It Is So Important To Find Balance Exercise and Health

Written August 24, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I woke up to a familiar but unwelcome sensation—muscle pain. My glutes were exceptionally sore, and I quickly connected the discomfort to yesterday’s yard work. Squatting down repeatedly to pull weeds around the front yard was more of a workout than anticipated. While yard work isn’t typically considered exercise, it was enough to challenge my muscles, and the soreness is a clear sign. However, I like to think of it as a two-for-one deal—I got rid of the weeds and gained some strength along the way.

One of the challenges I face due to my kidney condition is managing my protein intake. Unlike the average healthy male, who can consume about 10% of their weight in protein, I’m restricted to a much lower amount. Protein plays a crucial role in muscle repair, and this limitation can make my recovery slower than I’d prefer. Given my active lifestyle, I know my muscles won’t heal as quickly as they would. Still, I try to strike a balance between staying fit and managing my health restrictions.

Saturdays are typically my day for a 10k run. It’s become a personal ritual I look forward to each week. I especially enjoy seeing my neighbors working on their lawns in the early hours, trying to beat the summer heat. Something is calming about watching them tend to their yards while I’m out for a run. However, today’s run was far from relaxing. The soreness in my muscles made running more difficult. After a few kilometers, I decided to cut the run short. Instead of my usual 10k, I settled for 5k. While it’s not my ideal distance, I felt it was the right decision given the circumstances.

My wife, who also runs, takes a more flexible approach to her training. She adjusts her pace and distance based on how she feels but ensures she gets at least 20 minutes of running, even when she feels off. Her struggles are the opposite of mine—she deals with low heart rate and blood pressure, which can leave her feeling sluggish if she doesn’t get her morning exercise. Though she doesn’t have the same dietary restrictions I do, she’s diligent about counting her calories. I guess everyone has their health challenges to manage.

I’m reasonably satisfied as long as I can get one solid 10k run each month. These runs are essential for building my speed, and I don’t want to miss too many. With some rest, I hope my muscles will heal soon to return to my usual routine.

A Delicate Balance of Health and Habit – Staying Hydrated

Written July 6, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I’ve meticulously monitored my water intake to ensure my kidneys function more efficiently. I’ve integrated this routine into my daily schedule using my smartphone, as waiting until I feel thirsty usually indicates that I’m already too dehydrated.

Occasionally, my busy schedule leads me to miss these drinking reminders. Just last night, I was behind on my water quota, necessitating a late-evening rush to meet my goals. The result was less than ideal, as I had to wake up several times throughout the night to use the bathroom.

On one hand, it’s reassuring to know that my kidneys are functioning well enough to produce urine actively. I take some comfort in achieving my hydration goals, yet the disruption to my sleep is a trade-off I’m keen to avoid. It would be beneficial to complete my water intake earlier in the evening to minimize nighttime interruptions.

Managing my daily essentials—eating, drinking, exercising, working, and sleeping—sometimes feels overwhelming. Each element is crucial to my health, and maintaining a disciplined schedule seems to be the key to staying on track.

By closely monitoring my progress throughout the day, I aim to consistently meet or exceed my modest goal of 2 liters of water well before it’s time to wind down for bed. This proactive approach helps me stay hydrated and enhances my overall well-being by allowing for uninterrupted rest.

I Learned Something From My Bad Lab Result Last Week

Written July 5, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I recently received the second set of results from my latest kidney function tests, and it turns out that the previous decline in my kidney function was likely due to dehydration. This revelation came after days of insufficient water intake before the tests. My doctor had already suspected as much during my last visit, as there were no indicators of kidney failure in my health logs.

Monitoring key biometrics is essential for monitoring my kidney health. In 2015, we were still using a blood pressure machine. We were told to take my blood pressure several times a day. With my left hand not moving well from stroke, I switched to using a smartwatch to track various metrics such as blood pressure, heart rate, sleep patterns, and daily steps. I also keep tabs on my weight and body composition. Although the readings for body composition are estimates, they are still helpful in monitoring my overall health.

