It Is So Important To Find Balance Exercise and Health

Written August 24, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I woke up to a familiar but unwelcome sensation—muscle pain. My glutes were exceptionally sore, and I quickly connected the discomfort to yesterday’s yard work. Squatting down repeatedly to pull weeds around the front yard was more of a workout than anticipated. While yard work isn’t typically considered exercise, it was enough to challenge my muscles, and the soreness is a clear sign. However, I like to think of it as a two-for-one deal—I got rid of the weeds and gained some strength along the way.

One of the challenges I face due to my kidney condition is managing my protein intake. Unlike the average healthy male, who can consume about 10% of their weight in protein, I’m restricted to a much lower amount. Protein plays a crucial role in muscle repair, and this limitation can make my recovery slower than I’d prefer. Given my active lifestyle, I know my muscles won’t heal as quickly as they would. Still, I try to strike a balance between staying fit and managing my health restrictions.

Saturdays are typically my day for a 10k run. It’s become a personal ritual I look forward to each week. I especially enjoy seeing my neighbors working on their lawns in the early hours, trying to beat the summer heat. Something is calming about watching them tend to their yards while I’m out for a run. However, today’s run was far from relaxing. The soreness in my muscles made running more difficult. After a few kilometers, I decided to cut the run short. Instead of my usual 10k, I settled for 5k. While it’s not my ideal distance, I felt it was the right decision given the circumstances.

My wife, who also runs, takes a more flexible approach to her training. She adjusts her pace and distance based on how she feels but ensures she gets at least 20 minutes of running, even when she feels off. Her struggles are the opposite of mine—she deals with low heart rate and blood pressure, which can leave her feeling sluggish if she doesn’t get her morning exercise. Though she doesn’t have the same dietary restrictions I do, she’s diligent about counting her calories. I guess everyone has their health challenges to manage.

I’m reasonably satisfied as long as I can get one solid 10k run each month. These runs are essential for building my speed, and I don’t want to miss too many. With some rest, I hope my muscles will heal soon to return to my usual routine.

Navigating Knee Pain: A Journey of Discovery and Adjustment

Written August 20, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Knee pain is something I never thought I’d be dealing with again—yet here I am. Over the past few days, my right knee has been aching, bringing back memories of a time when this pain was all too familiar. Back in elementary school, I experienced similar discomfort, which was casually dismissed as growing pains. At the time, I didn’t question it much. The pain was mild and sporadic, nothing that seemed worth worrying about. It was just a minor nuisance in the grand scheme of childhood.

Fast forward almost two decades, and I’ve uncovered the real reason behind that persistent pain. This discovery came about most unexpectedly. Ten years ago, I had a stroke, a life-altering event that sent me on a journey through the healthcare system, meeting specialists of all kinds. The stroke itself was a shocking and challenging experience, but what followed was a deep dive into understanding how interconnected our bodies indeed are.

In the months following the stroke, I worked closely with a team of healthcare professionals, including a physiatrist—a doctor who specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation. During these sessions, the issue with my knee came back into focus. My physiotherapist noticed something peculiar about the way I walk. With each step, I tend to extend my right leg more than my left, creating an asymmetrical gait. The source of this pain wasn’t just a harmless quirk but a clue to a deeper issue.

The physiatrist explained that the source of my knee pain was an imbalance in my muscle strength. Specifically, my quadriceps—the muscles on the front of my thigh—are significantly more potent than my gluteal muscles in the buttocks. This disproportionate strength pulls on my femur and the thigh bone, leading to undue stress on the knee joint. Over time, this stress caused a small bony nodule to form on the front of my knee, the very thing that had been causing me pain all those years ago.

This revelation was both enlightening and frustrating. On one hand, it was a relief to understand the root cause of my pain finally. On the other hand, realizing that this issue had likely been present for most of my life—and had gone unaddressed—was disheartening. The knowledge that the pain was linked to something as fundamental as muscle balance made me realize how important it is to maintain a well-rounded approach to physical health.

