Embracing a Quiet Saturday: Our Plans for a Leisurely Weekend

We’ve been gifted a free Saturday for the first time in several weeks. It’s been a hectic period, and this reprieve feels like a gentle exhale. While our usual chores beckon, there are no additional errands, family visits, or specific shopping trips crowding our agenda. The next burst of activity won’t come until the end of June when we venture out to pick blueberries.

In my mind, we were completely obligation-free. However, I quickly discovered that was only my perspective. As I settled into what I thought would be a lazy morning, I wandered into my room only to hear about my wife’s detailed cleaning agenda for the weekend. She’s set her sights on tackling the garage and reorganizing our storage room/pantry in preparation for the bustling month of June. Post-July will be dominated by our annual canning spree, making this the perfect time for such endeavors.

I’ve promised to assist with clearing out and tidying up whatever she deems necessary on this relatively calm Saturday. Aside from the cleaning, she’s also planned to whip up another batch of homemade tofu and has tasked me with bottling the kombucha, which I aim to do right after breakfast.

Though initially, I pictured a day spent lounging; my Saturday will be productive in a different yet equally satisfying way. Engaging in these practical tasks not only prepares us for the busier days ahead but also brings a sense of accomplishment and readiness for whatever the weeks ahead throw our way.

Maximizing Time Alone: A Cleaning Journey While My Partner’s Away

Written on March 23, 2024

My husband will be away, spending quality time with his siblings in the upcoming days—a trip I wished to join if only my schedule permitted. Unfortunately, the timing couldn’t have been more inconvenient. With the completion of consolidation reports, nearing the end of financial audits, and the final touches to our financial statements, my work as the sole accountant for our company has been more demanding than ever. The looming task of handling corporation tax still awaits me. Given these circumstances, taking time off was hardly an option. However, I managed to secure a single day to cherish moments with my husband before his departure.

After confirming my husband’s trip, I strategized to use this period to clean our home thoroughly. Although work obligations spilled into the weekend, I seized the chance for a comprehensive cleanup. My husband’s absence made this task more straightforward, allowing me to dive right into it with my trusted trio: vinegar, baking soda, and citric acid.

Admittedly, I often feel a pang of guilt for not maintaining a cleaner home. While my husband contributes to daily upkeep, my efforts are usually reserved for spot cleaning and tackling the bathroom and kitchen over the weekend. Yet, this often needs to be improved. The desire to clean windows, wallboards, and doors weighed on me, especially considering the recent surge in pollen, which likely invaded every corner of our house.

Determined, I dedicated four hours to an intense cleaning spree, focusing on our showers, bathrooms, kitchen appliances, and sideboards. The result was a significantly tidier home that not only looked better but also made me feel better.

Reflecting on this, I’m reminded of my grandmother’s wisdom. She often said that cleaning could clear one’s mind, which resonated with me deeply during this cleaning endeavor. Indeed, as I navigated through the chores, the clutter of my mind seemed to diminish alongside the physical clutter. This experience underscored the value of finding tranquility and satisfaction in the simplicity of household chores, particularly during solitude. It served as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a clean home and a clear mind, especially amidst the hectic pace of professional responsibilities.


While the initial motivation for this cleaning marathon was born out of necessity and the opportunity presented by my husband’s absence, it evolved into a therapeutic exercise that brought clarity and a sense of accomplishment. It’s a gentle reminder that sometimes, in the quiet moments of solitude, we find the space to rejuvenate and realign ourselves, ready to tackle the challenges ahead with a renewed spirit and a cleaner home.

Embracing the New Normal: A Day of Disruptions

Written on January 31, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Amidst the yearly ritual of my check-up meeting, I found myself navigating through the day’s tasks with notable success yesterday. The only casualty in my daily routine was my second cup of coffee—a minor change. Yet, it significantly contributed to my exhaustion as the night drew in.

The day had started on an alright note, and indulging in some extra sleep this morning, I’ve managed to shake off the weariness from yesterday’s altered schedule. Nonetheless, I eagerly anticipate the refreshing embrace of sufficient coffee to elevate my energy levels back to their familiar state.

This leads me to ponder whether recognizing these minor disturbances in my routine is a byproduct of having a routine in the first place. Recently, my daily patterns have been jostled by snow, unpredictable delivery schedules, and hospital appointments, making disruptions seem like the new status quo. Suppose a day sprinkled with unexpected events has become the norm. In that case, these aren’t disruptions but elements of my newly adapted normalcy.

Adopting this mindset might keep the external realities of my schedule the same. Still, it could offer me a steadier footing amidst the unpredictability. The irregularities are no longer obstacles but nuances of a continuously evolving life. This shift in perception, although subtle, can ease the strain of adjustment and help me navigate through the ebbs and flows with a sense of resilience.

It’s somewhat comforting to think that what once seemed like disruptions are now integral parts of my daily life. It’s a testament to human adaptability and the subtle power of perspective in managing life’s uncertainties. While the absence of my second cup of coffee might have left me yearning for its comforting routine, it also underscored the capacity to find equilibrium amid change.

