Harnessing the Power of Momentum in Everyday Tasks

Written May 8, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Momentum is a potent force that propels us forward, helping us conquer a plethora of tasks with increasing energy. Over the past several days, I have been riding this wave of momentum, tackling numerous tasks with a surprising vigor. Initially, my motivation was purely preventative; I did not want to let small, manageable tasks snowball into urgent, overwhelming challenges due to procrastination.

As I began to chip away at my to-do list, I decided to pair this activity with listening to audiobooks. This combination turned out to be incredibly effective. To my amazement, the more tasks I completed, the more energy I found for future tasks. This productivity cycle left me feeling quite satisfied with my accomplishments, especially yesterday when I checked off nearly everything on my list.

One of the tasks I had set for myself was to clear the back of our house from overgrown vines. Unfortunately, a bout of rain came through, slightly altering my plans. Despite this, I made significant headway and am poised to finish up tomorrow, right after I tackle the week’s mowing.

Although the day left me feeling physically drained, the sense of accomplishment I experienced was profound and overwhelmingly positive. A unique satisfaction comes from looking over a to-do list that’s been mostly conquered. It not only demonstrates what you have achieved but also clears the space for new tasks that might arise before the next surge of energy is needed.

This process of building and maintaining momentum has profound implications for task completion, personal growth, and satisfaction. By actively engaging in our daily chores and responsibilities and enhancing the experience with enjoyable activities like listening to audiobooks, we can transform seemingly mundane tasks into opportunities for learning and achievement.

What’s particularly intriguing about momentum is how it feeds into itself. The more you accomplish, the more you feel capable of accomplishing. This self-perpetuating cycle can lead us to new heights of productivity and personal fulfillment. It’s akin to a snowball rolling down a hill, gathering speed and size; as our list of completed tasks grows, so does our energy and capacity to handle more.

Moreover, breaking down tasks into manageable parts and ticking them off one by one helps reduce procrastination and make the tasks seem less daunting. Regardless of size, progress fuels our motivation and pushes us to keep moving forward.

For anyone struggling to find the drive to tackle their daily or weekly tasks, consider this approach: Start small tasks that are enjoyable to accompany the less exciting chores, and watch as your momentum builds. You might find that the energy to continue will come naturally, and your productivity will soar as a result.

In conclusion, the power of momentum is an extraordinary tool in our personal and professional lives. It transforms our approach to tasks from tedious to engaging, energizing activity, promoting continuous personal growth and efficiency. Harness this energy, and you’ll be surprised at how much you can achieve and how good it will make you feel.

Rediscovering My Passion for Running: A Journey with Runkeeper

Written on March 3, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

After a brief hiatus of a few weeks, I finally laced up my running shoes again for a refreshing 10k run. This wasn’t just any run but my inaugural journey since I integrated a new virtual running companion into my routine—Runkeeper. Recommended by my nephrologist, the app was developed by Asics. Runkeeper has quickly proven to be an invaluable addition to my training arsenal, bringing a new level of engagement to my runs.

One of the standout features that I’ve come to appreciate about Runkeeper is its ability to provide me with audio cues regarding my pace at every half-kilometer mark. This small but significant detail has been a game-changer, encouraging me to dig deeper and push my limits further with each stride. The thought of tweaking the settings to receive these updates every quarter kilometer has crossed my mind. While I’m slightly wary of the potential annoyance from an increased frequency of alerts, curiosity is nudging me towards trying it to see how it might intensify my motivation.

Another aspect of Runkeeper that resonates with me is its ability to monitor my running shoes’ mileage. This feature serves as a poignant reminder of a valuable lesson from my wife: the importance of managing the lifespan of my running shoes. Wearing shoes past their prime diminishes their support and can harm my body. Thankfully, Runkeeper offers this tracking service without any added cost, embodying everything I desire in a running app—efficiency, practicality, and foresight.

Incorporating these features into my running regimen has ignited a newfound motivation, propelling me towards greater achievements. The aftermath of my recent 10k—the soreness in my legs and the general fatigue I’ve been feeling—is a testament to the effort and determination I poured into that run. Despite these temporary discomforts, the sense of accomplishment that enveloped me post-run was unparalleled. It was a vivid reminder of why I run—not just for the physical benefits but for each completed journey’s profound sense of fulfillment and pride.

In essence, Runkeeper has not just been a tool for tracking and improving my runs; it has rekindled my passion for running, inspiring me to continually challenge myself and strive for my personal best. The fitness journey is fraught with ups and downs, but with the right tools and a resilient spirit, every step is closer to achieving one’s goals.

