Back on Track: Rediscovering the Joy of Running

Written on January 24, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Good news abounds as I’ve finally managed to reintegrate my beloved running routine into my life, marking a significant milestone since the interruption caused by the last snowfall. Venturing out yesterday for the first time since winter’s grip loosened, I embarked on my run under the cloak of rainfall—a testament to my determination to reclaim this piece of my life.

Despite concerns that a week-long break might have eroded my speed, the run unfolded surprisingly well. Rather than being a deterrent, the rain seemed almost inconsequential to my pace. That’s not to say it was effortless; by the journey’s end, my legs were broadcasting their fatigue loud and clear, a tangible reminder of the hiatus’s impact. Yet, the early night that followed—ushering in a deep, restorative sleep—left me feeling rejuvenated today, to the point where I might even declare myself a tad over-rested.

Reflecting on this, I find my evolving relationship with running quite fascinating. There was a time when I viewed it more as a necessary evil—a means to an end, filled with discomfort rather than delight. However, as my cardiovascular fitness improved, so too did my perspective. The activity I once deemed painful has now transformed into a source of joy, a shift in sentiment that even a rainy run couldn’t dampen.

This rekindled enthusiasm for running signifies more than just a return to physical activity; it marks the reassembly of my daily routine, piece by piece. The holidays and winter conditions had scattered my habits like leaves in the wind. Still, with my running shoes laced once more, I feel as though I’ve woven those scattered pieces back together. The structure and familiarity of my routine have been restored, imbuing me with a sense of accomplishment and normalcy.

The challenge now lies in maintaining this momentum. The ease with which life’s disruptions can unravel our routines reminds us of the need for resilience and dedication. My recent return to running serves as a personal victory and a blueprint for navigating the ebb and flow of life’s inevitable interruptions. With each step on the pavement, rain or shine, I’m not just running; I’m reaffirming my commitment to my well-being and the routines that sustain it.

As I lace up my shoes for the next run, I do so with a renewed sense of purpose and a heart full of gratitude for the ability to move forward, both literally and metaphorically. Once a daunting task, running has become a cherished ritual, a source of strength and joy amidst the chaos of life. It’s a poignant reminder that the path back to ourselves sometimes begins with a single step forward.

Title: Embracing Routine and Adaptation in Daily Life

This morning, I finally awoke at my designated time. I might finally be back on my planned sleep schedule. My wife and I also decided to turn on our furnace today. I usually wait until my wife suggests it or complains about the inside temperature since I know my temperature regulation is untrustworthy. I have a doctor’s appointment today, which will result in me skipping my run, but I’ll still be able to get everything else done. I usually schedule doctor’s appointments for Tuesdays or Thursdays to avoid losing a running day. Still, the doctor’s office had to reschedule, and today was the best option. We all just do what we can, and as long as we put in the effort and honestly attempt to do what we should, we should be satisfied.


Life often nudges us into routines, whether we embrace them willingly or not. My morning wake-up time has become a symbolic anchor of my daily life. Today, as I finally managed to rouse myself at the appointed hour, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment. It’s a small victory, but it signifies that I might be back on track with my planned sleep schedule. There’s a comforting rhythm to adhering to a schedule and a rhythm that brings a sense of order to my day.


Speaking of order, today marks the day my wife and I decided to switch on our furnace. It’s a simple decision that usually hinges on my wife’s suggestion or her complaints about the indoor temperature. I’ve come to accept that my internal thermostat is unreliable. It’s a part of who I am, a reminder that we all have quirks and imperfections. But in the grand scheme, it’s a minor inconvenience, easily mitigated by a warm, cozy home during the colder months.


However, today is about more than just adjusting the thermostat or my sleep schedule. It’s also the day I have a doctor’s appointment. While this appointment necessitates skipping my usual morning run, I remain focused on accomplishing everything on my to-do list. It’s a juggling act, balancing our responsibilities and priorities.


I typically schedule my doctor’s appointments for Tuesdays or Thursdays to ensure they don’t disrupt my running routine. Running is not just a form of exercise for me; it’s a vital part of my well-being and mental clarity. But sometimes, life throws a curveball. Today’s appointment was rescheduled, and I had to adapt. It’s a reminder that we can’t always control the timing of every event in our lives. Flexibility and adaptability are qualities we should cultivate to navigate life’s unexpected twists and turns.


As I reflect on the day ahead, I’m reminded of a simple truth: we do what we can with our circumstances. Life doesn’t always adhere to our plans, and that’s okay. What matters most is the effort we put in and our honest attempt to do what we should. Satisfaction comes from knowing we’ve given our best, even when things are unplanned.


In conclusion, routines and adaptability are two sides of the same coin daily. We find comfort in the familiar routines we establish, like waking up at a designated time or adjusting the thermostat. Yet, life often challenges us with unexpected events, like rescheduled appointments, that require us to adapt. Ultimately, our satisfaction comes from our commitment to making an honest effort, no matter the circumstances. So, here’s to embracing routine while staying open to life’s surprises and challenges.

The Art of Routine Maintenance: Transitioning from Lawn Mowing to Leaf Collection

Hello, my cherished readers,


Summer is bidding us farewell, and as the leaves adopt their autumn hues, it’s clear that my yard maintenance rituals must evolve with the seasons. The final lawnmowing session is just around the corner, leaving a void in my weekly chore schedule. It’s funny, but if I let that void linger, it would likely get filled with some other task—only to be jettisoned again when it’s time to rev up the lawnmower come spring. Such unpredictable interruptions can be the bane of any well-oiled routine, risking its total disintegration. Fortunately, Mother Nature lends a helping hand. As the grass growth halts, the leaves cascade down, offering an obvious segue from mowing to leaf collection.


