A New Focus – Posture

Written July 28, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday, my wife made a rather unsettling observation: my posture has visibly deteriorated. I’ve been vaguely aware of it, but hearing it from her made the issue into sharp focus. I’ve always had a habit of slouching—whether sitting in my chair or standing. Over the years, this bad habit has become more ingrained, almost second nature. What concerned my wife even more was when she spoke with my mother and discovered that she, too, had had difficulties maintaining proper posture due to bone alignment issues. This conversation made my wife think that my posture problems might be rooted in something similar.

This concern isn’t just about appearances or comfort. Poor posture can lead to various health issues, some extending beyond the apparent back pain or muscle stiffness. My wife, who has always been attentive to my well-being, pointed out that poor posture can adversely affect how we breathe and potentially negatively impact the health of our internal organs. Considering that I’m already dealing with compromised kidney function, the idea of adding more health complications to the mix is not something I take lightly.

Honestly, I can’t recall when I consciously maintained proper posture for any significant period. It’s one of those things I’ve always known I should do but never really attempted to correct. Perhaps it’s because the immediate consequences of poor posture aren’t always obvious, so it’s easy to let it slide. However, now that my wife has brought it to my attention, I’m realizing how important it is to address this issue before it leads to more severe problems.

Moving forward, I’ve decided to make a concerted effort to improve my posture. I plan to periodically assess how I’m sitting and standing throughout the day and make adjustments as needed. I know this won’t be an overnight change. Still, if I can consistently correct my posture, I believe it will feel more natural over time. The goal is to reach a point where good posture becomes the norm, and I won’t have to consciously think about it as much.

Of course, I’m unsure what benefits to expect from improving my posture. However, failing to correct it could lead to more significant skeletal issues caused by the excess strain that poor posture places on various body parts. This realization has made me even more determined to make this change.

My wife has also suggested that I consult a professional, such as a doctor or chiropractor, to better understand what might be contributing to my poor posture and how best to address it. It might be something as simple as strengthening my back muscles, or perhaps there’s a need for spinal alignment. Since neither of us is qualified to make these determinations, I’ll discuss this with my general practitioner at my next appointment. In the meantime, I’m committed to being more mindful of how I carry myself and making a conscious effort to sustain better posture throughout the day.

This journey toward better posture is just beginning. While I’m uncertain of the challenges and outcomes that lie ahead, I’m optimistic that this small change could have a meaningful impact on my overall health. I’m grateful to my wife for bringing this to my attention and for her continued support in helping me make these necessary adjustments.

Back To 10K Runs In the Heat

Written July 27, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Today is a Saturday, and like most Saturdays, I aim to complete a 10k run. However, I haven’t been able to stick to this goal consistently due to the heat, which makes running quite uncomfortable. To address this, I’ve adjusted my schedule and run early in the morning when the temperature is more relaxed. This change has allowed me to start doing 10k runs again recently.

My nephrologist recommended using a running app to track my progress, so I tried it. I completed my weekly 10k run this morning, but around the 8-kilometer mark, I lost focus and couldn’t remember how far I had run. Thankfully, I’m very familiar with my route, so I kept going until the app announced my distance. Hearing the app’s voice confirming that I had reached my goal was a relief.

I use a free app from Asics that provides updates at set intervals. I’ve configured it to announce my progress every minute, which helps me stay motivated and on track. My wife, however, finds frequent updates distracting and has her app set to announce every five minutes. It’s interesting how we each find different ways to stay focused during our runs.

I’m pleased to have completed another 10k run, although I felt exhausted afterward. I suspect that my body is adjusting after not running this distance regularly for a while. In 2023, I ran 10k thrice a week, so not keeping up that frequency has likely impacted my stamina. While I can still complete the distance, my pace has plateaued, and pushing myself to run faster during 10k runs has been challenging.

I’ve focused more on 5k runs weekly to improve my speed. Running shorter distances allows me to concentrate on increasing my pace without the fatigue of longer runs. This adjustment is a more manageable approach for now. In the future, I may need to revise my running schedule further, but for now, I’ll continue with this plan.