Unfortunately, there’s no quick fix for this kind of problem. The damage is done, and I can do little to reverse it entirely. However, I’m not powerless. By incorporating specific exercises into my routine, I can manage the pain and prevent it from worsening. Stretching my quadriceps and strengthening my glutes have become priorities in my workout regimen. These changes won’t just alleviate the pain in my knee; they’ll also contribute to my overall physical well-being.

Adjusting my exercise routine is a small price to pay for long-term health. The experience has reminded me of the importance of paying attention to our bodies’ signals, no matter how subtle they may seem. As I move forward, I’m committed to staying vigilant about my physical health, making the necessary adjustments to keep my body balanced and strong.

Adapting to a New Running Routine Amidst Summer Storms

Written August 17, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

This morning began like any other. I woke up early, quickly prepared for my daily run, and stepped outside, eager to cover some distance before the day’s responsibilities took over. However, today, there was an urgency: a race against the ominous dark clouds gathering in the sky. I knew a thunderstorm was coming, and I was determined to finish my run before it hit. Unfortunately, that plan didn’t pan out as expected.

Normally, I rely on my weather app to avoid running in storms. I’ve had the misfortune of being caught in a severe thunderstorm before, and I have no desire to repeat it. Running in the rain is one thing; running amidst lightning and thunder is another. As I stepped outside, the sky was an unsettling shade of gray, and the distant rumble of thunder was growing louder. I hesitated and checked my app again. The storm was imminent.

Reluctantly, I decided to delay my run. I wasn’t happy about it—I’ve grown accustomed to running first thing in the morning, and changing that routine always feels like a disruption. But safety comes first. I returned inside, reminding myself that this was just a temporary delay. The storm wasn’t forecasted to last long, and I could resume my run after breakfast.

As I waited, I couldn’t help but reflect on how much my running routine has changed over the past few months. During the summer, I shifted to early morning runs to avoid the heat, but even that routine was being challenged. It’s funny how quickly we adapt to new habits, only to find them disrupted again. I hadn’t planned on changing my schedule today, but I realized it’s a part of life—adapting to what comes our way, even if it’s unexpected.

There’s also the unpredictability of summer storms to consider. Sometimes, they bring a refreshing drop in temperature, making the post-storm air crisp and cool—perfect for running. Other times, they leave behind a suffocating blanket of humidity, making every step feel like a slog. Our last storm did just that, turning the air thick and muggy, far from the relief I was hoping for. Whether a storm will leave the weather better or worse is always a gamble.

As I sat at the table, finishing my breakfast, I rechecked the weather app. The storm was passing, and I felt a sense of relief. I wouldn’t let a bit of bad weather throw me off course. My commitment to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is strong, and I wouldn’t let this minor setback deter me. Most importantly, I would get my run in today, even if it wasn’t at my usual time.

When I finally stepped outside again, the air was cooler, and the clouds began to part. I set off on my run, grateful I hadn’t let the storm ruin my day. Life is full of unexpected challenges, but with some flexibility and determination, we can keep moving forward—one step at a time.

I Am Learning How To Balance My Ambition

Written on August 10, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday, I set out to run 10 kilometers. However, it quickly became apparent that my legs hadn’t fully recovered from my previous run—they were sore and heavy. Despite my initial ambition, I realized that pushing through might not be the wisest decision, so I reluctantly cut the run short at 5 kilometers.

As I reflected on this decision, my wife shared a cautionary tale from her past. Years ago, when she was younger and just as driven, she ignored the early warning signs of soreness in her legs and kept running. Unfortunately, this led to stress fractures that sidelined her for several weeks. She emphasized the importance of listening to our bodies, no matter how strong the desire to achieve a goal might be. Her experience is a powerful reminder that ambition, if not balanced with self-care, can sometimes lead to setbacks.

Balancing my goals with my physical limitations has always been a challenge. There’s a fine line between pushing myself to improve and pushing myself too far. At times, it feels frustrating, especially when I see my progress over the past year. Thanks to my running app, I’ve been able to track my distances and pace, and I’ve seen significant improvement. Even when I complete a 10-kilometer run, my times are much better than last year. This progress motivates me to keep going but also comes with a price.