Embracing Mondays: A Fresh Start to the Week

Hello Dear Readers,

Sometimes, ticking off every item on my to-do list seems like a marathon with no finish line. Some tasks take me longer than anticipated. Often, it’s because I’ve lagged behind on the initial few tasks, setting off a domino effect that delays the rest of my day. Despite these setbacks, I find solace in the small victories. Take yesterday, for instance—I might have moved at a snail’s pace from one task to another, yet I consider the day a triumph. After all, the essence of progress lies not in speed but in direction and completion.

Today marks the beginning of a new week, presenting a clean slate and boundless possibilities. I awoke at my usual time, firmly rooted in the day’s purpose and barely straying from my envisioned path. With several hours to spare before hitting the optimal time for my run—the sole time-sensitive activity on my agenda—I afford myself the luxury of a slower pace. This deliberate choice ensures that, despite a leisurely start, there’s ample time to conquer my list without the rush.

My relationship with Mondays has undergone a remarkable transformation. The mere thought of Mondays used to summon a sense of dread, a harbinger of the end of leisure and the resumption of a week filled with tasks and obligations. Weekdays were synonymous with non-stop activity, leaving weekends as my much-needed oasis of rest and rejuvenation. Consequently, Mondays felt like an unwelcome jolt back to reality—a stark reminder of the endless cycle of routines and responsibilities that awaited.

However, a shift in perspective has led to a newfound appreciation for Mondays. My weekends, once a sanctuary of relaxation, have gradually become cluttered with commitments, making Mondays unexpectedly serene in comparison. This inversion of roles between weekdays and weekends has led me to question the longevity of my aversion to Mondays. It may be time to retire my longstanding grudge against the first day of the week, as it no longer seems justified. After all, Mondays offer a chance to reset, a pause before the rush, making them less about the end of freedom and more about the opportunity to start afresh.

In this light, Mondays have shed their gloomy cloak, revealing themselves as a beacon of new beginnings. They remind us that every week offers a fresh start, an opportunity to approach our goals with renewed vigor and a positive outlook. So, as I embrace this shift in perspective, I find myself looking forward to Mondays with a sense of anticipation rather than apprehension. It’s a subtle yet profound reminder that our attitudes towards time and tasks can transform our experience, turning dreaded moments into opportunities for growth and renewal.

Back on Track: Rediscovering the Joy of Running

Written on January 24, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Good news abounds as I’ve finally managed to reintegrate my beloved running routine into my life, marking a significant milestone since the interruption caused by the last snowfall. Venturing out yesterday for the first time since winter’s grip loosened, I embarked on my run under the cloak of rainfall—a testament to my determination to reclaim this piece of my life.

Despite concerns that a week-long break might have eroded my speed, the run unfolded surprisingly well. Rather than being a deterrent, the rain seemed almost inconsequential to my pace. That’s not to say it was effortless; by the journey’s end, my legs were broadcasting their fatigue loud and clear, a tangible reminder of the hiatus’s impact. Yet, the early night that followed—ushering in a deep, restorative sleep—left me feeling rejuvenated today, to the point where I might even declare myself a tad over-rested.

Reflecting on this, I find my evolving relationship with running quite fascinating. There was a time when I viewed it more as a necessary evil—a means to an end, filled with discomfort rather than delight. However, as my cardiovascular fitness improved, so too did my perspective. The activity I once deemed painful has now transformed into a source of joy, a shift in sentiment that even a rainy run couldn’t dampen.

This rekindled enthusiasm for running signifies more than just a return to physical activity; it marks the reassembly of my daily routine, piece by piece. The holidays and winter conditions had scattered my habits like leaves in the wind. Still, with my running shoes laced once more, I feel as though I’ve woven those scattered pieces back together. The structure and familiarity of my routine have been restored, imbuing me with a sense of accomplishment and normalcy.

The challenge now lies in maintaining this momentum. The ease with which life’s disruptions can unravel our routines reminds us of the need for resilience and dedication. My recent return to running serves as a personal victory and a blueprint for navigating the ebb and flow of life’s inevitable interruptions. With each step on the pavement, rain or shine, I’m not just running; I’m reaffirming my commitment to my well-being and the routines that sustain it.

As I lace up my shoes for the next run, I do so with a renewed sense of purpose and a heart full of gratitude for the ability to move forward, both literally and metaphorically. Once a daunting task, running has become a cherished ritual, a source of strength and joy amidst the chaos of life. It’s a poignant reminder that the path back to ourselves sometimes begins with a single step forward.