Getting back into the routine of regular 10k runs has been a rewarding experience, even if it is only once a week. I’m eager to see how my performance improves with consistent training. The journey back to my previous fitness level is challenging. Still, I’m confident that I’ll continue to make progress with perseverance and the right strategy.

Key To Change Yourself Better Is Leaning From Your Mistakes

Written 6/26/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Sometimes, taking care of our bodies means working toward improving small things. Recently, I had the experience of getting a disappointing lab result, which turned out to be because I was too dehydrated. I now make sure every day that I drink 1.5 – 2.0 liters of water, which is the recommended intake for my body.

Before my kidney failure, I ignored how much I drank or anything like that. When you get hit with trauma such as a brain stroke, you start to wonder what you have been doing all wrong. Well, there are no benefits in crying about my past. All I had to do was make changes to my lifestyle to sustain my kidneys’ health. It is a trial-and-error process. It is a long process, as sometimes you do not see the results as fast as you want.

After the last lab experience, this will not happen to me again. The level of activities or external environmental factors such as weather can drastically impact your body. Sometimes, I need to adjust the amount of water I am drinking.

Making this little change into a habit is tricky. For example, I started mowing the lawn but needed to remember to take some water. It never occurred to me to bring a water bottle when I did a few hours of mowing. Interestingly, we are all cursed with habit no matter how much we try to change our past behaviors. Now, I know I have to keep hydrating. So, I stopped mowing, got water, and resumed rather than just pushing through without water.

It’s important to reinforce this good decision. Even small steps are worth taking and celebrating if they’re in the right direction. Making sure to stay hydrated is just one of those small steps that can have a big impact on overall health.

I’ve learned through this journey that maintaining health requires continuous effort and adaptation. It’s about listening to your body and making adjustments as needed. Sometimes, it’s easy to get caught up in daily routines and forget the essentials, like drinking enough water. But we can significantly improve our health by being mindful and making small, consistent changes.

For anyone dealing with similar issues, remember that it’s okay to make mistakes. The important thing is you will learn from them. It’s part of the process. The key is to keep trying and not give up. Every small change adds up over time, leading to better health and well-being.

It is crucial to take care of our bodies by making small improvements, like staying properly hydrated. My experience has taught me the importance of paying attention to my body’s needs and making necessary adjustments. It’s a journey of trial and error, but we can achieve a healthier lifestyle with persistence and mindfulness.

Coping with Unexpected Kidney Function Changes

Written June 25, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday went well overall, but I received some concerning news from my nephrologist. Either the labs were taken on an off day for me, or my already compromised kidney function has significantly declined. My log showed no anomalies, so my doctor thinks it was a bad day, possibly due to dehydration. I’m hoping that the previous tests were conducted on such a day. More blood and urine samples were taken to retest, and I should have an update in a few days.

Receiving news like this can be really disheartening. I keep wondering what could have caused the sudden drop in my kidney function. I’ve been doing my best to follow all the recommendations from my doctor. It might be that a recent change in my medication is having an unexpected adverse effect, so reverting to my previous regimen could be necessary.

Regardless, aside from ensuring I continue to do what I know I should be doing, there is little else I can control. My wife always reminds me not to worry about things beyond my control.

There are two things I can improve. I can improve my hydration by not eating more than one Ganoral bar daily. Sometimes, due to the heat, I feel more dehydrated than usual. My doctor mentioned that the Ganora bars I’m taking are protein-based, so he’s not overly concerned, even though I sometimes eat a few of them per day. I just can’t allow myself any excuses for not drinking enough water or over-indulging in snacks.

A Day at the Nephrologist’s Office With My Wife

Written 6/24/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Today, I found myself at the nephrologist’s office instead of my usual Tuesday or Thursday appointment due to a schedule change initiated by the doctor’s office. 

Luckily, my wife was able to take a day off to join me today, turning the appointment into a little excursion. She’s been eager to meet my nephrologist, and we’ve also planned a treat for ourselves—a visit to the new cupcake store that just opened near us.

