Embracing the Unexpected: A Day of Chores, Changes, and Chats

Written 3/21/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Some days feel exponentially busier than others, and today has declared itself one of those. My to-do list is brimming with chores and appointments that demand my attention from dawn to dusk. The day kicked off with a late-morning dental appointment, which meant a tight schedule right from the start.

After dealing with my dental health, I was back home facing the challenge of mowing our lawn, which is no easy feat considering our house is perched on hilly terrain. Mowing on such an uneven surface requires more time and energy, and I wanted to get as much done as possible before it was time to start preparing our evening meal.

Amid this packed schedule, I had a glimmer of relaxation to look forward to: gaming with my friends. Unfortunately, one friend had to cancel earlier in the day due to another commitment, muting my brief respite. However, in a delightful turn of events, he later reached out to inform me that he was available after all. This unexpected change brought a sense of relief and joy—there was still some fun to be had at the end of this whirlwind of a day.

Despite this positive twist, a snag appeared in my plans. I had anticipated a more extended day to manage my tasks effectively. Last time, I had yet to manage to mow the lawn as thoroughly as needed, and today, I was playing catch-up. It’s a reminder of how dependent our schedules can be on various external factors like weather and other people. Today proved that even the most reasonable alternate plans can falter.

This day has taught me a valuable lesson: flexibility is crucial. Plans can shift, sometimes unexpectedly, for the better, and it’s important to adapt and make the most of the time available rather than putting things off. Even with a backup plan that seems foolproof, procrastination can lead to more stress and scrambling in the long run.

Today, today reiterated life’s unpredictability and the importance of rolling with the punches. Though the day was busy and, at times, challenging, it was also a reminder that unexpected changes can sometimes lead to delightful surprises and moments of joy amidst the chaos.

Realizing Life’s Value: Lessons from a Simple Program

Sometimes, the most unusual things can teach us significant lessons, especially when they seem entirely unrelated to the big picture. For me, this lesson came from thinking about my life span, sparked by a programming assignment.

I’ve been learning Python through Udemy courses. One assignment really stood out: we had to write a program calculating how many weeks we’d have left if we lived to be 90 years old. This idea was inspired by Ryan Phillips’ blog, “My Life in Weeks.”

After submitting my assignment, which passed despite being slightly different from my professor’s example, I felt proud. As someone a bit anxious about forgetting the purpose of the code, I use comments (marked with #xxxx) to explain my code. But the real shock came when I entered my age into the program. Seeing the number of weeks I had left, presented so bluntly by my creation, was startling. It made the concept of time much more tangible than considering years or months. This sudden realization of time’s limit hit me harder than ever before.

This experience made me reflect on how one’s perspective on life can be dramatically reshaped by the experience when faced with its fragility. I remembered how I almost lost my husband once, which profoundly changed my outlook on life. I once read a suggestion to write one’s obituary as a way to appreciate every moment. That day, I learned never to take the presence of loved ones for granted, prompting me to spend more quality time with my husband.

Realizing that time is precious, I began considering how I spend it. The thought of reading just one book a week made me sad, especially since I had been struggling with undiagnosed vision problems that made reading difficult and caused headaches without my understanding of why. This realization that I needed glasses for reading was a wake-up call about paying attention to my health and making the most of the time I have.

As I move forward, the awareness of how scarce time truly is will shape how I plan my weeks. Every moment counts, and it’s important to live fully, appreciate our health, and cherish time with loved ones. This unusual lesson from a programming assignment has profoundly impacted how I view life and prioritize my time, reminding me of the importance of being present and making every week count.

Lessons from Mistborn: The Ripple Effect of Our Actions

In my literary journey, I’ve stumbled across numerous tales that have left an indelible impact on me. Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn series, in particular, has given me a profound insight pertinent to our daily lives: every action, no matter how small, carries consequences.


Throughout the Mistborn saga, a recurrent theme is how the characters’ survival hinges on understanding the repercussions of their actions. They’re not just told but demonstrated that each choice can alter the course of events, shaping the world around them. This motif, although set in a fantastical universe, carries weighty implications for us in our non-magical world.


