Listening To The Rhythm Of Season

Written on August 11, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

As August gradually fades, I can’t help but notice the subtle signs that the year is nearing its end. Each morning feels a bit colder, hinting at autumn’s slow but certain approach. While the season of vibrant leaves and crisp air isn’t entirely upon us yet, the shift in temperature is enough to make my skin tingle with sensitivity. As I prepared to mow the lawn this morning, I instinctively reached for an old hoodie, needing that extra layer of warmth until my body adjusted to the cooler air. It took nearly an hour of physical activity before I finally felt warmed up, a clear reminder that the seasons are changing.

The arrival of cooler weather is a much-needed respite after the sweltering heat waves we endured in July and August. During those months, the temperature frequently soared above 90°F, and the oppressive humidity made it feel even hotter. Our household prefers to keep the indoor climate as natural as possible, avoiding air conditioning whenever possible. Even when the temperature climbs above 80°F, it doesn’t feel as stifling inside. Despite this, I doubt I’ll ever fully acclimate to Nashville’s notoriously humid summers, where the mercury can easily rise past 100°F.

Now that my body has adapted to the intense summer heat, I find it refreshing to ease into the cooler weather. It feels like we’re being kinder to our autonomic nervous systems, which have been working overtime to keep us cool. The lawn, which we keep trimmed short, has also responded to the change in weather. The lack of recent rainfall has slowed its growth considerably, and the cooler temperatures in the past few days have made it increasingly difficult to distinguish where I’ve mowed and where I haven’t. The grass is growing so slowly now that it’s easy to miss a spot or two.

Looking ahead, my wife has already started planning for the next season. She mentioned fertilizing the lawn for the coming year, a task she intends to tackle in October or November, just a few weeks before the first frost. This forward-thinking is crucial, as we’ll soon be dealing with the annual onslaught of leaves from the two large trees—one in our front yard and another from the neighbor’s—that will soon blanket the lawn.

Since taking on the responsibility of our yard work, I’ve become more attuned to the rhythm of the seasons. Our outdoor chores change with the times: from March to October, it’s all about mowing and maintaining the lawn. As autumn sets in, our focus shifts to managing the fallen leaves and preparing the yard for the year ahead. Winter offers a brief reprieve, with far less work to be done, though my wife has plenty of maintenance projects lined up to keep us busy. Despite the hustle and bustle ahead, I eagerly anticipate the end of the mowing season, ready to embrace the quieter, cooler months.

Weather Whiplash: Adapting to Tennessee’s Temperamental Climate

Written 3/19/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Living in Tennessee means signing up for a weather rollercoaster, especially during this time of year. When you think you’ve had a few picturesque days, the state throws you a curveball with temperatures swinging wildly from delightfully warm to unexpectedly frosty. This erratic weather pattern has once again made its mark, putting a damper on my well-laid plans.

Earlier this week, I was looking forward to a peaceful day of mowing the lawn. This chore becomes enjoyable under the soft embrace of mild sunshine. However, Tennessee’s whimsical weather had other plans. Out of the blue, we were hit by a day that combined both heat and cold extremes—a true puzzle for anyone trying to dress appropriately.

This morning was a stark reminder of this unpredictability. I woke up to a chill that seeped right through the windows, the kind of cold that makes you think twice about stepping outside. A quick check on my smartphone confirmed my suspicions: the temperature had indeed dipped below freezing. The weather forecast wasn’t promising either, suggesting the cold bite in the air wouldn’t let up anytime soon.

Despite the frosty start, there’s a silver lining: The forecast hints at the return of lovely days soon. With this in mind, I’ve decided to shuffle my schedule around. Mowing the lawn today is off the table. Instead, I plan to tackle it on Thursday, when the weather is expected to be more forgiving. This small decision highlights how much the climate here influences even the simplest of daily tasks.

It leads me to ponder how many others in Tennessee or similar climates find their routines dictated by the weather. How often do construction workers, landscapers, or even local businesses have to adjust their plans based on the latest weather report? It must be a universal dance with Mother Nature, where each step is carefully placed to match her unpredictable rhythm.

Weather in Tennessee teaches you flexibility and patience, which are also helpful in life. The need to adapt to the weather here goes beyond just choosing the right coat; it’s about rearranging life’s little to-dos around the whims of the weather gods. As I look ahead to Thursday, I hope for a warm day to let me catch up on my outdoor chores without needing to bundle up or strip down. Until then, I’ll watch the thermometer and the other on my planner, ready to pivot as the weather dictates.

Embracing the Capricious Skies: Running Through Tennessee’s Weather Shifts

Written on March 4, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Tennessee’s weather has been showing off its unpredictable side, swiftly transitioning from the cold that calls for gloves to the warmth that warrants shorts. This rapid change signals a move towards what’s likely to be an intensely hot period soon. It’s a fluctuation reminiscent of mountain climates, where the weather seems to dance on a whim. My musings today drift towards this erratic weather pattern and how it weaves into the fabric of our daily lives, particularly for those whose routines intersect with the great outdoors.

In my household, the weather dictates the pace. My wife opts for the cool embrace of early mornings for her runs, sidestepping the later heat. I, on the contrary, have a preference for running a bit later in the day, which means keeping a vigilant eye on the day’s weather forecast is paramount for me. This necessity to rise early without dawdling, especially on days earmarked for running, becomes even more pressing.

