A Day of Mowing: Navigating Challenges in Our Hilly Yard

Written 4/5

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday brought its fair share of challenges and accomplishments as I tackled mowing our lawn, a chore that this week’s weather rendered more daunting than usual. Early in the week, the onset of rain abruptly interrupted my usual mowing schedule. Although I managed to make some progress before the showers, I was left with a substantial portion of the lawn unfinished. With the weather clearing up, I was optimistic about completing the task on Thursday. However, as it turned out, I had underestimated the amount of work left, setting the stage for an arduous yard work day.

Our home is surrounded by hilly terrain and a decent-sized yard that demands regular maintenance. The contours of the land add a layer of complexity to what might otherwise be a straightforward task. Mowing the slopes is not only time-consuming but also physically demanding. Yesterday, I powered through the work, mowing down most of the grass except for a few stubborn strips that seemed to evade my efforts.

As the day progressed, I pushed our lawn mower across the undulating landscape until both of our batteries succumbed to exhaustion. This left me with a partially completed job and a decision to make: when to finish the remaining patches. Considering the week’s workload and the forecast, setting aside additional time over the weekend seemed like a sensible plan. With its promise of clear skies and free time, Sunday appears to be the ideal day to wrap up.

Despite not completing the entire yard as I had hoped, there was a deep sense of achievement in what I had managed to accomplish. Though moderately sized, our yard poses unique challenges due to its hilly setting. The mower, propelled solely by my effort, becomes an instrument through which I engage deeply with the landscape. Three hours of guiding it up and down the slopes is no small feat. The physical exertion is palpable, and by the end of the session, I find myself exhausted yet invigorated.

On a typical mowing day, I clock in around 13,000 steps, transforming what is essentially a household chore into a vigorous exercise routine. The repetitive motion of pushing the mower, coupled with the resistance offered by the hill, provides a robust workout that rivals any gym session. During these hours, I appreciate the dual benefit of this task: maintaining the aesthetic of our home while simultaneously engaging in a health-promoting activity.

Reflecting on yesterday’s efforts, I am reminded of the importance of adaptability and perseverance in facing unexpected challenges. Whether it’s an unanticipated weather change or the sheer physical demands of the task, each mowing session offers a chance to learn and grow. As I look ahead to finishing the job on Sunday, I am not daunted but rather motivated by the opportunity to once again connect with nature and reinforce my commitment to my home’s beauty and personal health.

Stepping Into Comfort: My New Running Shoe Experience

Written 3/16/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Today was the day—I got myself a brand-new pair of running shoes. After our usual grocery shopping, we went to our local specialty store for running gear. It’s not just any store; it was introduced to us by my sister when we first moved to Tennessee, and it’s become our go-to for all things running.

The excitement of getting new shoes never gets old, especially since they’re a critical part of my running routine. As any seasoned runner knows, and as my wife—a lifelong runner—reminded me when I first took up running seriously, every pair of running shoes has its lifespan. Shoes gradually wear down depending on how much you run, so keeping track of their mileage is critical.

Despite my wife’s busy weekends lately due to year-end duties, I asked if she’d accompany me to pick out my new pair. The staff at this store is exceptional; they are not only runners but also incredibly knowledgeable about the needs of different running styles and habits. I usually bring my old pair along so they can assess my running habits and check for specific wear patterns.

Comfort is paramount when it comes to my running shoes. I always ensure the pair I choose fits well and feels good as I move. The store staff, familiar with my preferences and measurements from previous visits, expertly guided me to shoes that cater to my needs.

One significant change in my routine is how I track the mileage of my shoes. Gone are the days of my Excel log sheets; my new running app has revolutionized this process. With a feature that tracks the shoe life based on the make and model of the footwear, the app not only keeps tabs on the distance covered but also alerts me when it’s time for a replacement. This innovative tool has rendered my old tracking system completely obsolete, making my life much easier.

As I left the store with my new running shoes, the anticipation of trying them out on the run filled me with joy. There’s something truly exhilarating about the first run in a new pair of shoes—it feels like setting out on a new adventure.

So here I am, ready to hit the ground running, quite literally. My new shoes are more than just equipment; they’re a renewal of my commitment to running, a sport that I’ve grown to love deeply over the years. I can’t wait to see where these shoes will take me—each step promises new challenges and achievements.

