Starting the Year with a Run and Some Irish Coffee

Written January 1, 2025

Hello Dear Readers,

It’s the first day of the new year, and guess what? I’ve already checked off my first run. Did I crush my target pace? Not quite. But hey, let’s not dwell on that. Instead, let’s celebrate the fact that my pace today was a world away from where it was at the start of last year. Progress is progress, right? And for me, that’s more than enough to lace up my running shoes again on Friday.

This year, I’ve set my sights on reducing my target pace time further. Now, don’t get me wrong—I’m not gunning for Olympic speed or anything. But I’m all about inching closer to my goals, one step (or one run) at a time. That said, I know my biggest nemesis is just around the corner: cold weather. The kind of cold that turns your breath into tiny clouds and makes your fingers question why you didn’t just stay home. Winter running isn’t exactly my idea of a good time. Thankfully, I have a built-in weather barometer—my wife. She has this funny way of sensing bad weather before I even step outside. If her nose hurts, it’s guaranteed to be one of those frosty, windy days where the air feels like needles. Today, though, she didn’t mention a thing. That’s how I knew it wasn’t a lousy day to hit the pavement.

After that run, we eased into the new year with a quiet yet delightful New Year’s Eve celebration. No loud parties or midnight crowds for us—we kept it cozy, sipping Irish coffee and diving into a new board game called Abducktion. Yes, the name is as quirky as it sounds. It’s a strategy game involving alien abductions and ducks (yes, ducks), and I’d been itching to play it since Christmas. I don’t know who had more fun—me trying to outsmart my wife or her secretly plotting to obliterate my game strategy. Even though we were total rookies at it, the rules were simple, and we caught on quickly. By the time we wrapped up, we enjoyed the game so much that losing didn’t matter. (Okay, maybe it mattered a little. I’ll get her next time.)

What made the evening even better was that my wife made time to play. She’s a force of nature—always buzzing with projects and pouring her heart into everything she does. I admire that about her, but I also worry she doesn’t relax enough. Moments like this, where we’re just enjoying ourselves and letting go of the to-do lists, feel like little treasures. And honestly, seeing her smile while we strategized over alien ducks was the highlight of my day.So, here we are, stepping into the new year with laughter, Irish coffee, and a newfound love for board games. If this is any indication of what’s to come, 2025 is already off to a great start. Here’s to more runs, more laughs, and maybe even mastering Abducktion. Who’s ready for round two?

Goodbye Leaves, Hello New Year: A Cozy Countdown to 2025

Written December 31, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

It seems like our front yard tree had a wardrobe malfunction—it shed almost all its autumn attire during the windy weather this past week. Now, the yard looks like it’s hosting a fall leaf convention, and I’ve been playing the reluctant clean-up crew. My strategy has been to tackle the mess in short bursts whenever I can squeeze in the time. Today, I managed a good round of leaf collection and made noticeable progress. However, the leaves were a bit damp, thanks to rain earlier in the week, which made the process more of a wrestling match than a quick rake-and-dump. Despite my best efforts, there’s still a good chunk of the yard that needs attention. Looks like Thursday is going to be round two in the Great Leaf Battle.

The weather has been acting downright strange lately. Late December has felt more like an extended autumn—almost as if Demeter momentarily forgot to mourn for Persephone. My wife, ever the opportunist when it comes to cardio, has been taking full advantage of the unseasonal warmth. She’s been out there pounding the pavement, determined to make the most of these rare, mild days before 2025 inevitably brings the frost. Rest days? Not in her vocabulary. I’m pretty sure she considers them some kind of mythical creature—like unicorns or guilt-free dessert.

When we first met, I used to worry about her nonstop energy. Would she burn out? Would she ever just… relax? But over the years, I’ve realized that being busy is her happy place. Whether she’s running, planning, or tackling a new project, she thrives on momentum. Watching her in action is like watching a perfectly balanced storm—it’s chaos, but it works.

Meanwhile, today is New Year’s Eve, and things at our house have been a flurry of activity. My wife has been knee-deep in business prep, so I’ve taken on the role of house manager, running around to get everything in order. Between tidying up and ticking off the to-do list, I’ve been keeping the domestic ship afloat.

Even with all the busyness, we always make time to chat. Our conversations are mostly about books, ideas, and the occasional “what if” scenario. Honestly, it’s one of my favorite things about our relationship. We’re both a little nerdy and endlessly curious, so we never run out of things to talk about. Whether it’s debating the symbolism in a classic novel or brainstorming the next big idea, our conversations are as energizing as they are entertaining.

Tonight, though, we’re hitting pause on all the hustle to celebrate New Year’s Eve. Our plan? A cozy night with Irish coffee—a tradition we’ve lovingly adopted—and maybe, if I can convince her, a game night. I got a new board game for Christmas that I’m dying to try, but I should probably read the rules first. No one wants to start the new year by looking like they don’t know how to play their own game.

Here’s to a fun-filled evening and an even better 2025!