Harnessing Hunger: A Strategic Morning Ritual

Written on January 10, 2024


Hello Dear Readers,

In crafting my daily agenda, I’ve introduced a peculiar yet effective sequence to my routine. For instance, I’ve made a pact to refrain from indulging in the morning meal until I complete my exercise regimen. On certain days, like today, lethargy engulfs me, making it a tad arduous to kickstart the various components of my morning ritual. Despite the lack of urgency on such days, I remain sanguine about eventually navigating through and ticking off all tasks on my list.

This approach isn’t arbitrary; a substantial motive drives it. Upon awakening, my stomach signals for food. The allure of sleepiness and fatigue often beckons one towards slothfulness. I’ve taken a firm stance to reward myself with breakfast only post-exercise. This pact where breakfast becomes the prize contingent upon the conclusion of my workout sessions acts as a double-edged sword. Rather than deterring me, the intensifying hunger pangs serve as a catalyst for procrastination in wrapping up my exercise. This burgeoning appetite eventually morphs into a compelling incentive, spurring me to complete my routine to dive into my awaited cereal bowl.

The effectiveness of this strategy brings me considerable satisfaction. Adhering strictly to this self-imposed agreement enables me to consistently achieve my objectives. It’s a methodology that you, too, might find beneficial in your personal quest for productivity. Should there be something you deeply desire or require, consider making a pact with yourself: grant yourself that reward only after accomplishing a predetermined task. This self-regulation technique cultivates discipline and transforms mundane or challenging tasks into stepping stones toward your rewards.

In essence, my morning strategy revolves around leveraging basic human instincts—hunger in this case—as a motivational tool. It underscores the power of setting conditions on our gratifications to enhance our focus and productivity. By creating a cause-and-effect scenario, where the completion of one action directly influences the attainment of a desired outcome, we can more effectively navigate our daily tasks and responsibilities.

This approach is not just about adhering to a routine; it’s about embedding a more profound sense of purpose and motivation into our daily lives. It’s a testament to the idea that sometimes, the most straightforward strategies can be the most effective in driving us towards our goals. Whether finishing a workout to enjoy a meal or completing a work assignment to take a leisurely break, the principle remains the same: reward yourself after a job well done.

So, if you’re looking for a way to kickstart your day with vigor and ensure you meet your daily goals, consider implementing a reward-based strategy. Not only does it make the journey toward your goals more engaging, but it also instills a gratifying sense of accomplishment with each task you complete. After all, the sweetest rewards are those we’ve earned through our perseverance and dedication.


Editor’s note

Nanbanzuke is a Japanese dish that originated from Spanish Escabeche.

Journey of Resilience: Navigating Rehabilitation and Hope After a Stroke

Re: Rediscovering Myself After a Stroke: A Journey Back to Youth


Several weeks after Brian commenced his rehabilitation journey, we focused on improving his walking ability. The stroke had significantly weakened his muscles and robbed him of control over his legs and arms. Despite this, his brain retained the memory of movement, leading to a challenging phase where Brian would wake up at night, attempting to go to the bathroom as he used to, only to fall due to his weakened muscles. The frequency of these incidents at the rehabilitation center resulted in numerous calls from the facility, prompting Brian’s mother and me to stay with him overnight.

Brian’s frustration was palpable. At one point, he contemplated abandoning all efforts toward recovery. He was a perfectionist by nature, accustomed to meeting high standards independently. The stroke’s aftermath, which left him dependent on others for basic needs, was a source of significant distress. He expressed the extent of his despair, prompting a stern response from me that threatened to withdraw support if he gave up on himself—this moment of tough love proved to be a turning point for Brian.

Taking his rehabilitation more seriously, Brian and I began daily walks with the assistance of a walker. Initially, he required frequent rests, but after 16 months, he progressed to jogging, covering 1.27 miles on his first attempt. Recognizing the importance of proper footwear, I gifted him a pair of running shoes. We also discovered a running app named “Zombies, Run!” with a log function. I encouraged Brian to track his distance and inform me upon reaching 500 km, aiming to monitor the usage of his shoes. Additionally, we invested in a digital scale to measure his muscle composition, weight, and bone mass, which became a source of pride for Brian as he noted his gradual improvements.

Experiencing a stroke results in numerous losses, not just for the survivor but also for their family. Reflecting on Brian’s journal entries during this time evokes strong memories of our shared struggles. I wished I had read a journal like this back then.

