Embracing Sleep Patterns and Changing Habits

Today, I woke up later than I usually would. If you know me well, you know I’ve always had a tricky relationship with sleep. My natural tendency is to resist the allure of the bed, only succumbing to its embrace when my eyelids become too heavy to keep open. This means I’d push myself until the very last moment when I’d drop into slumber the minute my head touched the pillow. But this approach has its pitfalls. I often sleep late, so I stay up even later the following night, waiting for that same exhaustion to hit.

During the spring of this year, I decided it was time to shift gears and develop a healthier sleep pattern. So, I set a new goal: to wake up at 7 a.m. sharp, except on Thursdays and Sundays. These days, I allowed myself a little indulgence and set my alarm for 8 a.m. And guess what? This schedule worked wonders for me, and I followed it diligently. I also started using melatonin to ensure I drift off to dreamland without much ado. Its calming properties were just what I needed to ensure a peaceful night’s sleep.

However, today was an exception, reminding me that sometimes even the best-laid plans can go awry. But I’m determined not to let one slip throw me off my game. Tonight, I plan to get back on track, aligning my sleep with the schedule I’ve set for myself. External factors like daylight savings can play havoc with even the most regimented sleep routines. When the clocks are adjusted, I suggest shifting my alarms by an hour. This way, my waking hours remain consistent with the sun’s position, ensuring I benefit from natural light as much as possible.


In conclusion, sleep is a delicate dance of habits, routines, and external influences. The key is adjusting, adapting, and finding what works best for one’s body and mind. Here’s to more restful nights and energized mornings!