Adding another layer to this seasonal dance is the advent of Daylight Saving Time. This biannual clock adjustment, looming on the horizon, introduces its own set of challenges. My wife, susceptible to the shift, begins realigning her schedule about ten days in advance to soften the jolt to her circadian rhythm. She’s already easing into a new sleep schedule in anticipation, showcasing our small attempts to maintain harmony with time’s ebb and flow.

Despite several snowy days, Tennessee has been basking in unexpected warmth. After checking both the time and the weather forecast, I find my anxiety abating; I’ll still be ahead of the day’s full heat when I embark on my run. A part of me yearns for the spring weather to settle in for good this time.

Neither the whims of weather nor the shift in daylight saving time can deter me from my runs, yet their influence is undeniable. Just last week, Monday teased us with warmth, only for winter to reclaim its hold for the rest of the week. Adaptability is key—adjusting my running schedule and attire to match the day’s forecast becomes a ritual in its own right.

This dance with the elements reminds us of the ever-present need to remain flexible and responsive to our environment. Tennessee’s weather, with its sudden warmth and unexpected cold snaps, mirrors the unpredictability of life itself. Yet, in these shifts, we find rhythm and resilience, learning to move gracefully through the changing seasons.

A Day Out of Sync: Navigating Schedule Slip-Ups and Seasonal Shifts

Written on February 10, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

From the moment I woke up, I knew something was off. My morning run, usually the first accomplishment of my day, was delayed, setting a domino effect in motion that threw my entire schedule into disarray. This hiccup directly resulted from my decision to burn the midnight oil, leading to an inevitable oversleeping and a disrupted day ahead. To attempt a semblance of normalcy, I considered halving my usual 10k run to a 5k, hoping to claw back some time. It’s a bummer, to say the least.

Reflecting on the cause of today’s scheduling mishap is crucial for me. I aim to understand what went wrong to avoid repeating the same errors. The changing seasons are a significant factor contributing to my delayed start and overall time mismanagement. 

Recently, we’ve experienced a spell of warm, rainy days, making the initiation of my runs more challenging than usual. Motivation is complex when the weather acts as a deterrent. However, I recognize that this is but a temporary phase. Soon, the weather will settle, and early morning runs will become essential to beat the heat.

My delay in hitting the sack last night also played a pivotal role in today’s delayed start. In an unusual move, I opted out of my regular melatonin dose, thinking it unnecessary given the late hour and my level of fatigue. My rationale was that my body wouldn’t have ample time to process the supplement before my wake-up, potentially leaving me groggier than if I’d skipped it. While this decision seemed logical then, it didn’t sufficiently mitigate the effects of my late-night.

This experience has led me to a critical conclusion: maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is integral to the smooth flow of my day. No matter how minor they seem at the moment, Deviations can lead to a ripple effect, disrupting my routine and productivity. As I navigate through these seasonal adjustments and try to balance my health and productivity, today serves as a reminder of the delicate interplay between our plans and the realities we face. It’s a lesson in adaptability, self-awareness, and the constant pursuit of balance amidst life’s inevitable shifts.

The Art of Routine Maintenance: Transitioning from Lawn Mowing to Leaf Collection

Hello, my cherished readers,


Summer is bidding us farewell, and as the leaves adopt their autumn hues, it’s clear that my yard maintenance rituals must evolve with the seasons. The final lawnmowing session is just around the corner, leaving a void in my weekly chore schedule. It’s funny, but if I let that void linger, it would likely get filled with some other task—only to be jettisoned again when it’s time to rev up the lawnmower come spring. Such unpredictable interruptions can be the bane of any well-oiled routine, risking its total disintegration. Fortunately, Mother Nature lends a helping hand. As the grass growth halts, the leaves cascade down, offering an obvious segue from mowing to leaf collection.


Yet, leaf collection, too, will lose its seasonal relevance, leaving me in search of another activity to occupy that time slot until mowing resumes. You see, disruptions to a routine can be a real headache, but if you can foresee them, it’s easier to soften the blow.


This concept of seasonal chore substitution takes me back to my kitchen adventures. If you’ve ever found yourself a key ingredient short while cooking, you know the allure of using a stand-in. But here’s where it gets intricate; a good substitute must fill the missing element’s roles. To illustrate, let’s say you’re making cookies and find yourself walnut-less. You might think, “Ah, walnut extract can do the trick!” True, it will imbue that nutty flavor, but what about the crunch that whole walnuts provide? Throw in some peanuts. But peanuts bring their own quirks, like added saltiness or a different oil content, leaving you with a greasier cookie than you’d imagined.


Drawing parallels to yard work, replacing lawn mowing with leaf collection is a logical swap. Both outdoor chores focus on the yard’s upkeep and require similar time commitments. However, there’s a catch. Lawn mowing doubles up as my cardio workout for the day, something that leaf collection, while not a cakewalk, doesn’t quite match in physical exertion. So, I’ll have to supplement this new chore with some extra exercises to meet my fitness needs.


The takeaway? Whether in the kitchen or in the yard, an ingredient or task rarely plays a single role in our lives. While there’s usually one primary function that captures our attention, the secondary parts shouldn’t be discounted. Neglect them, and they’ll soon demand to be noticed.


So, as you transition from summer to autumn chores—or face any routine disruption, for that matter—remember that the key to a smooth transition lies in identifying the multifaceted roles each activity serves. Finding an adequate stand-in becomes much simpler once you’ve done that.