The Art and Science of Homemade Kombucha: A Weekly Ritual

Hello, dear readers,

You know, self-assigned chores often require that extra push to get done. But guess what? I nailed it yesterday, completing my entire to-do list! And one of those tasks was bottling our weekly stash of kombucha for my wife and me. You can dive into our kombucha journey on my wife’s blog. Still, lately, I’ve been the one piloting the bottling operation now that we’ve got our system down to a T (pun intended).

Let me walk you through my Thursday-to-Saturday kombucha ritual. Thursday starts with a sterilization spree of the 8 bottles we’ll use. I fill them with water and add a teaspoon of detergent. These bottle buddies then hang out on the kitchen counter overnight. Come Friday evening, it’s tea time! I bring a half-gallon of water to a rolling boil and plop in 8 tea bags for steeping. Once it’s nice and flavorful, I stir in a cup of sugar. After it hits boiling point again, off goes the heat, and it’s left to cool down overnight.

Now, while the tea is brewing, I return to my sterilized bottles, rinse them, and line them up on the counter. They’re all set for their starring role on Saturday. Come the weekend, I fill each bottle with 6 ounces of our favorite juice blend from the store. Next, 10 ounces of fermented kombucha tea is poured in. I then do a quick SCOBY check (that’s Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast for the uninitiated), set aside a cup of the fermented tea, and clean the fermentation jar. Once it’s spic and span, in goes the cooled tea from the previous night. I add back the SCOBY and the saved cup of fermented tea, and voila! The jar returns to our storage room, where it’ll ferment in peace until next week.

Oh, the bottles? They also head to the storage room for a week of conditioning. Post that, it’s straight into the fridge they go, awaiting their moment of glory.

Getting the timing right for each of these steps took some doing, but I’ve got it down. A little pro tip I swear by is optimizing wait times. Identify those stages where you’re simply waiting around—like waiting for the water to boil. Use that time to knock off other tasks—like rinsing the bottles in my case. It’s multitasking without affecting the quality of any single task. You’ll find this especially useful in cooking, too. Ever notice how most recipes kick off with “Preheat the oven”? Yep, that’s optimization in action.

Till next time, folks! Stay fizzy.

Running Through Rehab: How I Built a Consistent Running Habit

I’ve been running regularly for the past five years. I began my current running program when we still lived in Portland, Oregon. My wife and I had been walking nearly every day since I’d been released from rehabilitation, and I felt I had progressed enough to try running.

A few years before this, I had attempted to get into running but hadn’t committed to it, but I had learned about the couch to 5k running program (c25k). I had enough commitment to maintain my running schedule and found an app for my phone, which allowed me to import some of my music into this program.


Couch to 5K (C25K) Program

C25k fit me quite well; it starts relatively slow with short-run segments with walking segments between them. Each week, the run segments get longer and the walk segments shorter. After five weeks, I ran for the entire time, about 5 kilometers. I went through this program several times, and each time, it got easier, and I got faster.


Zombies, Run!

Then my wife heard about a running app that was gaining popularity at the time, Zombies, Run! It’s an app that uses game concepts to motivate running. It’s set during a zombie apocalypse, and you play a character helping a small settlement of survivors by running. During each mission, you collect or deliver items while randomly acquiring materials to build your settlement. I found it quite interesting, and motivated me to run more and more to find out what happens next in the story.

After running 5k three times per week for a year, I was ready to push myself more, and I found an extension program by the same group that made the c25k program, which smoothed the transition from 5k to 10k using the same concepts of increasing the duration of run segments and shortening the walk segments. Again, this worked well for me, and I was proud of being able to run 10k. I won’t say it was easy, but it was possible.


An Added Challenge

I kept with this as we moved to Nashville, Tennessee; however, this move added a challenge to overcome. The average climate in Nashville is quite different from Portland. It is quite a bit warmer in Nashville, and I needed to keep myself hydrated while running. Luckily, my habit of counting steps helped me figure out a schedule for sipping my sports drink.

I use the schedule every 400 steps; I pause for a few seconds and drink. Conveniently, I discovered that 400 steps is roughly half a kilometer for me.

Now equipped with a rehydration schedule, I ran 5k nearly every day. It took me a while to get used to the new environment. After running 5k at least three times per week for a year, I aimed to push myself further by increasing my run distance by a kilometer each month. During the first month, I ran three 5k per week, then gradually increased to three 6k per week, and eventually, I was able to run 10k three times per week. My goal was to improve my endurance and speed.


1 Month: 3 x 5K (to get used to running)




End: 3 x 10K


While I was faster at running 5k, I wasn’t as fast as I wanted to be, although I doubt I ever will be; however, as long as I’m getting better, I should be content with my progress. I repeated this sequence a couple more times and then set a new goal: I will run 35k per week for a year.

3x10k and 1x5k. Some weeks were harder than others, and I had to figure out how to balance my running schedule with other activities and impediments like weather.


I had to set up rules so every solution to a complication wasn’t ad hoc but part of a comprehensive plan. First, I made a goal statement: to run 35k per week. Then, I made a list of likely impediments, which included inclement weather and other obligations like birthday parties or doctor’s appointments. Scheduling appointments was easy since I set running days separate from appointment days.


The other complications were more brutal to balance, but I found that if I couldn’t juggle the days to fit my schedule, I could spread my anticipated missed days running over the other days so, instead of 3x10k + 1x5k, I could run 2x12k and an 11k. I was happy as long as I accomplished my primary goal of 35k.