Navigating Fitness Goals: A Professor’s Perspective

Written on February 26, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

As the year began, I embarked on a fitness journey, meticulously crafting an exercise regimen to meet my annual objectives. This endeavor progressed smoothly until an unexpected setback occurred—I sustained an injury during my workouts. This incident led me to realize that perhaps my physique had yet to adapt to the demands of my newly formulated workout plan. Upon resuming my entire exercise routine, I recognized the necessity to reassess and adjust the intensity of my schedule to better accommodate my current physical capabilities.

The essence of achieving any goal lies in creating a memorable and trackable strategy. This is a lesson I frequently impart to my students at the university. Despite its apparent simplicity, it’s astonishing how often this principle is overlooked, resulting in many falling short of their ambitions. When I applied this methodology to my fitness regimen, the tangible outcomes began to manifest, prompting a thorough evaluation of my previous efforts and outcomes.

Reflecting on my journey, it became evident that my earlier injury likely resulted from overly ambitious increments in the weights I used for curls. After conducting thorough research and contemplation, I devised a more calculated approach to increasing weights. I resolved that only when I could complete 25 repetitions of a curl with a given weight without interruption would I consider advancing to a heavier weight. Conversely, I would reduce the weight if I struggled to perform at least 15 curls. My daily target would be between 20 to 25 repetitions, with Saturdays designated as the day to assess whether I was prepared to elevate the intensity of my workout.

This revised strategy serves dual purposes. Firstly, it ensures that I do not prematurely escalate the difficulty of my exercises, thereby mitigating the risk of injury. Secondly, it provides a structured framework to consistently monitor my progress and adjust as needed. This balanced approach encourages gradual improvement while safeguarding against the pitfalls of overexertion. The actual test of this method’s efficacy will be observed in the coming months as I continue to navigate the challenges and triumphs of my fitness journey.

In retrospect, this experience underscores the importance of listening to one’s body and acknowledging the signals it provides. The journey toward fitness and health is uniquely personal, requiring a bespoke approach considering individual capabilities, limitations, and aspirations. By adopting a more reflective and measured stance towards exercise, I am hopeful that I will achieve my fitness goals and foster a sustainable and enjoyable relationship with physical activity.

Becoming a Stronger Runner: Adjusting Plans and Embracing the Weather

Written on February 18, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

As I reflect on my running and fitness journey, I can’t help but acknowledge a subtle but significant transformation: I am slowly but surely becoming a better runner and, undeniably, more potent than I was last year. This realization isn’t just about logging more miles or lifting heavier weights; it’s about intelligent adjustments to my training regime and a deeper understanding of my body’s capabilities and limits.

Setting a rigid schedule for increasing weights and repetitions might be the key to consistent progress. However, experience has taught me that a more flexible approach, one that’s tied to my ability to meet my current targets comfortably, is far superior. Last year, I adopted a rule where I would only progress to a more challenging exercise level after completing my routine ten times. This method, grounded in patience and persistence, enhanced my strength without overburdening my body. It’s a strategy I plan to carry into this year’s workouts, mainly to avoid the pitfalls of injuries – a lesson learned the hard way following a recent setback.

Weather, I’ve come to realize, plays a more crucial role in my running routine than I once thought. Living in the southern United States, Nashville provides a favorable climate for year-round outdoor activities. Yet, we’re not strangers to the occasional cold snap. Just yesterday, an unexpected drop in temperature cut my planned 10k run in half. The cold tests my endurance by forcing my body to expend extra energy to stay warm and challenges my willpower. Despite these hurdles, the beauty of residing in a Southern state like Tennessee is the brief nature of our cold spells. The forecast promises more agreeable, spring-like conditions, even in February, allowing me to look forward to resuming my complete exercise regimen.

My wife and I’s previous life in Canada puts these minor inconveniences into perspective. With their relentless cold, the Canadian winters made outdoor activities a much more daunting endeavor. Hence, Nashville’s climate is far more conducive to maintaining a consistent running schedule, and I remind myself not to dwell too much on the occasional chilly day.

