More Water To Keep My Kidney Healthy

Written July 30, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Since my last doctor’s appointment, I’ve become increasingly vigilant about my water intake. The results from my lab tests were a wake-up call, confirming that I was more dehydrated than I should have been. This realization has prompted me to take hydration more seriously, especially considering my compromised kidneys. Proper hydration is crucial for everyone, but it’s even more vital in my case. I’ve made significant changes to my daily routine to ensure I get enough water, particularly during the sweltering summer months when dehydration can sneak up on you quickly.

Living in Nashville, I’m no stranger to hot and humid weather. However, the past few weeks have brought an unusually intense wave of heat and humidity, making daily activities more challenging, especially those outdoors. The weather here has worsened, with temperatures soaring and the air thick with moisture. In response, I’ve had to rethink my outdoor schedule entirely. I’ve started getting up earlier to complete tasks like gardening before the heat becomes unbearable. Even at 7 A.M., stepping outside feels uncomfortable. Still, it’s far better than the near-torturous conditions that develop as the day progresses.

One of the most noticeable changes I’ve made is how I manage my water intake throughout the day. In the past, I might have taken hydration for granted. Still, I’m acutely aware of how much water I need, especially when working outside. Initially, keeping up with my increased water consumption was straightforward. However, as I began drinking more to cope with the heat, I nearly ran out of our water supply. Fortunately, our delivery arrived just in time to replenish our stock, avoiding what could have been a very uncomfortable situation.

Recognizing that our water consumption had increased significantly, we increased our delivery order to three bottles, totaling 15 U.S. gallons. This adjustment has been necessary, as my partner and I have been drinking more water than usual. It’s no surprise, given the oppressive heat. Still, it also made me realize how much I underestimated my hydration needs. Looking back, I can see that I wasn’t drinking nearly enough water, a mistake I can’t afford to make again, especially with my health condition.

This experience has underscored the importance of staying hydrated, particularly in extreme weather. It’s easy to overlook something as simple as drinking enough water, but it’s crucial for maintaining overall health. 

In the future, I plan to continue diligently monitoring my water intake, adjusting as needed depending on the weather and my activity levels. It’s a small change that can make a big difference, ensuring I stay healthy and hydrated no matter how hot it gets outside.

A Delicate Balance of Health and Habit – Staying Hydrated

Written July 6, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I’ve meticulously monitored my water intake to ensure my kidneys function more efficiently. I’ve integrated this routine into my daily schedule using my smartphone, as waiting until I feel thirsty usually indicates that I’m already too dehydrated.

Occasionally, my busy schedule leads me to miss these drinking reminders. Just last night, I was behind on my water quota, necessitating a late-evening rush to meet my goals. The result was less than ideal, as I had to wake up several times throughout the night to use the bathroom.

On one hand, it’s reassuring to know that my kidneys are functioning well enough to produce urine actively. I take some comfort in achieving my hydration goals, yet the disruption to my sleep is a trade-off I’m keen to avoid. It would be beneficial to complete my water intake earlier in the evening to minimize nighttime interruptions.

Managing my daily essentials—eating, drinking, exercising, working, and sleeping—sometimes feels overwhelming. Each element is crucial to my health, and maintaining a disciplined schedule seems to be the key to staying on track.

By closely monitoring my progress throughout the day, I aim to consistently meet or exceed my modest goal of 2 liters of water well before it’s time to wind down for bed. This proactive approach helps me stay hydrated and enhances my overall well-being by allowing for uninterrupted rest.

Key To Change Yourself Better Is Leaning From Your Mistakes

Written 6/26/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Sometimes, taking care of our bodies means working toward improving small things. Recently, I had the experience of getting a disappointing lab result, which turned out to be because I was too dehydrated. I now make sure every day that I drink 1.5 – 2.0 liters of water, which is the recommended intake for my body.

Before my kidney failure, I ignored how much I drank or anything like that. When you get hit with trauma such as a brain stroke, you start to wonder what you have been doing all wrong. Well, there are no benefits in crying about my past. All I had to do was make changes to my lifestyle to sustain my kidneys’ health. It is a trial-and-error process. It is a long process, as sometimes you do not see the results as fast as you want.

After the last lab experience, this will not happen to me again. The level of activities or external environmental factors such as weather can drastically impact your body. Sometimes, I need to adjust the amount of water I am drinking.

