Overcoming Challenges: My Journey Back to 10 Pull-Ups After a Stroke

Written December 16, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

For the first time since I stopped doing pullups every day, I could do 10 consecutive pullups. It was quite a big deal for me. When I was a teen, I was doing gymnastics. Before the brain stroke, I was able to do pull-ups. When I was paralyzed after my brain stroke, I stayed on the bed for over one month, losing substantial muscle mass. 

I started using a pull-up machine, which my wife bought me on my birthday a year before my brain stroke. I used to use a door frame pull-up bar. It was convenient because the device was mobile. After we moved to this house, she thought it would be better to have the machine since I used it. The machine even allows me to work on my abs.

Once I was more comfortable with my running schedule, I started to work on my muscles. So I reassembled the machine. I struggled a lot, even completing one at the beginning. However, gradually, I gained more and could do 5-6 times. During the summer, I had to reduce the amount of muscle exercise because I had to do so much yard work, which was quite exhausting. So, when introducing the muscle exercise, I realized I lost my muscle again.

I’ve been working on my muscles every day. Although I do different parts of the workout daily, I train my muscles daily. Despite losing my muscles, it took much longer to rebuild them.

It is still hard work. For example, while the last three were hard today, finishing the final pullup required a lot of grit. I’m pretty pleased to get back to this baseline.  I’m sure it’ll get easier to do all 10 in the following weeks, and if I’m able, 

I will push myself to higher numbers. If I reach 15 before next summer’s demands, I will shift my schedule back to running before breakfast and cease my other exercises. Then, when running is again pushed to after breakfast, I can start back at 10 pull-ups.

Adjusting to Winter: Balancing Workouts, Cold Weather, and Health Challenges

Written October 14, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Last night, I decided to start my winter running routine early. The day is getting shorter, and the sun is rising past 6:40 a.m. now. I used to run a little past 8 a.m. to avoid the Nashville heat. The later the sun rises, the chilly the outside temperature is. The coldest temperature of some of the day was below 40F.

I started to shift around my workout schedule so that activities involving going outside are done much later in the day. I began adding pull-ups and push-ups just like before implementing the summer exercise curriculum.  After setting my breakfast bowl and coffee on my desk, 

It had just been a few months since the change, so I decided to do push-ups like I used to. In reality, that is not what happened. I found doing the pullups to be much more complicated than I remember them being the last time I did them. Previously, I remember being able to do a set of 10 without pause, but today I could only manage 4.  I completed 10 in total but had to drop off for a few seconds between bursts of effort. At least the push-up exercise was easy for me to complete.

It was a little disappointing. Now, I wonder how long it will take me to return to where I was before summer. I’ll just have to keep working on them and doing what I can until they’re more accessible. The only way I will do this is to increase the rep per set gradually. 

In summer, I had to do much more chores outside. The chores can be stressful for my body, especially with the steep hill in our backyard. Some days, I didn’t have enough energy to complete both, so I changed my exercise routine. I have kidney conditions, so I get tired much faster than a healthy adult. 

I started adding muscle training to my routine in the last two years. It was better in the first year because my reps and sets for each session were much smaller. 

For next year, I should schedule a little differently so I can still do my muscle training, like push-ups or pull-ups. There are some solutions to this. I could have yard work split not into two days but three days. I could also reduce the days I work out but keep doing them.