Speaking of which, our weight machine can calculate the percentage of water in my body, so I should also pay attention to the log and ensure that I am not dehydrated in the future.

Getting bad lab results was sucked, but this experience underscored the critical importance of hydration, particularly during warmer weather. Since then, I’ve made a concerted effort to increase my water consumption. 

The positive impact of staying well-hydrated was evident in my most recent lab results, which relieved my wife immensely. She had been quite concerned about the potential deterioration of my kidney health. Her relief was palpable, and it even sparked a discussion about making dietary adjustments. She’s considering incorporating more plant-based proteins into our meals a few times a week, a change aimed at supporting my kidney health.

The good news is that my kidneys are still functioning all right. The key takeaway for me is the importance of maintaining proper hydration. I’ve set a personal goal to ensure I consume at least two liters of water daily, not counting other beverages. This commitment to hydration is not just about improving my kidney function—it’s about enhancing my overall health and well-being.

Staying vigilant about hydration and closely monitoring my health metrics has been instrumental in managing my kidney health. It’s a reminder of how interconnected our body systems are and how lifestyle choices can significantly influence our health outcomes. Moving forward, I’ll continue to track my biometrics and adjust my habits as needed to support my kidney function and overall health.

How To Deal With Summer Run

Written 6/30/2024

reviewed 7/21

Hello Dear Readers,

I’ve adjusted my daily routine, particularly regarding my running schedule. After the last lab results, this was more of a necessary course of action. Typically, I hit the pavement in the afternoons. Still, with the steaming summer heat in Nashville proving both humid and intense, I’ve shifted my runs to the early mornings. I plan to maintain this change until the next time change on November 3, 2024.

The necessity to modify my routine stems primarily from my health. I manage a challenging kidney condition that frequently leaves me fatigued and makes physical activity more strenuous than it used to be. Staying well-hydrated is crucial for my condition, and last week, we concluded that I need to significantly increase my water intake to sustain my kidney functions. 

You can no longer compromise when you have very few kidney functions. I have to be totally committed to improving my kidneys. I’ve worked on this for nearly a decade and improved my kidney to level 3 from level 5. I know it is working. 

Suppose the hotter environment requires me to drink more to be adequately hydrated. I need to change the external environment in which I run. As we know, I am not a weather wizard who can magically change the actual weather; I just need to work around my schedule. Running in the cooler morning temperatures helps me meet these hydration needs more effectively, as I tend to sweat less than I would in the sweltering heat of the day.

My experience yesterday morning confirmed the wisdom of this adjustment. Running early in the cooler weather was markedly more pleasant. My wife prefers to complete most of her chores in the morning, including her own runs. She has often mentioned shifting her schedule to dodge the oppressive heat, which significantly impacts her running pace.

Having cooler rest days is an added benefit. At least, the weather will continue to trend towards more bearable temperatures next week. It’s been an exceptionally hot summer here in Nashville. Although it’s still June, and today marks the month’s end, we have two – three more months of heat to anticipate.

Adjusting my routine aligns better with the seasonal conditions. It supports my health needs, making each step on my morning runs easier on my body. It’s a reminder of the small, daily choices we can make to significantly improve our quality of life, even amid challenging health conditions.

Key To Change Yourself Better Is Leaning From Your Mistakes

Written 6/26/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Sometimes, taking care of our bodies means working toward improving small things. Recently, I had the experience of getting a disappointing lab result, which turned out to be because I was too dehydrated. I now make sure every day that I drink 1.5 – 2.0 liters of water, which is the recommended intake for my body.

Before my kidney failure, I ignored how much I drank or anything like that. When you get hit with trauma such as a brain stroke, you start to wonder what you have been doing all wrong. Well, there are no benefits in crying about my past. All I had to do was make changes to my lifestyle to sustain my kidneys’ health. It is a trial-and-error process. It is a long process, as sometimes you do not see the results as fast as you want.