Making this little change into a habit is tricky. For example, I started mowing the lawn but needed to remember to take some water. It never occurred to me to bring a water bottle when I did a few hours of mowing. Interestingly, we are all cursed with habit no matter how much we try to change our past behaviors. Now, I know I have to keep hydrating. So, I stopped mowing, got water, and resumed rather than just pushing through without water.

It’s important to reinforce this good decision. Even small steps are worth taking and celebrating if they’re in the right direction. Making sure to stay hydrated is just one of those small steps that can have a big impact on overall health.

I’ve learned through this journey that maintaining health requires continuous effort and adaptation. It’s about listening to your body and making adjustments as needed. Sometimes, it’s easy to get caught up in daily routines and forget the essentials, like drinking enough water. But we can significantly improve our health by being mindful and making small, consistent changes.

For anyone dealing with similar issues, remember that it’s okay to make mistakes. The important thing is you will learn from them. It’s part of the process. The key is to keep trying and not give up. Every small change adds up over time, leading to better health and well-being.

It is crucial to take care of our bodies by making small improvements, like staying properly hydrated. My experience has taught me the importance of paying attention to my body’s needs and making necessary adjustments. It’s a journey of trial and error, but we can achieve a healthier lifestyle with persistence and mindfulness.

Coping with Unexpected Kidney Function Changes

Written June 25, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday went well overall, but I received some concerning news from my nephrologist. Either the labs were taken on an off day for me, or my already compromised kidney function has significantly declined. My log showed no anomalies, so my doctor thinks it was a bad day, possibly due to dehydration. I’m hoping that the previous tests were conducted on such a day. More blood and urine samples were taken to retest, and I should have an update in a few days.

Receiving news like this can be really disheartening. I keep wondering what could have caused the sudden drop in my kidney function. I’ve been doing my best to follow all the recommendations from my doctor. It might be that a recent change in my medication is having an unexpected adverse effect, so reverting to my previous regimen could be necessary.

Regardless, aside from ensuring I continue to do what I know I should be doing, there is little else I can control. My wife always reminds me not to worry about things beyond my control.

There are two things I can improve. I can improve my hydration by not eating more than one Ganoral bar daily. Sometimes, due to the heat, I feel more dehydrated than usual. My doctor mentioned that the Ganora bars I’m taking are protein-based, so he’s not overly concerned, even though I sometimes eat a few of them per day. I just can’t allow myself any excuses for not drinking enough water or over-indulging in snacks.

Hydration Hacks for Outdoor Activities: A Personal Journey with Kidney Care

Written on June 7th, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday was a successful day in my ongoing battle against the ever-growing grass in my yard. As I pushed the mower back and forth under the sweltering sun, I made it a point to keep myself well-hydrated—a critical practice not just for my general health but particularly vital due to my kidney issues.

Hydration is essential for everyone, healthy or otherwise, but it becomes even more crucial when managing kidney dysfunction. While at a rehabilitation center, healthcare professionals emphasized the importance of drinking at least 2 liters of water daily. The kidneys play a pivotal role in filtering our blood and producing urine. Dehydration can lead to a higher concentration of minerals in your urine, which can crystallize and pose risks to kidney health. Ensuring adequate fluid intake helps the kidneys efficiently remove waste from the body.

Living in Nashville, where summer temperatures often soar above 95°F (35°C), staying active outdoors requires strategic planning, especially given my health condition. Whether running my regular routes or tending to my garden, I pause every 30 minutes to drink water. Although slightly disruptive, hydration breaks are non-negotiable for someone with kidney issues like mine. It takes a moment to muster the energy to continue my task each time, but maintaining optimal hydration levels is a top priority.

Despite the challenges, my kidney dysfunction doesn’t deter me from enjoying and engaging in outdoor activities. It’s all about adapting and finding ways to manage my condition while still living actively. This balance is crucial not only for my physical health but also for my mental well-being. Staying active and outdoors keeps me invigorated and connected to the world around me.

In conclusion, managing kidney health doesn’t mean you have to give up your active lifestyle. With the proper precautions, like regular hydration breaks, anyone can continue enjoying the benefits of outdoor activities. It’s about listening to your body, understanding its needs, and adjusting to support your health. This means venturing too far with a water bottle in hand and always planning for necessary pauses that allow me to stay hydrated and healthy.