about the journey, the lessons learned along the way, and occasionally, the sweat-soaked, slightly embarrassing selfies that prove you were out there doing the thing.

This year, I shifted my focus to something new: speed. I wanted to improve my pace, and while it’s been a challenge, I’m proud of the strides I’ve made—pun absolutely intended. Running faster has a way of reminding you that progress isn’t always linear. Some days, you’re flying, and other days, let’s just say walking feels like a more viable option.

Now, let’s talk about summer, aka my arch-nemesis this year. It was hot. Not the “oh, it’s a little warm” kind of hot, but the “melting-the-soles-of-my-shoes” variety. And I’ll admit, I didn’t always feel like braving the heat. Laziness? Yes, it paid me a few visits, but can you blame me? The couch starts looking pretty appealing when the sun feels like it’s sitting in your driveway.

Thankfully, I found a way to adapt. Shifting my runs to early mornings worked wonders. There’s something magical about hitting the pavement while the world is still waking up. It’s quieter and cooler, and the sunrise is often its own reward. Plus, there’s a smug satisfaction in knowing you’ve already knocked out your run before most people have had their coffee.

Of course, my biggest hurdle this year wasn’t just the heat or the motivation dips—it was my body. Ever since my brain stroke, I’ve been dealing with a pesky little issue: my body no longer regulates temperature properly. This means external conditions like weather have an outsized impact on my running performance. It’s frustrating at times, but I’ve learned to listen to my body, adjust my pace, and embrace the idea that running is as much about resilience as it is about distance.

Looking ahead, I’m setting the same 1000K goal for 2025. Why mess with a good thing, right? Starting the year with a clear goal keeps me motivated and focused. The key is breaking it down into manageable chunks—one week, one run, one kilometer at a time. And when summer inevitably makes its sweaty return, I’ll be ready to greet it with those early morning runs. Sunrise runs are calling, and I’m already planning to answer.

Here’s to another year of chasing goals, battling the elements, and reminding myself that progress isn’t about perfection—it’s about persistence. So, 2025, let’s lace up and hit the ground running. Literally.

Chasing the Final Kilometers: Lessons from My Year-End Running Challenge

Written December 12, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I’ve caught up on the kilometers I needed to reach my end-of-year goal. It was intense, as I had to increase my running distance significantly to reach 1,000 km. I’ll complete my goal if I run at least 20 km over the next few weeks. I realized how much I’ve been running per week for the last couple of weeks. When I checked my log, I was running approximately 40km every week. I’ve been feeling more tired in the morning, and I can see why.

I will be running less, and I will start working on my running pace again. Since I’ve been running 40k each week over the past two weeks, dropping down to an average of 10 per week should be relatively relaxing. Hopefully, I can use that ease to refocus on speed.  

While running today, I met another Japanese person in our neighborhood, and I was excited to pass on the information I’d gleaned about him to my wife. He is walking a Siberian Husky named Yume. I also learned that he has four Shiba Inu. He was a professional soccer player but is now married to an American. I spoke to him in a few sentences in Japanese. 

I know I was reckless in changing my goal at the last minute. It was a calculated change, though. I was so damn close to reaching 1,000, and I thought there was no reason not to get that clean 3-digit running kilometer on my belt. 

It was hard regardless because I increased my running distance significantly. However, I learned something from the past few weeks: not to give in as often as I did over the year. For example, I frequently switched the 10k Saturday run to a 5k run. I’ve also skipped a few runs due to extreme weather.

We have had a few freezing days in the last few weeks, but I did not give in because I had a goal to achieve. I also learned to avoid extreme heat by running early in the morning. I modified my exercise schedule so I don’t get my legs worked up too much. So, I should be able to avoid the biggest deterrent next year and shouldn’t have to play catchup next December like I did this year.

So, overall, I did everything right.

Reflections on My 1,000 KM Running Goal: Lessons and Adjustments

Written December 15, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

So, I checked my progress toward my 1,000 km running goal again to ensure I wasn’t wrong the other day. I reconfirmed that I will reach my goals within this year. All I need to do is do another round of 10k runs. 

While checking my logs, I analyzed why my total distance run was much lower than the prior year. After all, I aimed for 25k per week, so I should have hit 1300k. Then, I realized I started using this app on February 23, 2024. Then, we went on a vacation. Missing nearly 2 months makes a massive difference in the distance, approximately 200 km.

Additionally, before I adopted my early morning running schedule during the hot summer, there were days when I skipped running due to the heat. I figured out how to deal with the summer heat in Tennessee, and it will be good for next year. Some days, I shortened my 10k runs to only 5k due to excess heat.

Since I know I ran during January and early February, I suspect I have already run over 1000 kilometers this year. However, since I’m using my app as my official record, I still want to get those numbers to meet my goal.

Why am I doing this? My wife calls it variance analysis. Variance analysis analyzes the GAP between goals and the prior year. It helps me create realistic goals. During 2024, I learned many things, such as switching my running schedule to extreme weather. 

I will shave off 1 minute from a 5km run for the following year. I am considering mixing my run with long and short runs to improve my speed.

Pushing Through Challenges: My Journey to 1000 Kilometers

Written December 13, 2024

reviewed 12/21

Hello Dear Readers,

It has nearly ended with my last-minute goal adjustments. The change was in effect only for one month, but it was more challenging than I initially thought. 

We are having chilly weather, which is my biggest obstacle these days. Seriously, running 10 km can be daunting. I don’t even remember how I managed it since I used to do it regularly last year. , even though

Today is chilly, so every breath hurts my nose as if I were eating horseradish or Wasabi. I don’t mind this type of nose shock when eating delicious food, but it is not as pleasant when trying to run 10 kilometers. Despite the chilly temperatures, I succeeded in completing my scheduled 10-kilometer run.

At this point,  I think I’ll only need to do one more week of 10km to achieve my 1000-kilometer goal for the year. I’m glad that I’ve already completed my speed goal for the year since I find it very difficult to run faster when I’m pacing myself for a 10k. Once I complete this goal, I will accomplish one or two. 

My general plan is to try for speed again next year and shave a minute off my time for a 5-kilometer run. It was difficult to shave off 1 minute this year, so I expected it would be difficult again. I am also considering doing more 10-kilometer runs than this year. A regular 10-kilometer run will help me increase my lung capacity. I will consult with my body and log all I can do. 

Before I had a brain stroke, the first year I started dating my wife, she introduced me to running. I was never a runner, but my wife introduced me to the Couch to 5k program. By the end of the program, I learned to jog 5k. Then, my sister started doing the Couch to 5k program. I stopped running, though.

This was my 2nd attempt at developing a serious running habit. I know how not to complete my running goals. While learning how to run in my 2nd effort, I realized something more substantial: consistency and persistence with your decisions. Don’t be a perfectionist when it comes to your goals. If you fail at doing it a day, return to it the next day. If you don’t do very well, then adjust your goal. Just be consistent with the goal. Even with some improvement, it can be significant after several years. 

I will consult my running with my wife and a friend to see if it makes sense or get their advice. For now, I will be happy that I am about to complete my 2nd running goal for the year.