Let’s Make Our Homemade Meal Kits

Written 6/23/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

We initially subscribed to Hello Fresh Meal Preparation Kits, which cater to individuals with busy lifestyles seeking variety in their meals. My wife encouraged me to broaden my culinary skills beyond my limited set of recipes, which I tended to repeat. My wife thought I was ready to take on more recipes. This is one type of rehabilitation we implemented for my brain recovery. You see, cooking requires a lot of planning and coordinating.

My wife thought learning about portion control was the most valuable takeaway from using Hello Fresh. Despite our regular exercise routines, we found ourselves overeating. I am quite good at mindful eating, but sometimes, I also overeat. Given my dietary restrictions, I sometimes indulge in foods not typically on my list, like pasta, making portion management even more crucial.

What I appreciated about Hello Fresh was its straightforward recipes. My wife enjoyed tweaking these recipes, ensuring I always had something new to try. I’ve consistently found the recipes manageable and have never encountered any issues preparing them.

Sometimes, we feel the foods are salty. Please don’t take me wrong. Hello Fresh probably uses the recommended sodium in their meal kit. Since we have been on limited sodium intake for so long, we find many foods to be saltier than we were used to. 

Motivated by our experience, my wife aspired to create our own meal kits. We used approximately 6 months of Hello Fresh. My wife was learning from the kits. She said she is ready to create her own. She began by crafting her spice mixes, which were lower in salt or completely herb-based, avoiding excessive sodium. She also made substitutions to accommodate my kidney health or to use up leftovers, thus minimizing food waste. She started tracking any food waste to learn from previous oversights and improve our efficiency.

She took on the role of meal planner, preparing weekly kits each week and leaving a day to experiment with new recipes, hoping to expand our meal variety further.

We organized the meal kits using color-coded reusable plastic bags. My wife prepared all the seasonings on Saturdays, placing them in the bags along with the recipes and necessary ingredients.

Our first week of implementing our homemade meal kit system was a success. I measured out the spices, sauces, and seasoning mixes, all of which my wife had pre-made. The process required minimal effort on my part, and my wife was pleased with the meals produced and eager to continue this routine.

A Slippery Delivery: Navigating Winter Challenges

Written on January 22, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

This incident brought back memories of a recent struggle faced by my wife. Just a day prior, she had endeavored to tackle the same hill on her way to work, only to fail despite multiple attempts. Her resignation was a testament to the hill’s impassable state. Sharing the delivery van’s story with her, we found common ground in acknowledging the hill’s daunting challenge.

A part of me harbors guilt for the delivery personnel who braved such treacherous conditions to fulfill their duties. While a beautiful spectacle, the winter weather can transform familiar routes into hazardous obstacles, testing the resolve and skill of those who navigate them. Our delivery driver’s experience serves as a reminder of the unseen struggles that often accompany the convenience of home deliveries, especially in the grip of winter’s icy hold.

As we sat down to enjoy our Hello Fresh meal, our thoughts lingered on the challenges faced by those who work tirelessly to bring comfort and normalcy to our lives, regardless of the weather. It’s a humbling reflection that deepens our appreciation for the simple joys and conveniences we often take for granted.

In these moments, we’re reminded of the resilience and dedication of individuals who ensure that life goes on, even when nature throws its icy curves. It’s a testament to the human spirit’s perseverance, a quality that shines brightest against winter’s chill.

Snowy Disruptions in Nashville: A Tale of Delayed Deliveries

Written on January 16, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Nashville has once again draped itself in a rare blanket of snow, continuing the trend we’ve noticed since relocating to Tennessee in 2018. While the snowfall itself is a manageable ordeal, the cascading effect on our routine deliveries has turned this week into a minor saga of inconvenience.

Our doorstep has seen a conspicuous absence of deliveries in the wake of the snow. Our anticipated Hello Fresh box, a cornerstone of our weekly meal planning, has yet to be found. Similarly, our water delivery has been paused, and the usual sight of the garbage truck trundling down the street has been notably missing. It’s a trifecta of disruption that, while not catastrophic, certainly tilts the scale towards annoyance.

Thankfully, foresight in water storage has us covered until the next delivery cycle, ensuring we won’t be parched for a while. And while the absence of our Hello Fresh shipment throws a wrench into our meal routine, it’s hardly a sentence to culinary monotony. We have enough provisions to pivot and adapt, albeit with a slight grumble over the inconvenience.

