Overcoming Challenges: Running with Lost Thermocontrol

Written 5/30

Hello Dear Readers,

Temperature plays a critical role in my daily life and physical activities due to my compromised ability to regulate body heat following a stroke. Living in Nashville, where temperatures can soar, has posed unique challenges to my running regimen. Initially, the heat negatively impacted my running pace, causing frustration and a temptation to make excuses for skipping my runs.

However, a recent drop in temperature has brought unexpected improvements to my running performance. I ran faster than my target pace yesterday and even set a new personal record for a 5K using a new running app. This clear indication of how much the weather affects my running was both surprising and encouraging.

Aside from my own physical activities, conversations at home often revolve around neuroscience, thanks to my wife’s passion for the subject. She recently reviewed a forthcoming book on the brain, seizing yet another opportunity to delve into a topic she loves. Our discussions often lead back to my own experiences, especially how keeping a running log helps maintain my motivation. Unlike the daily fluctuations, which can be disheartening, looking at monthly trends in my log shows a significant improvement in my speed, which is incredibly rewarding.

My wife’s admiration for my progress is a constant source of support. She marvels at how I’ve gone from being unable to walk ten years ago to completing 10K runs today. Her respect and encouragement play a massive role in my ongoing journey of recovery and perseverance.

Despite never using the hot weather as an excuse to avoid running, I acknowledge the internal battle against the temptation to give in on particularly sweltering days. These moments of weakness, where the voice in my head suggests it’s okay to stop, are challenging. However, staying vigilant and committed to my goals is crucial.

In conclusion, my journey through recovering thermocontrol and maintaining an active lifestyle post-stroke is filled with ups and downs, influenced heavily by external conditions like the weather. Yet, it’s also a testament to personal resilience and the importance of looking at the broader picture rather than getting bogged down by temporary setbacks. As I continue to run, each step is not just about pace or endurance but about overcoming the odds and pushing forward, no matter the temperature.