In today’s vast and intricate global landscape, it’s tempting to think of individual actions as mere drops in an ocean, too insignificant to create any natural ripple. However, the Mistborn series is a poignant reminder that this isn’t the case. Just as tiny steps cumulatively lead us to our ultimate destination, our everyday decisions, interactions, and behaviors collectively shape our relationships, surroundings, and the broader tapestry of society.


I’ve often been asked why I delve so deeply into fiction, especially when the worlds described are far removed from reality. My answer? Stories have a unique way of embedding wisdom within us. While personal experiences undeniably teach us valuable lessons, there’s something about narratives that makes the learning more profound. They wrap knowledge in layers of emotion, adventure, and connection, making the messages palatable and deeply resonant.


Whenever I immerse myself in a book, I approach it as a treasure hunt. Each page turned is a step closer to unearthing a golden nugget of wisdom. Sometimes, this wisdom aligns with the author’s intended message; at other times, it’s a personal interpretation. But the beauty of literature is that it’s not always about deriving the “correct” lesson. Instead, it’s about extracting value, making each reading experience unique and personal.


To draw parallels, consider our actions as chapters in our life’s book. While one might feel that a solitary act or decision is inconsequential, when strung together, they form a narrative – one that affects not just us but the world at large. The Mistborn series amplifies this idea, urging readers to be conscious of their actions, as every move contributes to a larger storyline.


In conclusion, whether through personal experiences or the enchanting world of books, we must remember that we’re not isolated entities. Every action, word, or thought has a ripple effect. Sanderson’s Mistborn series is a compelling testament to this fact, reinforcing that even in a world teeming with billions, each individual has the power to effect change.


To everyone reading this, I urge you to be mindful of your actions. Recognize the influence you wield. And just as you would with a cherished book, extract lessons from your experiences, ensuring that every chapter you pen in your life’s story adds value to the world around you.

Rediscovering The Wheel of Time and My Journey with Audiobooks

Growing up, I was deeply fascinated by the universe of science fiction and fantasy. One of the series that profoundly resonated with me during my high school years was Robert Jordan’s “Wheel of Time.” I recall the anticipation, the longing, and the frustration of waiting for each new installment to hit the shelves. As the rigors of University and graduate school consumed me, the lengthy intervals between releasing these books meant I gradually lost touch with the series.


Fast forward a decade, and a press release caught my eye – the series was completed by another author, Brandon Sanderson. Having lost track of where I’d left off, I embarked on a nostalgic journey, starting from the first book, devouring the series within weeks. This was my introduction to Sanderson, and his rendition of the series left an indelible mark on me, making his name hard to forget.


Then came Amazon’s announcement of adapting the ‘Wheel of Time’ into a show. An urge to revisit the books struck, but several relocations had scattered my collection. Instead, I turned to audiobooks and, to my surprise, found them to be an even more immersive experience. I was hooked. The entire series played countless times in the backdrop of my daily life, even subtly accompanying me as I pen down thoughts like this one. There’s a particular fondness I hold for the books penned by Sanderson. Whether it’s his distinctive writing style or the crescendo, the storyline was approaching. The 12th book always beckons me with unmatched enthusiasm.


Coincidentally, years later, Sanderson’s name resurfaced in an unexpected arena – a ‘Magic The Gathering’ video. Intrigued, I delved deeper into his bibliography. I ventured into the “Mistborn” series, followed by the “Stormlight Archives.” Both series were enchanting, and as I journeyed with the characters through their challenges, I drew several life lessons.


Among these lessons, one stood out – the significance of persisting, of taking the next step. No matter the distance traversed, the journey is over once it truly is. And the decision to move forward, to tread the next mile, plays a pivotal role in defining us.


In essence, my journey with the “Wheel of Time” series and audiobooks has been more than just a literary adventure. It’s been a lesson in rediscovery, persistence, and the simple joy of stories that leave a lasting impact.