Ultimately, the cornerstone of my journey is continuous health improvement. My commitment to exercise remains unwavering despite the challenges, including weather fluctuations and injuries. This path isn’t just about achieving personal bests or attaining specific fitness milestones; it’s about the enduring benefits of a healthier lifestyle and the joy of embracing every step of the journey, regardless of outside conditions.

Navigating Obstacles on the Path to Fitness Goals

Written on February 7, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Embarking on a journey toward a fitness goal can often feel like setting sail into a storm. No matter the depth of commitment or the precision of planning, unforeseen challenges emerge, ready to test our resolve. This has been my reality, particularly in enhancing my physical strength through a rigorous muscle exercise regimen.

It’s been over a year since I initiated this quest, beginning with pull-ups before progressively integrating core muscle exercises into my routine. My dedication mirrored my commitment to running, hardly ever missing a day unless circumstances made accessing my exercise equipment utterly impossible.

At the dawn of this year, I laid out a meticulous exercise plan, pledging unwavering allegiance to it. This commitment bore fruit, as only a day went by with me adhering to my regimen. However, recent days have seen wavering in this steadfastness, prompting me to reconsider aspects of my training program.

The catalyst for this reevaluation has been an injury, a stark reminder of the physical toll that such a regimen can exact. A few weeks ago, in my zeal, I overstrained a muscle, resulting in lingering pain that has scarcely improved. Initially, I attempted to soldier on, moderating the intensity of my workouts. Yet, the mere act of performing a single dip would reignite the pain, leading me to the realization that continuing my exercises might do more harm than good.

In response to this setback, I’ve crafted a new strategy to navigate this period of uncertainty. Until the pain subsides completely, I’ve forego curls and dips, exacerbating my discomfort. Nevertheless, I remain optimistic about continuing with pull-ups, pullovers, push-ups, and planks. I hope this adaptation will continue my progress.

This temporary suspension of specific exercises forces me to confront the possibility of recalibrating the pace at which I increase weights and repetitions. The injury suggests that my body requires more than a week to sufficiently recover and strengthen before taking on more significant challenges.

Life, in its unpredictability, mirrors this journey. Altering my plan does not signify defeat but rather an adaptive strategy to ensure I continue moving toward my objectives, albeit at a modified pace. Such is the nature of pursuing any goal: it demands flexibility, resilience, and the wisdom to recognize when to push forward and step back for long-term success.

This experience underscores a fundamental truth in pursuing fitness or any personal endeavor: the path to achievement is seldom linear. Obstacles, be they injuries or other unforeseen challenges, are not roadblocks but detours necessitating patience, adaptability, and perseverance. As I navigate this hiccup in my fitness journey, the lesson is clear – resilience in the face of adversity is about enduring and evolving in response to the challenges we encounter.

Navigating Exercise Challenges with a Twist of Determination

Hello Dear Readers,

Embarking on another day, I find myself poised to escalate the intensity of my morning workout ritual. The journey of augmenting one’s exercise regimen is not without its trials and tribulations. Currently, I grapple with the aftermath of what I suspect to be a minor mishap involving my subclavius muscle – a souvenir from a particularly ambitious session of curls a fortnight ago. This hiccup necessitates a mindful approach to how much further I can push my physical limits.

In the realm of physical training, the importance of understanding the specific muscles you aim to fortify cannot be overstated. However, this task becomes considerably more complex when contending with an injury. The initial strategy was maneuvering around the afflicted muscle, though this proved less effective than anticipated. It’s a peculiar situation; the discomfort isn’t a constant companion. Its presence is only made known when I turn my head to the left while simultaneously rolling my right shoulder backward. An intriguing, if not slightly inconvenient, trigger.

Despite these challenges, my resolve remains unshaken. I plan to introduce an additional weight of 2.5 pounds to my regimen. This minor adjustment is a testament to my commitment to progression. Of course, this ambition is tempered by a sense of prudence; should this increase in weight exacerbate my discomfort, I will not hesitate to retract this decision.

The path of physical betterment is one fraught with anticipated and unforeseen obstacles. Yet, it is through navigating these obstacles that we uncover our resilience and adaptability. The current predicament serves not as a deterrent but as a nuanced lesson in the delicate balance between pushing our limits and heeding our bodies’ signals.