The appointment was set for right after lunchtime. My wife was all over the house, ticking off her to-dos before we headed out. The appointment only changes my daily schedule a little. Changing the appointment day meant I’d skip my usual run. Given today’s scorching heat, missing it seemed alright, rather desirable. I’d still fit in with my other exercises, keeping up with my usual activity level.

At the doctor’s office, I introduced my wife to my nephrologist, who welcomed us warmly. This was her first time meeting him. The usual health check followed, with him logging my blood pressure and heart rate from my smartphone, which I monitor constantly with my smartwatch. He also took note of my body weight and composition from my smart scale. He was looking for any sign of unusual changes. Ever since I had a brain stroke, I have had a smartwatch and intelligent scale to monitor those. It makes it much easier to detect any unusual signs. 

Unfortunately, my creatine and potassium levels were high, prompting the need for additional tests. My doctor thought it was similar to last summer when dehydration skewed my results since my logs did not seem unusual or bad at all. Despite my efforts to stay hydrated, I can quickly lose a few pounds of water by lawn mowing, resulting in summer yard work sometimes getting the better of me.

Post-appointment, we headed to that much-anticipated cupcake store. The cupcakes were not only a feast for the eyes but also delicious. I’m saving mine to enjoy after dinner, a sweet end to a day of health checks and treats.

Title: Refueling After Yard Work: Balancing Hunger and Health

Written 5/17/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday, I managed to complete mowing the remainder of the yard. This endeavor took a considerable amount of time and energy. Afterward, I found myself overwhelmingly hungry. This intense hunger isn’t unusual after three hours of strenuous physical activity. Yet, the quantity of food required to satiate this hunger surprised me. My post-activity meal consisted of a generous bowl of spaghetti, four granola bars, and a cookie. Only then did I feel the edge of my hunger dull—not full, just no longer hungry. I learned this important distinction from my grandparents, who emphasized it as a practical approach to maintaining a healthy weight.

Given the intensity of my hunger yesterday, I half-expected the scales this morning to suggest that my weight had dropped alarmingly low. I intend to maintain my current weight, so I need to be more mindful. The thought made me frown a bit. To my mild surprise, the scale showed that I was only half a pound lighter than the previous day, which was already slightly below the lower end of my desired weight range. I felt better. I can manage that by eating marginally more.

I make it a practice to regularly monitor my weight to ensure I maintain a healthy balance. On days like yesterday, when my physical activity leads to a higher calorie output than intake, it’s natural to see a slight decline in weight. Additionally, we are vigilant about our salt intake due to my high blood pressure issues. Even though salty foods tend to increase water retention, impacting weight measurements, I allow for what I consider an acceptable daily fluctuation—about 10% over or under my target weight.

As I prepare for my morning run, I’m curious how my robust eating from yesterday will influence today’s weight measurement. It’s a delicate balance, managing food intake against physical activity and overall health, and it’s a journey that always keeps me engaged and attentive to my body’s needs.

Navigating through these challenges, I continue to learn more about my body’s responses and how best to maintain a stable and healthy weight while still enjoying the foods I love and the activities that keep me fit. This balancing act is not just about numbers on a scale; it’s about feeling good, staying healthy, and living life to the fullest.

A Night of Forgotten Steps: An Encounter with Sleepwalking

Written 5/2

Hello Dear Readers,

Last evening unfolded with a most unusual occurrence. As usual, I retired for the night at our standard bedtime. The evening routine was methodical, almost mechanical, in its execution—a necessary ritual since the stroke that urged a restructuring of my daily habits. But at 2:00 AM, I awoke to find myself standing in our bathroom, bewildered and piecing together fragments of memory that suggested I had been elsewhere in the house mere moments ago.

The sensation was disorienting. Had I neglected my bedtime rituals? The usual checklist ran through my mind in a haze. Did I remember to brush my teeth? A rush of confusion overwhelmed me as though a veil had been draped over my memories. Soon, a small but significant discovery alleviated one of my concerns: I was wearing my mouthguard. This small cue hinted at the likelihood that I had completed at least part of my nightly regimen.