After the last lab experience, this will not happen to me again. The level of activities or external environmental factors such as weather can drastically impact your body. Sometimes, I need to adjust the amount of water I am drinking.

Making this little change into a habit is tricky. For example, I started mowing the lawn but needed to remember to take some water. It never occurred to me to bring a water bottle when I did a few hours of mowing. Interestingly, we are all cursed with habit no matter how much we try to change our past behaviors. Now, I know I have to keep hydrating. So, I stopped mowing, got water, and resumed rather than just pushing through without water.

It’s important to reinforce this good decision. Even small steps are worth taking and celebrating if they’re in the right direction. Making sure to stay hydrated is just one of those small steps that can have a big impact on overall health.

I’ve learned through this journey that maintaining health requires continuous effort and adaptation. It’s about listening to your body and making adjustments as needed. Sometimes, it’s easy to get caught up in daily routines and forget the essentials, like drinking enough water. But we can significantly improve our health by being mindful and making small, consistent changes.

For anyone dealing with similar issues, remember that it’s okay to make mistakes. The important thing is you will learn from them. It’s part of the process. The key is to keep trying and not give up. Every small change adds up over time, leading to better health and well-being.

It is crucial to take care of our bodies by making small improvements, like staying properly hydrated. My experience has taught me the importance of paying attention to my body’s needs and making necessary adjustments. It’s a journey of trial and error, but we can achieve a healthier lifestyle with persistence and mindfulness.

I Improved My Kidney From Stage 5 to Stage 3

Written on July 7, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Reflecting on the strategies my wife and I implemented to improve my kidney health, I recalled a piece of simple yet profound advice: “If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” For my kidney health, this meant addressing the issues causing harm. My primary problem was high blood pressure. A nephrologist explained its impact on kidneys by comparing it to spraying water through a paper filter at high pressure, which can tear the paper. Although kidney filtration involves more chemical processes, the tissues involved are delicate.

The hole was my blood pressure in my case. To manage my condition, we made some changes to my medications, selecting ones less harsh on my kidneys and organizing them in a medication box to ensure I wouldn’t forget a dose.

Our approach was threefold: medication, diet, and exercise. Regularly monitoring my blood pressure helped us evaluate the effectiveness of these methods and make necessary adjustments.

We worked with our doctor to adjust some of the medication I was taking after the brain stroke. Some of the medication I was taking was invasive to my kidney. 

Dietary adjustments were crucial. My wife, who usually uses minimal salt, helped reduce our sodium intake further. We also cut down on store-bought processed foods, opting for homemade meals. I needed to carefully monitor my intake of proteins and phosphorus, frequently consulting food lists to avoid them. Cheese and chocolate, which I love a lot, are also included. It is not that I cannot eat them completely, but I have to be mindful about eating them. Although this required some adjustments, it was more manageable than anticipated.

Exercise also played a significant role. After experiencing a brain stroke, my wife, a runner, encouraged me to take up running. She had recommended me before, but this time, she was very adamant about it. She loves digging into neuroscience books way before my stroke. She thought the key was some cardio that used my legs. This was in 2016.

Starting with just over a mile, I gradually increased my distance. We went to pick up a pair of good Nike running shoes that year. That was my first serious pair of running shoes. My wife said it was like a ritual. Surprisingly, the pair of good running shoes motivated me. I was surprised to find out how much shoes impact your running. I gradually increased my running, and now I can run 10km without problems. In the beginning, I did not initially enjoy running, but now I enjoy running. I grew to appreciate it as it aided my brain’s recovery.

When I suffered the brain stroke, I was diagnosed with stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease, indicating severe damage with almost no kidney function remaining, necessitating my addition to the transplant list and starting peritoneal dialysis. However, nearly a decade later, with persistent efforts and lifestyle changes, my condition has improved to stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease, and I am no longer on the transplant list. This journey has taught me that kidney health can be restored with dedication.

