Planking Pains and Gains: My Battle with the New Platform

Written January 24, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Ever since my wife and I upgraded to a new planking platform, my core has been waging a full-scale rebellion. Holding a plank for my usual duration? Ha! My abs have other plans. Two likely culprits are sabotaging my endurance, and honestly, I feel personally attacked.

Why Am I Suddenly Terrible at Planking?

First, there was the dark age—that sad, plank-less week when our old platform broke. Not wanting to lose momentum, I switched to planking on the floor. Great idea in theory, except floor planking apparently isn’t the same beast. It felt easier, sure, but that “easier” came with a hidden cost—my endurance took a hit. Turns out, sometimes doing something isn’t as good as doing the right thing. Lesson learned.

Second, this new machine is demanding, and my body is not amused. Unlike the old platform, this one requires a completely different posture. My core, once a loyal ally, is now throwing tantrums over the additional balancing act. I plank, I wobble, I try to hold steady, and the machine just laughs at my suffering.

The Game Plan: One Problem at a Time

Since quitting isn’t an option (and my pride won’t let me), I’ve been sneaking in extra plank sessions throughout the day. The improvement has been slow but steady—exactly the kind of hard-earned victory that makes fitness both frustrating and rewarding.

Endurance Woes: Fighting for Seconds

When I first set foot (or rather, forearm) on this new machine, I barely lasted a minute. A whole 60 seconds before my core tapped out. Now, I’m creeping up to 90 seconds. Still far from my goal of nearly three minutes, but hey, progress is progress. I’ve been on and off gymnastics in the past, so I know one thing for certain—muscle endurance isn’t won overnight. It’s a painfully slow process of adding seconds, one grueling plank at a time. The only way forward? Reduce the timer, reclaim lost time, and build up gradually.

Core Chaos: The Balancing Act

Balance? What balance? This machine demands way more from my core, and my muscles are not amused. It’s like trying to hold a plank on a tiny, floating island that tilts at the slightest shift. Keeping the correct posture while balancing feels like taming a wild horse—one that insists on throwing me off at every opportunity. But I’m sticking with it. No matter how many times I feel like a baby giraffe learning to walk, I’ll get there.

The Silver Lining: Sore Abs = Progress

How long will it take to reach my previous planking glory? No clue. This is an entirely different beast, and I’ll have to tame it on its terms. One thing I do know? My abs are on fire. The soreness is proof that this machine is working harder than ever. If pain equals progress, then I’m definitely moving in the right direction.

So, for now, I’ll keep planking, keep struggling, and keep counting the seconds—until my core decides to stop complaining and start cooperating.

Snow Day Fitness Struggle and Challenges

Written January 10, 2025

Hello Dear Readers,

Snow day vibes are in full swing! The official news of school closures arrived this morning, and honestly, it felt like getting a surprise day off—a winter gift wrapped in frost. Outside, it’s snowing again, so my running shoes are sitting this one out. Our neighborhood, with its steep hills, is basically a snow-covered obstacle course right now, and I’d prefer not to star in my own accidental slapstick comedy. I already skipped Monday’s run, which triggered some minor guilt, but today’s weather is infinitely worse. Oh well—what’s done is done. I’m choosing to focus on the positives, like the promising forecast for next week. By next Saturday, it’s supposed to warm up to a balmy 50°F. Just imagine—no snow, no ice, and (hopefully) no excuses.

Now, let me entertain you with yesterday’s little home gym drama. The trusty planking platform, which has been part of our workout routine for over a year, decided it couldn’t take the pressure anymore and developed a charming crack. My immediate thought? Break out the super glue and duct tape—it’s basically the DIY version of “Hold my protein shake; I’ve got this.” However, my wife, ever the pragmatist, put a firm stop to my repair dreams. Her argument? Something about not wanting to risk a workout injury that could land us in physical therapy. Fair point. So, it looks like we’re shopping for a new planking platform soon. The old one has been semi-retired, and I’ve promised to say my goodbyes with grace.

In the meantime, today’s planking session had to happen the old-fashioned way—right on the floor. Let me tell you, switching to the bare floor brings an entirely different level of focus. It’s just you, the timer on your app, and the creeping realization that the seconds seem to stretch longer than usual when there’s no fancy gadget involved. Staying in the game without the platform was surprisingly tough. Who knew planking could turn into such a mental battle?

On the bright side, improvising my workout at home made me realize I don’t need all the bells and whistles to stay active, even if the process isn’t as smooth. Plus, there’s a certain charm to adapting and pushing through despite the odds—or at least that’s what I’m telling myself to feel better about today’s chaotic workout.

So, as the snow continues to fall, I’m trying to embrace this cozy pause while keeping one eye on the brighter days ahead. Here’s hoping for clear skies, clear roads, and fewer broken fitness gadgets in the near future.

Stay warm, stay active (even if it’s on the floor), and as always, stay fabulous!

365 Days of Planking: My (Not-So-Secret) Superpower

Written December 29, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Guess who’s feeling like an absolute champ this morning? Spoiler alert: It’s me. Why, you ask? Because I’ve just hit a milestone that has me walking a little taller (probably thanks to my newly improved core strength). Drumroll, please… I’ve officially completed 365 consecutive days of planking! That’s an entire year of showing up, holding steady, and giving gravity a run for its money.

Now, let’s set some realistic expectations here. I’m not exactly a Guinness World Record holder or prepping for a plank-off with The Rock (yet). But I’m pretty proud of my progress. Right now, I’m inching closer to holding a solid 3-minute plank in one go. And let me tell you, it feels pretty amazing, considering where I started.

When I first embarked on this journey, my initial plank attempts barely scraped the one-minute mark. I’d start strong, shaking within 30 seconds, and collapse in a heap by 60. It wasn’t exactly graceful, but it was a start. Every habit begins somewhere, right? Fast-forward to today, and I can confidently say those early struggles have paid off. Three minutes may not seem too impressive, but for me, it’s a pretty big deal—and it’s proof that consistency works wonders.

The app I use has been my trusty sidekick throughout this journey. It keeps me on track, celebrates my streaks with little virtual confetti bursts (because who doesn’t love confetti?), and has been a surprisingly effective motivator. Seeing that little streak number climb higher and higher kept me committed, even on those days when the idea of planking sounded about as fun as a root canal.

This habit has become such a natural part of my routine that I can’t imagine starting my day without it. It’s like my morning coffee but with fewer jitters and more abs. And while I’m thrilled with my progress, I know there’s always room for improvement. My next goal is to see how far I can push my limits—not just in time but also in form and focus. Because, let’s face it, a 5-minute plank sounds impressive, but not if I’m doing it with my hips in the air like a triangle.

Of course, there’s always the possibility I’ll hit a practical limit at some point. Maybe my body will say, “Okay, this is as far as we’re going,” or my brain will decide to switch things up. And that’s fine, too. Goals evolve, habits shift, and new challenges emerge. I’ll reevaluate, adjust, and keep moving forward when that happens.

For now, though, I’m basking in the glow of this achievement. Here’s to staying consistent, celebrating progress, and tackling new goals with the same determination. Who knows? Maybe in another year, I’ll be writing about my 730-day streak—or teaching a masterclass in planking. Until then, I’m sticking to my plan, one plank at a time.

Stay strong, and as always, plan on!