Navigating the Extremes: How My Stroke Altered My Sensitivity to Temperature

Written May 13, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

The aftermath of my stroke brought with it numerous challenges, one of the most pronounced being my diminished ability to tolerate discomfort. This change has manifested most noticeably in my sensitivity to temperature fluctuations—I am perpetually feeling too hot or cold, often simultaneously. At first, this constant state of thermal discomfort was baffling. Can you fathom feeling both overheated and chilled at the exact moment? It seemed absurd.

After much reflection, I’ve realized that my stroke has fundamentally altered what I refer to as my “threshold of discomfort tolerance” for both extremes of temperature. Oddly enough, these sensations often overlap, adding an extra layer of complexity to my daily experiences.

Living in Nashville, where the weather can be pretty erratic—chilly mornings in the low 50Fs swiftly giving way to mild afternoons in the 70Fs—has not made things easier. Following my stroke, my body’s ability to adapt to external temperatures has significantly weakened. This inability to regulate my internal temperature plays a crucial role in influencing my physical activities, particularly running.

Running, like any form of exercise, inherently involves some discomfort, which is essential for gaining strength and improving cardiovascular health. However, every additional element of discomfort is magnified for someone facing a challenge like mine, where the body’s temperature regulation is compromised. Whether it’s excessive heat or cold, strong winds, or high humidity, each condition contributes to discomfort and reduces the threshold available for pushing my running speed.

Since controlling the weather is beyond my reach, I focus on managing what I can—like selecting appropriate running attire to mitigate the impact of these external conditions on my body. I suspect these issues stem from my autonomic nervous system, though I’m unsure how to address this directly. My approach now involves keeping mental notes and exploring potential strategies to cope more effectively with these challenges.