I’ve noticed that my recovery time has become longer, which I suspect is partly due to my limited protein intake. While a typical adult consumes about 1/1000 of their body weight in protein, I can only manage a little over half of that. This has made it challenging to fully recover from muscle soreness, even though I’ve figured out how to manage my weight and prevent muscle loss. Recovery remains an ongoing struggle.

Despite these challenges, I’m trying to focus on the positives. I’m proud of how hard I work and how much I’ve improved despite my difficulties. My wife often reminds me that I’m resilient, even though I get tired more easily and have trouble recovering. She understands my struggles and supports my determination to reach my goals.

Ultimately, I’ve decided to embrace a more balanced perspective. It’s okay if I can’t always run 10 kilometers due to physical limitations. The muscle soreness I’m experiencing is a sign that I’m pushing myself toward my goals, and that’s something to be proud of. Most importantly, I continue moving forward and never give up, even when the journey gets tough.

How Small Changes To Make My Daily Routine Better

Written August 2, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Over the past few weeks, I’ve introduced some new routines into my daily life, including running and lawn mowing. While these activities are refreshing and beneficial, they’ve also presented challenges, particularly in maintaining my schedule. I’ve found it difficult to complete my tasks as smoothly as I would like, and it’s made me reflect on how we often need to make adjustments when we introduce something new into our lives. When you’re trying something unfamiliar, it’s common to tweak your routine multiple times before it feels right and fits seamlessly into your lifestyle. Without these adjustments, there’s a risk of falling into a pattern of making excuses to avoid specific tasks, especially the more daunting ones. Eventually, you might stop doing them altogether.

In my case, I’ve been trying to juggle multiple responsibilities—on top of my new running and mowing schedule; I still want to keep up with my regular chores, like laundry and vacuuming the house. It’s a balancing act, and I’ve noticed that when I try to pack too much into a single day, I get exhausted relatively quickly. The summer heat in Nashville only intensifies this fatigue, making it even harder to stay on top of everything. I realized that if I didn’t find a way to manage my time and energy better, I might start dropping some of these activities, which I didn’t want to happen.

After some trial and error, I discovered that the key to improving my routines—running, kombucha bottling, or laundry—was to start earlier. This simple change has made a significant difference. For example, I’ve started bottling kombucha and doing laundry a day earlier than I used to. Additionally, I’ve begun running and lawn mowing several hours earlier in the day. These adjustments have been surprisingly effective.

I implemented my new laundry plan this week, and it’s been a success. Instead of doing all the laundry in one go, I’ve split the tasks across two days. I tackle some of the laundry on Thursday and finish the rest on Friday. This change has had a positive ripple effect on my running routine. I’m not as exhausted as I used to be, so I have more energy left for my runs later in the day. In fact, I beat my target pace while running this morning—a small victory that felt incredibly rewarding. It’s incredible how a few simple tweaks can lead to such noticeable improvements in multiple areas of life.

From this experience, I’ve learned that starting tasks earlier not only helps me get them done more efficiently but also reduces the mental burden of having to begin them in the first place. There’s something liberating about knowing that I’ve already checked off a significant part of my to-do list by the time the day is in full swing. It’s one less thing to worry about, and that peace of mind is invaluable.

Looking forward, when I think about new routines or habits I want to develop, I’ll keep this lesson in mind: start earlier than necessary. This approach not only sets me up for success but also opens the door to further improvements down the line. While I might find opportunities to refine these routines in the future, for now, I’m satisfied with the progress I’ve made. It’s a good reminder that the most minor changes can sometimes have the most significant impact.

Back To 10K Runs In the Heat

Written July 27, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Today is a Saturday, and like most Saturdays, I aim to complete a 10k run. However, I haven’t been able to stick to this goal consistently due to the heat, which makes running quite uncomfortable. To address this, I’ve adjusted my schedule and run early in the morning when the temperature is more relaxed. This change has allowed me to start doing 10k runs again recently.

My nephrologist recommended using a running app to track my progress, so I tried it. I completed my weekly 10k run this morning, but around the 8-kilometer mark, I lost focus and couldn’t remember how far I had run. Thankfully, I’m very familiar with my route, so I kept going until the app announced my distance. Hearing the app’s voice confirming that I had reached my goal was a relief.