Fighting with Chronic Fatigue with a Compromised Kidney Condition

Written 6/21/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Sometimes, despite my best efforts, I feel like I am coming up short. My body bears the brunt of this battle, feeling worn and tender with a mild, persistent ache across my muscles. My ongoing struggle with a kidney condition drains me, leaving me feeling like an empty shell—a zombie, if you will—utterly devoid of energy, craving nothing more than to remain motionless.

Then my thoughts drift back to last night. Even though I was physically spent, sleep eluded me. This isn’t a new ordeal; falling asleep has always been a monumental task for me, requiring intense focus—and ironically, when I’m exhausted, it feels as though I’m too tired even to sleep.

I can’t help but think that my physical condition is tied to these sleep challenges. Yesterday, for instance, I mowed the lawn, a particularly strenuous task. However, I managed to complete it without getting dehydrated, following my doctor’s strict advice to stay hydrated. 

Dehydration stresses my kidneys, forcing them to work overtime, so I conscientiously keep up my fluid intake. Sometimes, the heat in Nashville can be overwhelming. This June has been unusually hotter than usual, causing me to sweat excessively. The usual recommended amount of 1.5 liters of water isn’t sufficient anymore. This increase in heat and sweating means I’m likely not drinking enough water, leading to dehydration, which invariably makes it difficult to fall asleep.

Sleep, as we all know, is crucial. It’s become clear that I need to find better strategies to ease myself into rest. Being on numerous medications, I tread carefully around supplements or herbal remedies to avoid any potential interactions. My wife, who used to struggle with sleep herself, has found solace in meditation before bedtime. She was once a night owl, frequently battling to get some rest, but now, meditation helps her drift off quite swiftly.

Living with a kidney condition that leads to chronic fatigue is a constant balancing act. Every day, I have to be mindful of my physical activities, hydration, and sleep preparation. It’s a comprehensive approach, looking after not just my kidney health but my overall well-being. Managing this condition is not just about following doctor’s orders—it’s about adjusting my lifestyle to accommodate my body’s needs.

I’ve learned that self-care is not just a practice but a necessity. It involves listening deeply to my body’s signals and responding patiently and kindly. Whether it’s choosing to rest instead of pushing through another chore or remembering to hydrate diligently, these small decisions significantly impact my quality of life.

As I continue to navigate this journey, I find strength in the small victories—completing daily tasks without compromising my hydration, gradually finding what helps me unwind and rest, and learning from each experience. Living with a chronic condition isn’t just about managing symptoms. It’s about understanding and adapting to your body’s new limits and finding ways to live within them peacefully and productively.

To those who might be on a similar path, know that it’s okay to feel overwhelmed at times. It’s okay to feel like you’re not doing enough, even when you’re doing all you can. The key is exploring, adjusting, and finding what works for you. Patience, persistence, and self-compassion are your best tools on this journey.

Hydration Hacks for Outdoor Activities: A Personal Journey with Kidney Care

Written on June 7th, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday was a successful day in my ongoing battle against the ever-growing grass in my yard. As I pushed the mower back and forth under the sweltering sun, I made it a point to keep myself well-hydrated—a critical practice not just for my general health but particularly vital due to my kidney issues.

Hydration is essential for everyone, healthy or otherwise, but it becomes even more crucial when managing kidney dysfunction. While at a rehabilitation center, healthcare professionals emphasized the importance of drinking at least 2 liters of water daily. The kidneys play a pivotal role in filtering our blood and producing urine. Dehydration can lead to a higher concentration of minerals in your urine, which can crystallize and pose risks to kidney health. Ensuring adequate fluid intake helps the kidneys efficiently remove waste from the body.