Navigating the Ups and Downs of Fitness Goals

Written on January 13, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Finding the perfect equilibrium in my fitness journey feels like navigating through a maze—exciting yet fraught with unexpected turns. At the dawn of this year, buoyed by optimism, I carefully crafted a workout regimen, aiming to tread the fine line between aspiration and realism. However, as the days unfolded, the chasm between my envisioned goals and the tangible reality became more apparent.

In a recent reflection, I adjusted the weights downwards, diverging from my original plan. It was a decision that didn’t come lightly, underscoring the dynamic nature of personal fitness. Yet, I am standing at another crossroads, contemplating increasing weight. The recent reduction adds a layer of complexity to this decision. Despite this, I am leaning towards an increase, albeit from the revised, lower benchmark.

This dance of adjustment is familiar to me. Post-workout, I might discover that my ambition outpaced my capacity, necessitating another recalibration. The principle guiding me through these oscillations is simple: heed the signals my body transmits. There’s a thin line between pushing my limits for growth and overstepping into potential injury. I am inclined to challenge my boundaries and venture beyond what feels comfortable. Yet, this eagerness is tempered by a cautious mindfulness of my physical limits.

The journey of personal fitness is punctuated by moments of triumph and trials of recalibration. Each decision to modify my workout plan is not merely a response to the immediate feedback from my body but a reflection of a more profound commitment to sustainable growth. The path is not linear; it zigzags, mirroring the ebbs and flows of motivation and physical capability. Yet, this journey is rewarding, offering lessons in resilience, patience, and the art of listening—to both my body’s silent whispers and loud protests.

As I navigate this journey, the insights gleaned extend beyond the confines of physical fitness. They speak to a broader philosophy of life, where ambition and caution must coexist, where the pursuit of growth must be balanced with the wisdom of restraint. This delicate balance is not static; it evolves with each workout, each reflection, and each decision to adjust the weights.


Rediscovering My Running Routine After the Thaw

I find myself infused with a modest surge of excitement today as the thaw has finally made the roads passable for running. The grip of winter has loosened slightly, allowing me to entertain the thought of hitting the pavement once more after a hiatus of just over a week. Unlike the often snowy expanses of the northern United States, where the white blanket is a familiar scene, Nashville presents a unique challenge with its icy conditions. The slippery roads here make the prospect of running not just daunting but potentially perilous. Given these conditions, I made the cautious choice to forego my outdoor runs.

The interruption in my running routine stirred a flicker of concern within me—a worry that this break might slow or set me back. However, I quickly silenced these pessimistic thoughts, reassuring myself of the resilience and adaptability of my body and spirit. The brief pause, I reminded myself, would not be a significant hindrance. Indeed, I should focus on the positive, anticipating the joy and fulfillment of resuming my runs. The prospect of getting back on track, feeling the rhythm of my feet against the ground, is a source of genuine happiness.

During these inactive days, I’ve noticed a tangible shift in my nightly routine—sleep has been more elusive, a direct consequence of my body’s lack of physical exhaustion. And now, as if to test my resolve, the forecast promises a morning of rain. Running under a downpour is far from ideal, often feeling more like a chore than a pleasure. Yet, I consider it, hopeful for a brief respite in the weather that might allow for a dry run. Fortunately, the forecast does not predict thunderstorms, which means that while the run may be soggy, it won’t be hazardous. With this knowledge, I steel myself for the challenge, determined to push through the discomfort.

Reflecting on this period of enforced rest, I realized that running has become an integral part of my life. It’s not merely a physical activity but a mental and emotional lifeline, a ritual that sustains me. The snow, with all its silence and stillness, has inadvertently illuminated the profound significance of this habit in my life. It’s a reminder of the resilience required in the face of winter’s chill and all aspects of life’s unpredictable journey.

This experience, this temporary pause, has only deepened my appreciation for the ability to run, move, and feel the earth beneath my feet. It’s a testament to the enduring human spirit, to our capacity to face obstacles, whether icy roads or internal doubts, and to emerge stronger, more committed, and more grateful for the simple, profound joy of running.

Running Into Inspiration: How My Exercise Routine Became a Source of Motivation for Others


December 5, 2023

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday’s run was more than just a typical exercise session; it became a moment of unexpected introspection and community connection. While jogging, I encountered a neighbor’s father who felt compelled to introduce himself and inquire about my running habits. As we chatted, he casually mentioned that my dedication to running inspired him. This brief exchange, filled with friendly small talk and a promise to greet me by name in the future, left a lasting impression as I continued my run.


