How I’m Navigating My Running Journey with an Interval Pace App

Written September 14, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Using an interval pace app has been a game-changer for my running routine. It provides a detailed view of my performance, allowing me to see exactly how I run at any moment. But it’s also revealed a lot about the inconsistency of my pace, which, to be honest, often feels like a roller coaster ride.

For example, during my first 5 km, I might be a few seconds slower than my target, but then I speed up in the next 5 km. I run two 5 km loops to complete 10 km, and I expect to maintain a steady pace throughout. However, maintaining a consistent speed for each interval is a real challenge, given the hilly terrain around my neighborhood. Despite these fluctuations, I recently achieved my fastest time since I started using this app last year, which was a satisfying milestone.

Several factors contribute to these ups and downs in my running performance:

1. Weather Conditions:

The weather significantly impacts my runs. I find it much harder to keep up my pace on hot days. Extreme cold can also slow me down, and strong winds can feel like running against a wall. However, I’ve noticed a considerable improvement in my running pace over the last few weeks as the weather has cooled. The heat affects me the most, draining my energy quickly. Running in more excellent conditions makes me feel lighter and more energetic, allowing me to push my limits further.

2. Emotional State:

My emotional state plays a massive role in my running performance. For instance, I was determined to improve my pace today, so I pushed myself harder during the second 5 km. I’ve been focusing a lot on improving my pace this year, and it’s paying off compared to last year. But this heightened focus can sometimes lead to overexertion, and balancing my drive to improve with my body’s signals is crucial. On days when I feel less motivated or distracted, I notice my pace tends to drop. It’s a reminder that running is as much a mental challenge as a physical one.

3. Physical Condition:

My body’s condition is perhaps the most significant factor influencing my runs. With a compromised kidney, I often feel drained, making it challenging to maintain a consistent schedule. I’ve set a rigid routine for my sleep and wake-up times to maximize my energy levels, but there are still days when fatigue takes over. Running low on energy can be tricky, but I’ve committed to my routine regardless of how I feel.

Muscle recovery is another challenge. Because I need to limit my protein intake, building and maintaining muscle is difficult, even with regular exercise. I’ve noticed that my muscles don’t recover as quickly, and I must be cautious not to overtrain. For example, I started my run today with a sore left calf muscle. I managed to complete my 10 km, but I could feel the strain more acutely afterward, especially when climbing stairs. This experience reminded me that while it’s essential to push myself, I also need to be mindful of my body’s signals to avoid injury.

Finding Balance and Perspective:

Setting a pace goal this year has been a significant step forward. Focusing on distance is easier because I can adjust my effort according to how I feel on any given day. But with pace, there’s an added layer of challenge that requires more consistency and effort. There are good days when I feel strong and manage to meet my goals, but there are also days when my body just doesn’t cooperate. It can be frustrating when I don’t see the progress I aim for, especially when my physical condition affects my performance.

My wife often reminds me to stay caught up in the daily results and to focus instead on the long-term trends. While the accessible version of my app doesn’t track data over multiple years, I can still see that my pace has been gradually improving since I started using it. It’s a reminder that progress isn’t always visible in the short term but can be seen over the weeks and months. I’m learning to be patient with myself and to celebrate the small victories along the way, knowing that each step, no matter how small, brings me closer to my goal.

Embracing Fall and DIY Adventures

Written September 8, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Fall has officially arrived, bringing a welcome reprieve from the summer heatwaves we endured. Last night, the temperature dipped below 60 degrees, and it was still brisk when I woke up. To make the most of the cooler air, we’ve been keeping the windows open at night, leaving the house feeling chilly in the mornings. Today, I reached for my robe and slippers as I started my day, enjoying the cozy feeling of the house transitioning into the new season.

With cooler weather, we’ve focused on some long-overdue home improvement projects. One of these is our deck, which took a bit of a beating during the summer. We’ve been scraping and sanding, restoring it to its former glory. I plan to spend an hour on this chore once it’s warm enough to work outside comfortably. I’ll put on my audiobook and lose myself in the rhythm of the work.

My wife, who is an early riser, was already out on the deck when I joined her. Her day typically starts at 5:30 AM, regardless of whether it’s a weekday or the weekend. She had been out there for a couple of hours, diligently sanding away. Although she’s expressed some frustration with the repetitive nature of the task, she’s also found a silver lining in learning new skills. This is her first time tackling such a hands-on project; her enthusiasm is contagious. She’s discovering the satisfaction of repairing something yourself and learning the ins and outs of a task you’ve never done before.

It’s this desire to learn and experience new things that really defines her. She’s an avid reader, currently engrossed in Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, a book she finds deeply thought-provoking. Yet, she balances her love of reading with a drive to get out of her comfort zone. Whether repairing the deck or trying a new recipe, she’s always eager to explore and grow. For her, this deck project isn’t just about maintenance; it’s about embracing a new challenge and the satisfaction of mastering it.

As for me, I’m enjoying the process of working on the deck together. We’ve taken on a number of home renovation and maintenance projects over the years. While we’re far from professionals, each project has been a learning experience. Something is fulfilling about tackling these tasks as a team, figuring things out together, and seeing the tangible results of our efforts. It’s a reminder that even the most mundane chores can be an opportunity for growth and connection.

After we wrap up work on the deck, I’ll head into the kitchen to prepare the week’s pastry bites and get things in order before we make our favorite homemade pizza. With the cooler weather settling in, I’m also adjusting my running routine. I’ll switch to long sleeves for my morning runs, though it’s not quite cold enough for a jacket and gloves. Those crisp, frosty mornings aren’t far off, especially now that I’ve shifted to running before breakfast instead of afterward.

There’s something special about this time of year—the way the air feels, the shift in daily routines, and the cozy indoor activities that start to take center stage. It’s a time for reflection, new projects, and savoring the small joys, whether working on home improvements or enjoying the kitchen’s warmth. Fall is here, and with it comes a sense of renewal and the promise of new experiences.