Yet, leaf collection, too, will lose its seasonal relevance, leaving me in search of another activity to occupy that time slot until mowing resumes. You see, disruptions to a routine can be a real headache, but if you can foresee them, it’s easier to soften the blow.


This concept of seasonal chore substitution takes me back to my kitchen adventures. If you’ve ever found yourself a key ingredient short while cooking, you know the allure of using a stand-in. But here’s where it gets intricate; a good substitute must fill the missing element’s roles. To illustrate, let’s say you’re making cookies and find yourself walnut-less. You might think, “Ah, walnut extract can do the trick!” True, it will imbue that nutty flavor, but what about the crunch that whole walnuts provide? Throw in some peanuts. But peanuts bring their own quirks, like added saltiness or a different oil content, leaving you with a greasier cookie than you’d imagined.


Drawing parallels to yard work, replacing lawn mowing with leaf collection is a logical swap. Both outdoor chores focus on the yard’s upkeep and require similar time commitments. However, there’s a catch. Lawn mowing doubles up as my cardio workout for the day, something that leaf collection, while not a cakewalk, doesn’t quite match in physical exertion. So, I’ll have to supplement this new chore with some extra exercises to meet my fitness needs.


The takeaway? Whether in the kitchen or in the yard, an ingredient or task rarely plays a single role in our lives. While there’s usually one primary function that captures our attention, the secondary parts shouldn’t be discounted. Neglect them, and they’ll soon demand to be noticed.


So, as you transition from summer to autumn chores—or face any routine disruption, for that matter—remember that the key to a smooth transition lies in identifying the multifaceted roles each activity serves. Finding an adequate stand-in becomes much simpler once you’ve done that.

The Struggle of Practicing My Own Advice: Coping with Loss and Self-Care

Hello to my cherished readers,

Today, I grapple with the tricky endeavor of heeding my counsel from just a day ago. As some may know, my long-time furry companion, Gambi, passed away yesterday at 16. Acknowledging the weight of this loss, I allowed myself to step back from my routine. Sure, I managed to pull off a single exercise set and even went for a run, but sitting down to write eluded me. Yet even as I mourn Gambi, who meant the world to me, I must acknowledge the importance of sticking to my other commitments. While I did fall short in some areas yesterday, I feel a sense of pride for pushing myself to do what I did manage to accomplish.

Yesterday was tough, no doubt about it. However, a surprising solace came in the form of exercise. It wasn’t a magic cure; emotionally, I was still shattered. Still, something about the physical activity provided me a slight reprieve. Reflecting on that experience has made it easier to muster the energy to exercise today. Slowly but surely, I intend to get back in the saddle. I’m not naïve enough to think that I’ll swiftly move on from the absence of Gambi in my life. Still, through sheer will and effort, I anticipate that, eventually, I’ll come close to being the person I was before.

Arguably, the most challenging part of this transition has been grappling with how ingrained Gambi was in my nightly ritual. For years, my bedtime routine commenced with calling Gambi into the bedroom. As I nestled into bed, I’d tell her I was ready for our usual evening snuggles. She’d promptly saunter over, perch on my right shoulder, and start purring, a comforting sound that had become as essential to me as a lullaby. The gaping void left by her absence makes me wonder how I’ll adapt my routine to compensate for this loss. Although uncertain about what will fill that emotional space, I am optimistic that something will eventually.

For now, the most I can do is heed the advice I’ve been doling out all along. It’s challenging, but if I expect to encourage others, it’s vital that I also live by those principles myself. Self-care and maintaining routine might feel like climbing a steep hill. Still, they’re crucial steps toward navigating through this emotional labyrinth.

Turning Setbacks into New Beginnings: The Art of Maintaining Streaks

Hello Dear Readers,

As you strive to build successful routines and habits, there will inevitably be days when obstacles throw you off course. The weather, unexpected emergencies, or simple fatigue disrupts your meticulously planned performance. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I recently faced such a challenge when I could only complete one set of exercises instead of the scheduled two. While you can’t rewrite the past, you can control how you navigate the future.

A Chinese proverb wisely states, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago; the second-best time is now.” This aphorism reminds us that although we can’t undo our failures, the next best thing is to act immediately to rectify them. Resilience isn’t just about avoiding loss; it’s about your recovery speed. Dusting yourself off and getting back on track is what truly counts.

Losing a streak can be disheartening, especially when you’ve invested significant time and effort into maintaining it. For example, I’ve consistently practiced Japanese language exercises on an app for over 250 days. Although I take immense pride in this achievement, I must acknowledge that this isn’t my first streak. It is, however, the longest one I’ve maintained. While I aim to continue without interruptions, life sometimes cooperates with our plans. Sometimes, unforeseen circumstances can disrupt even the most entrenched habits.

When setbacks occur, the key is not to dwell on them but to take them as learning opportunities. The first step is to evaluate the reason behind the break in your routine. Once you identify the root cause, you can develop strategies to prevent similar interruptions in the future.

The art of maintaining a streak lies in its renewal. A broken streak isn’t a dead end; it’s a junction that points you toward a new path, offering you a chance to build a longer, more robust streak. It’s like planting a new tree in your garden of habits; the more you nurture it, the more resilient it becomes, capable of withstanding future storms.

So, the next time you find your routine interrupted, don’t see it as a setback but as an opportunity for a fresh start. Learn from it, adapt your strategies, and continue your journey toward self-improvement. Plant that new tree today, and watch it grow more potent than the last one. With this mindset, you transform every end into a new beginning, turning setbacks into setups for future success.