More Water To Keep My Kidney Healthy

Written July 30, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Since my last doctor’s appointment, I’ve become increasingly vigilant about my water intake. The results from my lab tests were a wake-up call, confirming that I was more dehydrated than I should have been. This realization has prompted me to take hydration more seriously, especially considering my compromised kidneys. Proper hydration is crucial for everyone, but it’s even more vital in my case. I’ve made significant changes to my daily routine to ensure I get enough water, particularly during the sweltering summer months when dehydration can sneak up on you quickly.

Living in Nashville, I’m no stranger to hot and humid weather. However, the past few weeks have brought an unusually intense wave of heat and humidity, making daily activities more challenging, especially those outdoors. The weather here has worsened, with temperatures soaring and the air thick with moisture. In response, I’ve had to rethink my outdoor schedule entirely. I’ve started getting up earlier to complete tasks like gardening before the heat becomes unbearable. Even at 7 A.M., stepping outside feels uncomfortable. Still, it’s far better than the near-torturous conditions that develop as the day progresses.

One of the most noticeable changes I’ve made is how I manage my water intake throughout the day. In the past, I might have taken hydration for granted. Still, I’m acutely aware of how much water I need, especially when working outside. Initially, keeping up with my increased water consumption was straightforward. However, as I began drinking more to cope with the heat, I nearly ran out of our water supply. Fortunately, our delivery arrived just in time to replenish our stock, avoiding what could have been a very uncomfortable situation.

Recognizing that our water consumption had increased significantly, we increased our delivery order to three bottles, totaling 15 U.S. gallons. This adjustment has been necessary, as my partner and I have been drinking more water than usual. It’s no surprise, given the oppressive heat. Still, it also made me realize how much I underestimated my hydration needs. Looking back, I can see that I wasn’t drinking nearly enough water, a mistake I can’t afford to make again, especially with my health condition.

This experience has underscored the importance of staying hydrated, particularly in extreme weather. It’s easy to overlook something as simple as drinking enough water, but it’s crucial for maintaining overall health. 

In the future, I plan to continue diligently monitoring my water intake, adjusting as needed depending on the weather and my activity levels. It’s a small change that can make a big difference, ensuring I stay healthy and hydrated no matter how hot it gets outside.