Coping with Unexpected Kidney Function Changes

Written June 25, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday went well overall, but I received some concerning news from my nephrologist. Either the labs were taken on an off day for me, or my already compromised kidney function has significantly declined. My log showed no anomalies, so my doctor thinks it was a bad day, possibly due to dehydration. I’m hoping that the previous tests were conducted on such a day. More blood and urine samples were taken to retest, and I should have an update in a few days.

Receiving news like this can be really disheartening. I keep wondering what could have caused the sudden drop in my kidney function. I’ve been doing my best to follow all the recommendations from my doctor. It might be that a recent change in my medication is having an unexpected adverse effect, so reverting to my previous regimen could be necessary.

Regardless, aside from ensuring I continue to do what I know I should be doing, there is little else I can control. My wife always reminds me not to worry about things beyond my control.

There are two things I can improve. I can improve my hydration by not eating more than one Ganoral bar daily. Sometimes, due to the heat, I feel more dehydrated than usual. My doctor mentioned that the Ganora bars I’m taking are protein-based, so he’s not overly concerned, even though I sometimes eat a few of them per day. I just can’t allow myself any excuses for not drinking enough water or over-indulging in snacks.

Understanding Kidney Function and Body Temperature After a Stroke

Hello Dear Readers,

The kidneys, those bean-shaped organs sitting pretty in our lower back, wear multiple hats when it comes to our body’s overall health. One of their most critical roles is regulating our body temperature. And, if, like me, you’ve faced the aftermath of a stroke, this role becomes even more evident. Post-stroke, I observed a peculiar change: I began to feel colder more easily. The culprit? A compromised kidney function.

The changing of seasons is a beautiful phenomenon to witness. Leaves changing colors, the transition from warm sunshine to chilly breezes, and the metamorphosis of our environment. However, these changes come with unique challenges for someone like me. As the calendar pages turn and the weather adopts a colder temperament, I’m jolted into the realization that my internal thermostat isn’t as reliable as it once was. Now, nature has its way, and human adaptability is a force to reckon with. 


My first line of defense against this new-found chill was to invest in a cozy bathrobe, ensuring I stayed warm indoors. And truth be told, it did its job wonderfully. But sometimes, when the cold was particularly nippy, even within the confines of my home, I had to call for backup. Enter the space heater, my trusted ally in my quest for warmth.


Yet, during the previous winter, I stumbled upon a revelation. It appeared that simple, short bursts of exercise could amp up my body’s heat production. Who would’ve thought? Not only did this approach provide warmth, but it also complemented my recovery goals. So, every couple of hours, I adopted a routine. A brief interlude of planking became my secret weapon against the cold. Just a minute or so was all it took to get my blood pumping and generate that much-needed warmth.


Though no one wishes to be caught in the uncomfortable grasp of cold, there’s a silver lining here. It brought forth an unexpected motivator, propelling me to be more active. While the cold sensation was a byproduct of my compromised kidney function post-stroke, it inadvertently pushed me to incorporate exercise into my routine, yielding multiple benefits.


In summary, as daunting as they may appear, life’s challenges often present us with hidden opportunities. Understanding my body post-stroke and adapting to its new needs has been a journey for me. But as with every journey, it’s the lessons learned and the growth experienced that truly matter. Stay warm and stay motivated, dear readers.