The Fine Line Between Stubbornness and Determination: A Personal Reflection

Hello Dear Readers,

In the intricate tapestry of language, certain traits appear deceptively similar. Yet, the context and magnitude of these characteristics can drastically alter their interpretation and reception. A fascinating example of this linguistic phenomenon is the contrast between ‘stubbornness’ and ‘determination.’ While stubbornness is often cast in a negative light, determination is celebrated as a virtue. According to the Oxford Dictionary, ‘stubborn’ implies a persistent unwillingness to change one’s opinion or attitude, whereas ‘determination’ is a steadfast firmness of purpose. Superficially, these descriptions mirror each other, but the fundamental divergence emerges from the circumstances in which these traits are displayed.


In an introspective exercise, I pondered whether it’s feasible to frame ‘stubbornness’ in a positive context, devoid of its typical negative connotations. Let me share a personal anecdote to illustrate this point:


Today, I found myself battling fatigue. The consequence of a late night and an unwavering commitment to my usual waking hour was that I struggled to remain alert and fulfill my daily responsibilities. Moreover, maintaining a civil and polite demeanor, which becomes increasingly challenging when I’m tired, was also on my agenda. I hoped that coffee would be my ally, providing enough energy to not only endure my 10k run and household chores like vacuuming but also to tackle the remainder of my to-do list. Throughout this ordeal, I constantly reminded myself of the promises made to myself and my wife, relying heavily on what I call my ‘native stubbornness’ to persevere.


This narrative is not a fabricated scenario but an accurate account of my day. The exercise of playing with words is indeed intriguing. It demonstrates how the perception of a trait like stubbornness can be transformed through the lens of personal commitment and the pursuit of goals. In this context, my ‘stubbornness’ transforms into a source of strength, a testament to my resolve to overcome lethargy and fulfill my obligations.


This exploration reveals the subtle yet profound differences in how we interpret and use words based on their context. Depending on the situation and the speaker’s perspective, the same behavior can be labeled as stubbornness or determination. In my case, stubbornness, usually perceived negatively, becomes a positive force driving me to adhere to my commitments despite physical exhaustion and mental fatigue.


In conclusion, the distinction between stubbornness and determination is more nuanced than it appears. It’s a matter of perspective, context, and the underlying intention behind the behavior. By reframing our understanding of these traits, we can appreciate the full spectrum of human characteristics and their role in our personal and professional lives. This realization not only enriches our understanding of language but also empowers us to recognize and harness these traits in ourselves and others for positive outcomes.

The Art of Routine Building Through Mundane Chores Like Cooking

Hello, dear readers,

Today’s post is dedicated to the unexpected but delightful art of routine building through what we often consider mundane chores. Take cooking, for instance—a chore for some, a passion for others. I’ve always had a soft spot for cuisine, an affinity that traces back to my childhood learning to make pancakes with my grandmother. I didn’t realize back then that cooking would later become a tool for optimizing complex, multi-step procedures in life.

The Complexity Behind Simplicity in Cooking

In culinary arts, one of the most essential skills is mastering the alignment of various tasks to be completed simultaneously. Even a simple dish like scrambled eggs or a sandwich requires a calculated sequence of steps, each executed at the perfect time. The difference between a skilled chef and a beginner often boils down to the knack for optimizing this workflow. It’s about knowing what to do, when, and how to do it.

Embracing Reflection: The Japanese Concept of Hansei

One powerful concept I’ve come to rely on for improving my cooking skills is the Japanese practice of Hansei, which involves deep self-reflection after completing a task. The core idea is to analyze performance, understand mistakes, and strategize for future improvement. If you’re repeating a specific recipe, it’s a golden opportunity to employ Hansei. Taste the food, ponder what you like and dislike, and consider why those elements turned out the way they did. The objective is to refine the recipe each time, adapting it to align with your taste preferences.

The Case of Mapo Tofu: A Personal Experience

To provide a real-world example, let me share my experience of making Mapo Tofu, which my wife taught me. When we first tried the dish, we found it too salty despite not adding any table salt. That led to a Hansei moment—time for some culinary detective work. After scrutinizing the ingredients, I switched to reduced-sodium chicken stock instead of the Chinese-style tori gara I had initially used. The change was adequate but not quite enough. I then dived into the sauce ingredients, reducing the quantity of one while substituting it with another, less salty ingredient. And voila! The saltiness issue was resolved, all thanks to the iterative process of self-reflection and adjustment.


Something as ordinary as cooking can be a playground for honing essential life skills like routine-building and problem-solving. It’s a space to practice, to reflect, and most importantly, to improve. So the next time you dread life’s ‘mundane’ chores, perhaps try to approach them as an opportunity to cultivate better routines. You may discover a newfound appreciation for the everyday tasks that make up your world.

Happy cooking and happy reflecting!

Until next time.