My husband truly inspires me. With his permission, I’ve shared excerpts from Brian’s journal to offer hope and insight to others facing similar challenges. Recovery from a stroke is a slow process, but improvement is possible. For those supporting someone like Brian, it’s crucial to communicate hope and encourage perseverance. Never give up.


Rediscovering My Running Routine After the Thaw

I find myself infused with a modest surge of excitement today as the thaw has finally made the roads passable for running. The grip of winter has loosened slightly, allowing me to entertain the thought of hitting the pavement once more after a hiatus of just over a week. Unlike the often snowy expanses of the northern United States, where the white blanket is a familiar scene, Nashville presents a unique challenge with its icy conditions. The slippery roads here make the prospect of running not just daunting but potentially perilous. Given these conditions, I made the cautious choice to forego my outdoor runs.

The interruption in my running routine stirred a flicker of concern within me—a worry that this break might slow or set me back. However, I quickly silenced these pessimistic thoughts, reassuring myself of the resilience and adaptability of my body and spirit. The brief pause, I reminded myself, would not be a significant hindrance. Indeed, I should focus on the positive, anticipating the joy and fulfillment of resuming my runs. The prospect of getting back on track, feeling the rhythm of my feet against the ground, is a source of genuine happiness.

During these inactive days, I’ve noticed a tangible shift in my nightly routine—sleep has been more elusive, a direct consequence of my body’s lack of physical exhaustion. And now, as if to test my resolve, the forecast promises a morning of rain. Running under a downpour is far from ideal, often feeling more like a chore than a pleasure. Yet, I consider it, hopeful for a brief respite in the weather that might allow for a dry run. Fortunately, the forecast does not predict thunderstorms, which means that while the run may be soggy, it won’t be hazardous. With this knowledge, I steel myself for the challenge, determined to push through the discomfort.

Reflecting on this period of enforced rest, I realized that running has become an integral part of my life. It’s not merely a physical activity but a mental and emotional lifeline, a ritual that sustains me. The snow, with all its silence and stillness, has inadvertently illuminated the profound significance of this habit in my life. It’s a reminder of the resilience required in the face of winter’s chill and all aspects of life’s unpredictable journey.

This experience, this temporary pause, has only deepened my appreciation for the ability to run, move, and feel the earth beneath my feet. It’s a testament to the enduring human spirit, to our capacity to face obstacles, whether icy roads or internal doubts, and to emerge stronger, more committed, and more grateful for the simple, profound joy of running.

Crafting Tomorrow: The Influence of Nightly Planning on Daily Tasks

Hello, cherished readers,

Every night, as the tranquil hush of impending slumber envelops me, I indulge in crafting a meticulous list of tasks for the upcoming day. This ritual, albeit simple, has become an integral part of my nightly routine, bridging the realms of rest and readiness. At times, this involves a candid conversation with my wife, enquiring about any shared plans or activities we might have on the horizon. It could be a shopping excursion for athletic shoes or perhaps a visit to the familiar aisles of our favored Asian grocery store.

My wife harbors a penchant for tackling these errands bright and early, setting the tone for the day with a burst of productivity. Knowing that these activities are lined up serves as a gentle nudge, encouraging me to rise and shine promptly, resisting the lingering temptation to indulge in a few more moments of blissful slumber.

Regardless of the nature of the tasks, whether they elicit joy or are somewhat mundane, I’ve discovered that anticipating them plays a pivotal role in their successful accomplishment. Suppose the tasks in question are not particularly enjoyable. In that case, pre-planning serves as a form of mental preparation, like bracing oneself for an impending impact. Conversely, suppose they are activities I find pleasure in. In that case, the anticipation allows me to savor the joy even before the task has commenced.

This nightly ritual of mapping out the subsequent day’s tasks has bestowed upon me a sense of direction and purpose. It acts as a compass, navigating me through the labyrinth of daily responsibilities and pursuits, ensuring I embark on each day with clarity and resolve. It is akin to laying down the foundation of a structure, providing the stability and support needed for the ensuing construction.

Moreover, the act of planning cultivates a mindset of readiness and adaptability. It transforms the unknown landscape of tomorrow into a well-charted territory, where each step is deliberate and every action purposeful. This transformation is not just about organization but also about fostering a mental state where motivation and anticipation are interwoven into the fabric of my day.

In addition, this practice has played a significant role in enhancing my relationship with my wife. The nightly dialogues have become a sanctuary of shared aspirations and mutual understanding. They offer a glimpse into each other’s worlds, fostering a deeper connection and a harmonious synchronization of our daily rhythms.

