A Day at the Nephrologist’s Office With My Wife

Written 6/24/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Today, I found myself at the nephrologist’s office instead of my usual Tuesday or Thursday appointment due to a schedule change initiated by the doctor’s office. 

Luckily, my wife was able to take a day off to join me today, turning the appointment into a little excursion. She’s been eager to meet my nephrologist, and we’ve also planned a treat for ourselves—a visit to the new cupcake store that just opened near us.

The appointment was set for right after lunchtime. My wife was all over the house, ticking off her to-dos before we headed out. The appointment only changes my daily schedule a little. Changing the appointment day meant I’d skip my usual run. Given today’s scorching heat, missing it seemed alright, rather desirable. I’d still fit in with my other exercises, keeping up with my usual activity level.

At the doctor’s office, I introduced my wife to my nephrologist, who welcomed us warmly. This was her first time meeting him. The usual health check followed, with him logging my blood pressure and heart rate from my smartphone, which I monitor constantly with my smartwatch. He also took note of my body weight and composition from my smart scale. He was looking for any sign of unusual changes. Ever since I had a brain stroke, I have had a smartwatch and intelligent scale to monitor those. It makes it much easier to detect any unusual signs. 

Unfortunately, my creatine and potassium levels were high, prompting the need for additional tests. My doctor thought it was similar to last summer when dehydration skewed my results since my logs did not seem unusual or bad at all. Despite my efforts to stay hydrated, I can quickly lose a few pounds of water by lawn mowing, resulting in summer yard work sometimes getting the better of me.

Post-appointment, we headed to that much-anticipated cupcake store. The cupcakes were not only a feast for the eyes but also delicious. I’m saving mine to enjoy after dinner, a sweet end to a day of health checks and treats.