I use a free app from Asics that provides updates at set intervals. I’ve configured it to announce my progress every minute, which helps me stay motivated and on track. My wife, however, finds frequent updates distracting and has her app set to announce every five minutes. It’s interesting how we each find different ways to stay focused during our runs.

I’m pleased to have completed another 10k run, although I felt exhausted afterward. I suspect that my body is adjusting after not running this distance regularly for a while. In 2023, I ran 10k thrice a week, so not keeping up that frequency has likely impacted my stamina. While I can still complete the distance, my pace has plateaued, and pushing myself to run faster during 10k runs has been challenging.

I’ve focused more on 5k runs weekly to improve my speed. Running shorter distances allows me to concentrate on increasing my pace without the fatigue of longer runs. This adjustment is a more manageable approach for now. In the future, I may need to revise my running schedule further, but for now, I’ll continue with this plan.

Getting back into the routine of regular 10k runs has been a rewarding experience, even if it is only once a week. I’m eager to see how my performance improves with consistent training. The journey back to my previous fitness level is challenging. Still, I’m confident that I’ll continue to make progress with perseverance and the right strategy.

Balancing Act – Running, Baking, and Staying on Schedule

Written 7/21/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I generally refrain from writing on Sundays because I skipped documenting my journal post-10k run yesterday. The fatigue was overwhelming, rendering me unable to muster the creativity needed for writing. My kidney issues exacerbate this exhaustion, making me feel unusually drained. The guilt from yesterday’s inactivity still lingers. Hence, today’s journal entry attempts to compensate for that brief lapse.

Yesterday marked a deviation from summer’s relentless heat, and I felt a surge of happiness completing my 10k run amidst slightly cooler conditions. I’ve been tweaking my routine recently, having observed that running early in the morning can be beneficial during the hot months.

Adjusting my schedule, however, tends to disrupt my biological rhythm. I’ve started my days earlier than usual, hitting the pavement right after waking up. Although my body still resists this new timetable, I’m optimistic it will adapt.

Reflecting on my post-run exhaustion, it might be due to not running such a distance in a while; my body was probably caught off guard. I can’t shake off the feeling that I used yesterday’s achievement as an excuse to neglect my other responsibilities.

On a brighter note, today involves some baking. We bought puff pastry sheets yesterday and plan to create small pockets filled with various jams my wife has prepared. We’ve made these before with decent success and decided it’s worth doing again.

Our culinary agenda today also includes making pizza. It makes sense to let the puff pastry sheets warm to room temperature now so I can assemble and bake them simultaneously with the pizza, minimizing the time our oven warms the kitchen.

I plan to save some of these pastries for snacking while mowing the lawn next week. While it’s important to acknowledge and celebrate the completion of a challenging task, I must ensure it doesn’t sideline my other projects.

Overcoming Challenges: Running with Lost Thermocontrol

Written 5/30

Hello Dear Readers,

Temperature plays a critical role in my daily life and physical activities due to my compromised ability to regulate body heat following a stroke. Living in Nashville, where temperatures can soar, has posed unique challenges to my running regimen. Initially, the heat negatively impacted my running pace, causing frustration and a temptation to make excuses for skipping my runs.

However, a recent drop in temperature has brought unexpected improvements to my running performance. I ran faster than my target pace yesterday and even set a new personal record for a 5K using a new running app. This clear indication of how much the weather affects my running was both surprising and encouraging.

Aside from my own physical activities, conversations at home often revolve around neuroscience, thanks to my wife’s passion for the subject. She recently reviewed a forthcoming book on the brain, seizing yet another opportunity to delve into a topic she loves. Our discussions often lead back to my own experiences, especially how keeping a running log helps maintain my motivation. Unlike the daily fluctuations, which can be disheartening, looking at monthly trends in my log shows a significant improvement in my speed, which is incredibly rewarding.

My wife’s admiration for my progress is a constant source of support. She marvels at how I’ve gone from being unable to walk ten years ago to completing 10K runs today. Her respect and encouragement play a massive role in my ongoing journey of recovery and perseverance.