This practice of linking tasks, a method instilled by my occupational therapist post-stroke, has been a lifeline. It involves a simple chain of nighttime preparations: laying out sleepwear, setting aside clothes for the following day, brushing teeth, and finally, the mouthguard. Each step is meticulously planned to ensure everything is remembered.

However, the mystery deepened as I questioned whether I had managed other essential evening tasks. Had I taken my medication? Was the programmable coffee pot set for the morning? Driven by a need for reassurance, I checked both. They were in order, to my relief, yet this brought little comfort against the nagging confusion that clouded my mind.

In my semi-awake state, I grappled with two possibilities. First, I had been sleepwalking, wandering about the house in a nocturnal haze until a flicker of awareness returned in the bathroom. The alternative was perhaps even more bizarre—a vivid dream in which I moved through familiar spaces in our home, only to awaken when I reached the bathroom.

Each theory seemed plausible yet left much unexplained. As I slipped back into bed, careful not to disturb my sleeping wife, the strangeness of the night’s events hung heavily in the air. The experience was perplexing, to say the least. I lay there, a mix of concern and curiosity stirring within, pondering the depths of the human mind and its mysterious workings during the hours meant for rest.

Regardless of the proper explanation, the event poignantly reminded me of the complexities introduced by my health condition. The mechanisms I had put in place to safeguard against forgetfulness had held up. Yet, the unexpected venture into the night showed that surprises lurk even in well-planned routines.

As dawn approached, with the first hints of morning light filtering through our curtains, I found solace in the normalcy that daylight brought. Yet, the night’s journey left a lasting impression, a reminder of the delicate balance we maintain as we navigate the challenges that life and health cast in our path.

The Joys and Comforts of Returning Home from Vacation

Written 4/30/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

After a delightful break, it’s refreshing to be back in the comfort of our home. As invigorating as our getaway was, there’s a unique pleasure in returning to familiar surroundings and the daily rhythms of life. There’s nothing quite like the first night back in your own bed, complete with your favorite pillow and the comforting heft of a weighted blanket. Plus, it’s a relief to wake up on my own terms, without the early morning serenades from roosters, which was charming but less than restful!

Despite the fun and adventure, I did find myself missing the comforts of home, especially the way we manage the temperature indoors. This isn’t about how the weather back in Tennessee was any better but how we regulate our indoor climate, which stands out particularly during travels. Whether we’re headed to places known for their sweltering summers, like Florida or Tennessee, public places often seem to overcompensate with their air conditioning. This has been a consistent discomfort for me. I struggle with regulating my body temperature—too chilled indoors and overwhelmed by the heat outside.

My wife firmly believes that such extreme fluctuations in temperature aren’t just uncomfortable but could be harmful to our health. She argues that frequent, sharp changes in temperature force our bodies to adjust, potentially straining our autonomic nerves constantly. This concern is more than theoretical for us; following a stroke I experienced, maintaining a steady, “natural” temperature has become essential for my comfort. My wife’s approach to managing our home’s environment—keeping it at a steady 65°F (about 18°C) in winter and a mild 74°F (around 23°C to 24°C) in summer—has been a blessing. It has made me particularly sensitive to and appreciative of our home’s stable climate.

I find the stark contrast between the overly chilled interiors of many public spaces during summer and the excessively heated ones in winter increasingly troublesome. While businesses might think they are providing relief from the outside temperatures, the severity of the indoor cooling can be quite jarring. This is particularly poignant for someone like me, whose ability to adapt to temperature changes has been compromised.

Our recent vacation was yet another reminder of the value of the carefully controlled climate we’ve cultivated at home. It underscores how significant seemingly mundane aspects of our environment are to our comfort and health. As we resume our regular life, I am grateful not only for the experiences and memories we gathered while away but also for the renewed appreciation for the tranquility and stability of our home.

