A Delicate Balance of Health and Habit – Staying Hydrated

Written July 6, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I’ve meticulously monitored my water intake to ensure my kidneys function more efficiently. I’ve integrated this routine into my daily schedule using my smartphone, as waiting until I feel thirsty usually indicates that I’m already too dehydrated.

Occasionally, my busy schedule leads me to miss these drinking reminders. Just last night, I was behind on my water quota, necessitating a late-evening rush to meet my goals. The result was less than ideal, as I had to wake up several times throughout the night to use the bathroom.

On one hand, it’s reassuring to know that my kidneys are functioning well enough to produce urine actively. I take some comfort in achieving my hydration goals, yet the disruption to my sleep is a trade-off I’m keen to avoid. It would be beneficial to complete my water intake earlier in the evening to minimize nighttime interruptions.

Managing my daily essentials—eating, drinking, exercising, working, and sleeping—sometimes feels overwhelming. Each element is crucial to my health, and maintaining a disciplined schedule seems to be the key to staying on track.

By closely monitoring my progress throughout the day, I aim to consistently meet or exceed my modest goal of 2 liters of water well before it’s time to wind down for bed. This proactive approach helps me stay hydrated and enhances my overall well-being by allowing for uninterrupted rest.