Despite never using the hot weather as an excuse to avoid running, I acknowledge the internal battle against the temptation to give in on particularly sweltering days. These moments of weakness, where the voice in my head suggests it’s okay to stop, are challenging. However, staying vigilant and committed to my goals is crucial.

In conclusion, my journey through recovering thermocontrol and maintaining an active lifestyle post-stroke is filled with ups and downs, influenced heavily by external conditions like the weather. Yet, it’s also a testament to personal resilience and the importance of looking at the broader picture rather than getting bogged down by temporary setbacks. As I continue to run, each step is not just about pace or endurance but about overcoming the odds and pushing forward, no matter the temperature.

Navigating Life’s Little Hurdles: A Weekend of Plans and Adjustments

Written May 9, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Sometimes, life throws a wrench into our plans. Just this morning, a big storm rolled in unexpectedly, thwarting my wife’s intention to go for her morning run. Now, I find myself eyeing the gloomy skies with a hint of concern about my own plans for the day—yard maintenance. The thought of the storm leaving the ground too soggy for mowing lingers in my mind. I suppose I’ll discover the truth when I venture outside in a couple of hours.

This weekend promises to be busy. We’re planning another trip to the farmer’s market, a beloved ritual that brightens our Saturday mornings. However, this Sunday is also Mother’s Day, so our schedule is packed with family activities. Given the day’s full itinerary, I’ll likely have to forgo my usual weekly 10k run. It’s a sacrifice for family time, but one I’m willing to make.

The primary allure of this weekend’s market visit is undoubtedly the strawberries—a seasonal treat that both my wife and I eagerly anticipate. However, there remains a small detail I need to confirm with her: the frequency of our visits to the market. Though these trips are temporary breaks from routine, I need to understand how many Saturdays we’ll spend browsing through stalls so I can adjust my running schedule accordingly. Her plans will dictate how I manage my training days.

Speaking of running, I’ve found returning to my pre-vacation pace challenging. The speed isn’t the same despite sticking to my regular running sessions. My wife, ever the voice of reason, reminds me that numerous factors influence running pace. She lists body condition, stress levels, and even external elements like wind or temperature as possible reasons for the fluctuations. “Don’t dwell on the pace of a single day,” she advises, suggesting that I look at the broader trend over time. It’s comforting to hear, especially when I notice that my speed has gradually increased over extended periods. I want to trust her insights and remain hopeful I can hit the pavement later today.

As we navigate these little adjustments and prepare for the bustling weekend ahead, I am reminded of the importance of flexibility and patience. Whether it’s tweaking weekend plans to accommodate family gatherings or adjusting my running schedule to fit new commitments, the ability to adapt is key. Life, much like the weather, is unpredictable. Still, with a bit of planning and a lot of understanding, we can manage just about anything that comes our way.

Pushing Through: A Runner’s Resolve Amid Challenges

Written 4/17/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Even for someone as seasoned as myself, running can sometimes become more difficult. Lately, I’ve been caught up in the marathon-like task of mowing the lawn because our vacation to Key West is fast approaching. Living in Tennessee, the grass grows exuberantly, even in what should be the mild month of April. Despite feeling physically drained, there’s still a sense of pride in how much I accomplished with the lawn yesterday.

I’m not sure if my fatigue is due to my kidney condition or just the physical toll from overexertion, or perhaps it’s a combination of both. Before my stroke, I was never truly dedicated to running; it was more my wife’s passion than mine. Hence, it was unclear if my kidney condition contributed to my increased fatigue. Yet, even on such draining days, I lace up my shoes and hit the pavement. Running feels laborious, almost zombie-like in pace, to the point where I overslept this morning.

Despite this, I’ve committed to running, a pledge I made years ago. My wife has always believed that keeping active is essential for my brain’s recovery. It’s something I’ve come to rely on, a trusty routine to propel me forward. The weather, according to my app, promises a warmer day than I’d prefer for a comfortable run. Although still weary, I managed to catch up on some sleep. Maybe today, I’ll just be a few seconds off my usual pace.

Running holds another significant place in my schedule today. This week is our last before the vacation, and there won’t be much running while we’re away. Despite how my body feels, the anticipation of our trip and the break from my daily runs gives me a reason to push a little harder today.