In conclusion, while vacations are a wonderful escape from the norm, they also sharpen our awareness of the comforts and conveniences of our everyday lives that we often take for granted. Returning home has not only given me back my comfortable sleeping arrangements but also renewed my gratitude for our ability to control our living environment, keeping it as welcoming and healthy as possible.

Rediscovering My Passion for Running: A Journey with Runkeeper

Written on March 3, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

After a brief hiatus of a few weeks, I finally laced up my running shoes again for a refreshing 10k run. This wasn’t just any run but my inaugural journey since I integrated a new virtual running companion into my routine—Runkeeper. Recommended by my nephrologist, the app was developed by Asics. Runkeeper has quickly proven to be an invaluable addition to my training arsenal, bringing a new level of engagement to my runs.

One of the standout features that I’ve come to appreciate about Runkeeper is its ability to provide me with audio cues regarding my pace at every half-kilometer mark. This small but significant detail has been a game-changer, encouraging me to dig deeper and push my limits further with each stride. The thought of tweaking the settings to receive these updates every quarter kilometer has crossed my mind. While I’m slightly wary of the potential annoyance from an increased frequency of alerts, curiosity is nudging me towards trying it to see how it might intensify my motivation.

Another aspect of Runkeeper that resonates with me is its ability to monitor my running shoes’ mileage. This feature serves as a poignant reminder of a valuable lesson from my wife: the importance of managing the lifespan of my running shoes. Wearing shoes past their prime diminishes their support and can harm my body. Thankfully, Runkeeper offers this tracking service without any added cost, embodying everything I desire in a running app—efficiency, practicality, and foresight.

Incorporating these features into my running regimen has ignited a newfound motivation, propelling me towards greater achievements. The aftermath of my recent 10k—the soreness in my legs and the general fatigue I’ve been feeling—is a testament to the effort and determination I poured into that run. Despite these temporary discomforts, the sense of accomplishment that enveloped me post-run was unparalleled. It was a vivid reminder of why I run—not just for the physical benefits but for each completed journey’s profound sense of fulfillment and pride.

In essence, Runkeeper has not just been a tool for tracking and improving my runs; it has rekindled my passion for running, inspiring me to continually challenge myself and strive for my personal best. The fitness journey is fraught with ups and downs, but with the right tools and a resilient spirit, every step is closer to achieving one’s goals.

A Day Out of Sync: Navigating Schedule Slip-Ups and Seasonal Shifts

Written on February 10, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

From the moment I woke up, I knew something was off. My morning run, usually the first accomplishment of my day, was delayed, setting a domino effect in motion that threw my entire schedule into disarray. This hiccup directly resulted from my decision to burn the midnight oil, leading to an inevitable oversleeping and a disrupted day ahead. To attempt a semblance of normalcy, I considered halving my usual 10k run to a 5k, hoping to claw back some time. It’s a bummer, to say the least.

Reflecting on the cause of today’s scheduling mishap is crucial for me. I aim to understand what went wrong to avoid repeating the same errors. The changing seasons are a significant factor contributing to my delayed start and overall time mismanagement. 

Recently, we’ve experienced a spell of warm, rainy days, making the initiation of my runs more challenging than usual. Motivation is complex when the weather acts as a deterrent. However, I recognize that this is but a temporary phase. Soon, the weather will settle, and early morning runs will become essential to beat the heat.

My delay in hitting the sack last night also played a pivotal role in today’s delayed start. In an unusual move, I opted out of my regular melatonin dose, thinking it unnecessary given the late hour and my level of fatigue. My rationale was that my body wouldn’t have ample time to process the supplement before my wake-up, potentially leaving me groggier than if I’d skipped it. While this decision seemed logical then, it didn’t sufficiently mitigate the effects of my late-night.

This experience has led me to a critical conclusion: maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is integral to the smooth flow of my day. No matter how minor they seem at the moment, Deviations can lead to a ripple effect, disrupting my routine and productivity. As I navigate through these seasonal adjustments and try to balance my health and productivity, today serves as a reminder of the delicate interplay between our plans and the realities we face. It’s a lesson in adaptability, self-awareness, and the constant pursuit of balance amidst life’s inevitable shifts.