Living in Nashville, where summer temperatures often soar above 95°F (35°C), staying active outdoors requires strategic planning, especially given my health condition. Whether running my regular routes or tending to my garden, I pause every 30 minutes to drink water. Although slightly disruptive, hydration breaks are non-negotiable for someone with kidney issues like mine. It takes a moment to muster the energy to continue my task each time, but maintaining optimal hydration levels is a top priority.

Despite the challenges, my kidney dysfunction doesn’t deter me from enjoying and engaging in outdoor activities. It’s all about adapting and finding ways to manage my condition while still living actively. This balance is crucial not only for my physical health but also for my mental well-being. Staying active and outdoors keeps me invigorated and connected to the world around me.

In conclusion, managing kidney health doesn’t mean you have to give up your active lifestyle. With the proper precautions, like regular hydration breaks, anyone can continue enjoying the benefits of outdoor activities. It’s about listening to your body, understanding its needs, and adjusting to support your health. This means venturing too far with a water bottle in hand and always planning for necessary pauses that allow me to stay hydrated and healthy.

Navigating Fitness Challenges with Compromised Kidneys

Written on June 2, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I’ve faced some real challenges with my exercise progress recently. After returning from Florida, I haven’t managed to up the weight in my curls.

I tire out quickly, and it’s taking me longer to bounce back from muscle soreness than it used to. The crux of the issue lies in muscle recovery. Given my compromised kidney function, I’m restricted to consuming just 35 grams of protein a day. There are times I wonder if my kidneys were healthier, could I increase my protein intake and, by extension, build more muscle? However, I’ve learned to work within my limits and maintain patience with my body’s pace.

Recognizing the importance of patience, I also realize the need for adaptation in my approach to fitness. Given my difficulties with muscle recovery, I’m contemplating introducing multiple weight-training sessions throughout the day. I’m considering adding a second set, perhaps before my evening meal. This idea has just been on my radar, primarily because I hadn’t found the right time or a consistent trigger for this addition to my routine.

Tomorrow marks the beginning of this new strategy. Following my usual run, I’ll get supper ready and shower. Then, I’ll perform a second set of weight training before I sit down to eat. This additional session is an experiment to see if increasing the frequency of my workouts can accelerate my progress.

Navigating the Challenges of Recovery and Daily Routines

Written 5/31

Hello Dear Readers,

Today, I lagged behind my usual routine due to an unexpected oversleep. Let me share how my day got off to a slower start. Exhaustion took hold of me last night, a remnant from hours spent mowing the lawn. It’s a taxing endeavor, especially when grappling with a compromised kidney function. Fatigue becomes a constant, unwelcome companion when your kidneys aren’t functioning optimally.

In my journey to recovery post-brainstroke, I’ve committed to regular exercise to boost my overall activity levels. This has indeed infused more energy into my days. Nevertheless, there are occasions when, despite a whole night’s rest, I feel unusually drained. Last night was such an instance. I went to bed on time, expecting sufficient sleep to recharge me.

I was awakened by my alarm this morning, ready to start the day. However, as I was about to rise, my wife initiated her post-run shower. My morning routine invariably begins with a bathroom visit, so I opted to wait for her to finish. Unfortunately, the coziness of my bed proved too seductive, and I drifted back to sleep.

This very scenario is why my occupational therapist has been adamant about the importance of maintaining a robust schedule and regular physical activity to strengthen my body’s endurance. It’s crucial for managing my health, particularly with my renal challenges.

Understanding the toll that kidney issues can take on energy levels, my wife is occasionally inclined to let me sleep a bit longer. To circumvent future disruptions, I plan to ask her to notify me when she’s done with her shower. Fortunately, today’s agenda is relatively relaxed, so this minor hiccup in my schedule should be manageable.

Moving forward, it’s clear that balancing my health needs with daily responsibilities will require some adjustments. It’s a manageable challenge that involves better communication and a little more planning. After all, maintaining a steady pace in life’s race can sometimes mean being flexible and adaptive to the unexpected.