Coping with Unexpected Kidney Function Changes

Written June 25, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday went well overall, but I received some concerning news from my nephrologist. Either the labs were taken on an off day for me, or my already compromised kidney function has significantly declined. My log showed no anomalies, so my doctor thinks it was a bad day, possibly due to dehydration. I’m hoping that the previous tests were conducted on such a day. More blood and urine samples were taken to retest, and I should have an update in a few days.

Receiving news like this can be really disheartening. I keep wondering what could have caused the sudden drop in my kidney function. I’ve been doing my best to follow all the recommendations from my doctor. It might be that a recent change in my medication is having an unexpected adverse effect, so reverting to my previous regimen could be necessary.

Regardless, aside from ensuring I continue to do what I know I should be doing, there is little else I can control. My wife always reminds me not to worry about things beyond my control.

There are two things I can improve. I can improve my hydration by not eating more than one Ganoral bar daily. Sometimes, due to the heat, I feel more dehydrated than usual. My doctor mentioned that the Ganora bars I’m taking are protein-based, so he’s not overly concerned, even though I sometimes eat a few of them per day. I just can’t allow myself any excuses for not drinking enough water or over-indulging in snacks.