Taking The First Step To Write A Novel

I’ve Started Taking Brandon Sanderson’s Writing Lecture Series!

Written August 19, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

My wife and I are avid fans of Brandon Sanderson, so when I discovered a BYU lecture series on YouTube focused on writing, I knew it was something I wanted to explore. Initially, my intention was to watch the series to enhance my writing skills. Still, I used it as a convenient excuse to postpone starting my writing projects. You know how it goes—there’s always one more thing to learn before you feel “ready.”

Today, however, I finally took the plunge and began the lecture series. While it’s just the first step, it’s an essential one. The series includes 14 videos: an introductory short video followed by 13 in-depth lectures, most of which are over an hour long. These lectures are designed to guide you through writing your first novella, which is exciting and daunting. I’ve already scheduled dedicated time to watch each lecture, understanding that this commitment is critical to progress.

Starting today marks my first real day of action. Although I still have many more lectures to watch, I’m already thinking ahead to the true challenge: beginning and finishing my own story. Starting with a blank page can be intimidating. Still, luckily, I already have a seed of an idea and a few themes I’m eager to explore. This gives me a bit of a head start, so I won’t be starting from nothing.

So far, Brandon Sanderson’s advice resonates with the common wisdom I’ve encountered across various disciplines: you only get better through practice. There’s no shortcut, no magical advice that will instantly make you a skilled writer. Consistent effort and the willingness to learn through doing are the only feasible paths to reaching my goals. While this isn’t groundbreaking news, it’s a reminder that all great achievements start with small, consistent actions.

Interestingly, my wife is also keen on watching Sanderson’s lecture series. She’s currently engrossed in another lecture series about book criticism. Still, once she finishes that, she also plans to dive into Sanderson’s series. She asked me for my thoughts, and although I’d just begun, I shared my excitement with her. Her interest was piqued, and it’s nice to know we’ll likely be learning from Sanderson together soon.

In the meantime, I’ll keep moving forward, one lecture at a time, hoping that by the end of this journey, I’ll have gained knowledge and completed my first novella. It’s a daunting goal, but as Sanderson himself would likely agree, the only way to get there is to keep writing.