In conclusion, the simple act of nightly planning has rippling effects on my daily life. It not only helps in structuring my day but also fortifies the mental fortitude needed to face both enjoyable and challenging tasks. It fosters a symbiotic relationship with my partner, aligning our paths and nurturing a shared vision for the day ahead. So, dear readers, I invite you to explore the potential that lies in the quiet moments before sleep in crafting tomorrow today.

Turning Setbacks into New Beginnings: The Art of Maintaining Streaks

Hello Dear Readers,

As you strive to build successful routines and habits, there will inevitably be days when obstacles throw you off course. The weather, unexpected emergencies, or simple fatigue disrupts your meticulously planned performance. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I recently faced such a challenge when I could only complete one set of exercises instead of the scheduled two. While you can’t rewrite the past, you can control how you navigate the future.

A Chinese proverb wisely states, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago; the second-best time is now.” This aphorism reminds us that although we can’t undo our failures, the next best thing is to act immediately to rectify them. Resilience isn’t just about avoiding loss; it’s about your recovery speed. Dusting yourself off and getting back on track is what truly counts.

Losing a streak can be disheartening, especially when you’ve invested significant time and effort into maintaining it. For example, I’ve consistently practiced Japanese language exercises on an app for over 250 days. Although I take immense pride in this achievement, I must acknowledge that this isn’t my first streak. It is, however, the longest one I’ve maintained. While I aim to continue without interruptions, life sometimes cooperates with our plans. Sometimes, unforeseen circumstances can disrupt even the most entrenched habits.

When setbacks occur, the key is not to dwell on them but to take them as learning opportunities. The first step is to evaluate the reason behind the break in your routine. Once you identify the root cause, you can develop strategies to prevent similar interruptions in the future.

The art of maintaining a streak lies in its renewal. A broken streak isn’t a dead end; it’s a junction that points you toward a new path, offering you a chance to build a longer, more robust streak. It’s like planting a new tree in your garden of habits; the more you nurture it, the more resilient it becomes, capable of withstanding future storms.

So, the next time you find your routine interrupted, don’t see it as a setback but as an opportunity for a fresh start. Learn from it, adapt your strategies, and continue your journey toward self-improvement. Plant that new tree today, and watch it grow more potent than the last one. With this mindset, you transform every end into a new beginning, turning setbacks into setups for future success.

Goal-Setting 101: How to Use Rules and Triggers for Habit Building

t helps to determine rules and triggers to develop and maintain your habits. As with my running goal last year, I knew that sometimes events would conspire against me being able to meet my 35k per week goal. As such, I needed to determine some rules to play by. I had to ensure that my rules supported my plan rather than excuses I could fall back on. The first step I took in crafting my rules was to investigate what my goal was.


My goal was to run 35k per week, but I wanted to regain mobility endurance and support my health. Recognizing these as my real goals helped me create appropriate rules. For example, one of my rules is that I will not run if there is snow/ice on the ground. This rule would conflict if my true goal were the 35k per week. However, since my true goal is mobility, doing something that has a substantial risk of decreasing my mobility via a broken ankle from slipping/falling is counterproductive.

I tested all of my potential rules against my goals in this manner. Setting up rules like this is crucial because otherwise, I would be relying on Ad Hoc decisions, which are too easily influenced by current emotions.

As much as I wanted to achieve my actual goals and that I became focused on reaching 35k each week, there were plenty of days when I dreaded running, and it took great effort to force myself to go out. If I had not established a strict running schedule on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, I probably would have made excuses and failed to achieve my goal by missing too many days.

The other half of this equation is setting up triggers. Triggers are events or times that prompt a response or when to apply a rule. Every run day, my trigger for getting ready for running is after I use the bathroom. Every morning, after breakfast and coffee, I’ll eventually have to use the toilet; I use this as my trigger for running. After I use the bathroom, I change into my running clothes instead of returning to my computer. My no running on snow ice rule is triggered by looking out the front door when I get my second cup of coffee. If there’s snow/ice visible on my ground now, I cancel my run.

So when trying to develop your habits, First figure out your actual goals and test your habit ideas against your real goals. Second, build your ruleset so you’re not relying on feelings or motivation, and be strict with your rules. Don’t give yourself any excuses for ignoring your rules. You might need to create a new rule if you can’t do the desired behavior. Just ensure you test this new rule against your goals. Finally, make your triggers. Use alarms on your phone if you can’t find commonly occurring events.