This wasn’t the first time someone had expressed how my regular exercise routine had inspired them. It’s the second such instance, and I must confess that I grapple with a feeling akin to imposter syndrome each time it happens. Despite the sincerity in their words, I find myself questioning the validity of their admiration. I attribute their praise partly to politeness and curiosity. Still, there’s a growing realization that there might be more.


In these moments of doubt, I ponder the depth of my actions’ impact on others. The thought of being someone’s inspiration, especially in a domain as personal and challenging as fitness, is humbling and daunting. It’s a shallow sensation, this doubt, yet it’s persistent. It’s easy to dismiss compliments as mere niceties. Still, the repeated occurrence of such incidents leads me to confront a new reality.


The responsibility of being an inspiration, even if unintended, is something I had yet to anticipate when I started my fitness journey. My initial goals were personal – to improve my health and well-being. However, the interactions with my neighbor’s father and others have shed light on a broader impact. It’s not just about the physical transformation or the discipline of a regular exercise routine. It’s about the ripple effect of one’s actions on the community.


Facing this reality, I’m contemplating how to harness this influence positively. While directing them to this blog to read about my experiences and thoughts is an option, there’s potential for a more productive engagement. Sharing more about the challenges and triumphs of my fitness journey could provide a more relatable and motivating narrative for others. Creating a space for shared experiences and tips could foster a supportive community around fitness and well-being.


In conclusion, the fitness journey is often viewed as a solitary endeavor focused on personal goals and self-improvement. However, my experiences have shown me that it can transcend individual boundaries. Our actions, no matter how small or routine they seem, can inspire and motivate those around us. This realization is a testament to the power of community and a call to embrace the unexpected roles we may find ourselves in. As I continue my running and fitness journey, I remain open to the possibilities and responsibilities that come with being an unintended source of inspiration.

Mapping Out the Fitness Journey: From Pushups to Pullups

Hello Dear Readers,


As the year progresses, I am inching closer to a significant milestone in my fitness journey. Those following my updates will remember that I chose to diversify my workout regimen when the year began. I expanded my running schedule to include pushups, pull-ups, and planks. It was both a challenge and a test of my determination and today, I’m proud to share the fruits of that decision.


Reflecting on my early days, pull-ups seemed like the Mount Everest of exercises. Completing even one felt like an achievement. I’d dangle, struggle, and barely pull myself up most days. But as with any journey, persistence plays a pivotal role. Each day, I felt my strength growing, my endurance increasing, and my spirits elevating. From that singular, challenging pull-up, I’ve made my way to confidently doing 14. It’s a testament to what dedication and consistency can accomplish.


My set goal is to hit the 20-pullup mark. It’s ambitious, given where I began, but now, more than ever, it’s within my reach. However, as I approach this goal, I’ve been pondering the evolution of my workout routine. A part of me believes that after achieving 20 pull-ups, the benefits of this specific routine might start plateauing. That’s where the next phase of my fitness journey will commence.


Tucked away in my home are some hand weights – silent reminders of workouts of the past. I’ve contemplated incorporating them into my current routine or transitioning to a new regimen centered around them. Designing this new routine, however, requires some planning. I need to decide on the specific exercises, the number of sets and repetitions, and the weight I should start with.


While I’m optimistic about achieving my target of 20 pull-ups in the coming weeks, I also understand the importance of foresight. I want to avoid hitting my goal and then standing at a crossroads, unsure where to go next. Hence, even as I push myself harder daily to achieve my current plan, I’m sketching the roadmap for my next fitness destination.


In sharing this, I aim to inspire those who are reading. Setting goals, working towards them, and then re-evaluating and developing new ones is the essence of growth in fitness and every sphere of life. My journey from one pull-up to 14 (and soon 20) is more than just a tale of physical progress; it’s a story of perseverance, dedication, and the belief that our limits are only as confining as we allow them to be.


So, whether you’re embarking on your fitness journey or any other personal challenge, remember that every small step counts, every day of effort compounds, and every goal achieved pave the way for a new one.

Wishing you all strength and perseverance in your journeys,