Introducing Hello Fresh into our household was a strategic move to alleviate the meal planning burden on my wife’s shoulders. With her schedule leaving little room for the weekly meal prep ritual, the service has been a boon, ensuring we have a clear plan and the necessary ingredients for each meal. The current pause, however, leaves us missing the predictability and convenience we’d come to appreciate.

An update from Hello Fresh on our delivery status would be welcome. However, I understand the unpredictability of weather-related delays. Patience will be our meal of choice until the situation clears. In the meantime, we’re far from a state of culinary despair. Our pantry and freezer are stocked with various dry goods, rice, and an assortment of frozen vegetables and meats—a testament to our preparedness for such interruptions.

While the absence of our scheduled deliveries demands a return to more traditional meal planning and preparation, it’s a manageable detour. The presence of staples like dried chickpeas ensures that our dinners may require a bit more creativity and effort in the coming days; the specter of hunger remains a distant concern.

Reflecting on the situation is a reminder of the small dependencies we develop on modern conveniences and the resilience required when those systems momentarily falter. Snow in Nashville, it seems, brings more than just a change in scenery—it brings a lesson in adaptability and patience seasoned with a dash of unexpected simplicity.

Rediscovering My Culinary Skills: A Stroke Survivor’s Journey with Hello Fresh

December 6, 2023


In a recent heartfelt moment, my wife observed a noticeable improvement in my cooking skills since we started using Hello Fresh. This observation holds a special significance for me. Before my stroke, I took pride in following recipes with precision. However, the aftermath of the stroke significantly impaired my culinary abilities, often leading to unsatisfactory and sometimes disastrous meal preparations.


Hello Fresh, widely recognized for its convenience in eliminating the hassle of recipe hunting and ensuring the availability of ingredients, has become more than just a food delivery service for me. It has transformed into an unexpected tool for rehabilitation and skill development. Initially, I appreciated Hello Fresh’s straightforward recipe format and the convenience of having all the necessary ingredients. This combination effectively removed two significant barriers to successful cooking: complex instructions and the frequent absence of ingredients.


But there’s more to it. As I continued using Hello Fresh, I noticed a gradual return to my previous cooking abilities. The easy-to-follow nature of their recipes played a crucial role in this. Familiarizing myself with recipe formats and rhythms has made cooking easier, which boosted my confidence in my culinary skills.


This experience has led me to view Hello Fresh from a different perspective. It’s not just a service that provides meal kits; it’s a culinary training program in disguise. For someone like me, recovering from a stroke and striving to regain lost skills, Hello Fresh has been unexpectedly beneficial. It’s more than just the convenience of prepared ingredients and selected recipes; it’s about restoring a skill that was once a source of pride.


I now recommend Hello Fresh not only for its evident benefits of convenience and taste but also as a tool for anyone looking to improve or regain their cooking skills. It has been a significant part of my journey to reclaim a part of my life that I thought was lost after my stroke. Each meal prepared is a step forward in my recovery, a testament to the role of cooking in healing and personal growth. Hello Fresh, in my experience, has proven to be an ally in this journey, making it an integral part of my culinary and individual rehabilitation.

A Twist in Our Pizza Day: Embracing Change and Finding Solutions


Written: Nov 26, 2023


Today marks another one of our cherished pizza days. However, a little twist cropped up last night. Surprisingly, I realized we had run out of chicken, typically a star topping on our pizza. This prompted a quick brainstorming session to think of suitable alternatives. By morning, I had a few ideas to discuss with my wife. We eventually settled on trying out turkey as a replacement for the day. It might be even more delightful than our usual chicken topping. This unexpected turn of events stems mainly from a recent shift in our regular meal routine.


Before our subscription with Hello Fresh, we regularly received our meat supplies from a service known as Butcherbox. However, since we started our journey with Hello Fresh, we’ve put our Butcherbox orders on hold. Hello Fresh conveniently includes the necessary meats in their recipe deliveries, which seemed like a perfect arrangement. Additionally, an impromptu grocery run for eggs, essential for the pumpkin pie we were making, resulted in us missing our usual shopping trip yesterday. While unlikely to happen often, this series of events has taught me an important lesson: to keep a closer watch on our chicken stock.


My wife often shares pearls of wisdom with me, one of which is particularly relevant in this scenario. She advises that when presenting a problem, it’s beneficial to have potential solutions ready. This advice initially meant for employees communicating with supervisors, proved invaluable last night. Discovering the absence of chicken, I quickly suggested a few alternatives to my wife. This approach, I’ve realized, is wider than workplace interactions. It’s a versatile strategy that can be applied in various aspects.