So, as I look forward to my next cup, it’s not just the caffeine boost I’m after but a moment to reflect on the beauty of embracing the unexpected. It’s about finding balance in the flux and recognizing that a shift in routine can sometimes lead to a deeper appreciation of the small constants that anchor us. The disruptions, in their own way, remind us of our ability to adapt and find joy in the new patterns that emerge.

In closing, my dear readers, I encourage you to view the disruptions in your own lives not as hindrances but as opportunities to forge new norms. In these moments of adaptation, we often discover unanticipated strengths and joys. Let’s raise our cups—be it the first, second, or even third—to the beauty of resilience and the endless possibilities in what we might have once called disruptions.

Spring’s Subtle Arrival: A Reflection

Written on January 28, 2024

As we inch closer to the end of another week, the promise of spring whispers ever so softly to us. It’s a time filled with subtle signs that herald the return of warmer days. During my recent runs, I’ve been greeted by the sight of robins, those quintessential messengers of spring, frolicking across various lawns. Their presence is a comforting reminder that spring is indeed on its way.

Reflecting on this same period last year, I recall the slightly surreal sight of these birds hopping through a light blanket of snow. It was a peculiar contrast – the embodiment of spring dancing amidst winter’s lingering embrace. I hope that this year, the transition will be less jarring, with spring taking its rightful place without the backdrop of winter’s chill.

Yet, with the arrival of spring comes the inevitable: a list of chores that seem to awaken alongside the blossoming flora. A significant part of this seasonal shift includes the resurgence of yard work. Last year, I successfully maintained our outdoor space and found the perfect balance. Our homeowner’s association, perhaps taking note of the improvements, spared us the usual reminders to tend to our yard. This small victory encouraged me to adopt a similar strategy this year.

With all its beauty and promise, spring also reminds us of the cyclical nature of responsibilities and the satisfaction derived from their fulfillment. As much as it signifies renewal and growth, it also beckons us to engage with our surroundings to care for the land that, in turn, sustains and nurtures us. So, as we stand on the cusp of this season of rebirth, I embrace its joys and demands with equal enthusiasm.

As you observe the signs of spring in your own lives, you may find joy in the simple pleasures it brings and resilience in the face of its challenges. Here’s to a season of growth, renewal, and the harmonious balance between enjoying nature’s beauty and contributing to its upkeep.

A Slice of Life: Learning From Kitchen Mishaps

Hello, dear readers,

Yesterday, amid the ordinary hustle and bustle of preparing dinner, I unintentionally sustained an injury on the pad of my right thumb. The culprit? None other than our household mandolin, which I had ventured to use without donning the accompanying safety glove, subsequently slicing out a significant piece of my thumb’s pad.

In hindsight, I was fully aware of the precautions needed when engaging with such tools, but alas, the glove seemed to have been playing hide and seek. I thought, “No harm, I’ll tread carefully.” The irony wasn’t lost when my careful treading proved insufficient, landing me exactly where I hoped not to be.

Every time I find myself in such unforeseen and often preventable predicaments, my mind naturally leans into contemplation, dissecting the whys and hows, striving to unearth lessons that might shield me from a recurrence of such events. In this particular scenario, deducing the ‘why’ required no strenuous thought – the absence of essential safety gear was glaringly obvious.

Given the circumstances, a more rational alternative would have been resorting to the reliable simplicity of a knife to cut the carrots. Stubborn resolve, however, had me fixated on the mandolin, which, to be fair, was ideally suited for the task at hand. Another seemingly sensible route that eluded me was investing more time in pursuing the elusive glove.

The persistent reminder of this little incident, marked by the slight discomfort, will instill a greater sense of responsibility in me. It might just be the nudge I need to shrug off laziness and adhere more strictly to the practices I cognitively recognize as essential rather than relying on the flimsy reassurance of “I’ll just be careful.”

The incident, though minor, serves as a poignant reminder of the interplay between mindfulness and our daily actions. A fleeting moment of negligence, spurred by the unassuming thought of bypassing necessary precautions, can manifest in tangible repercussions. This slice of my life has reaffirmed the importance of mindfulness, especially within the confines of a space as dynamic and unpredictable as the kitchen.

It’s an enlightening revelation, recognizing that the solutions and preventive measures are often well within our grasp, hidden in plain sight. The glove was there, somewhere, waiting to shield me from harm. Yet, a momentary lapse in judgment and a dash of impatience set the stage for an avoidable mishap.

This is a subtle yet significant nudge, encouraging me. Hopefully, you, dear reader, can pause, reflect, and opt for the safer, more mindful path, even in the seemingly mundane tasks that fill our daily lives. Sometimes, the small, seemingly inconsequential decisions culminate in lessons most profound, steering us towards a path of greater awareness and prudence.

So here’s to embracing mindfulness in our everyday endeavors, learning from each misstep, and fostering a culture of safety and reflection, even in the seemingly trivial corners of our existence.