Animal Encounters in the Florida Keys: A Vacation to Remember

Written 4/29/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Recently, my wife and I wrapped up an enchanting vacation in the Florida Keys, a destination teeming with scenic beauty and a fascinating array of wildlife. Each encounter left a memorable mark on our journey, painting our experience with strokes of wonder and delight.

Upon our arrival, one of the first surprises was the chickens roaming freely around the Keys. It seemed every street was bustling with these semi-wild birds. Curiosity piqued, we inquired with locals and learned about their intriguing history. Brought over by Cubans for cockfighting, these chickens were later released to avoid a tax imposed on kept poultry after the sport was banned. With few natural predators, the chickens now thrive in the urban environment, dodging only the occasional car.

Our adventure continued with a visit to the Marathon Key aquarium, which offers interactive “experiences” with marine life. For a nominal fee, we were equipped with a cup of food and a tool to feed animals across various exhibits. The highlight for us was feeding the stingrays. 

Accustomed to human interaction, they swarmed the edge of their tank with the enthusiasm of flappy-hungry puppies whenever someone approached. It was a delightful sight, and their friendly antics, splashing joyfully for fish or shrimp treats, gave us a glimpse into their playful nature. We fed them twice, charmed by their eager behavior and the gentle flap of their wings against the water.

The final leg of our animal tour led us to the Hemingway House in Key West, once the residence of the famed author Ernest Hemingway and now a museum and sanctuary for his feline descendants. Nearly 60 cats live there, many bearing the genetic trait of polydactyly, which gives them an extra toe on each paw. This unique characteristic added an extra layer of fascination to our visit.

Interestingly, the house’s location in a city populated by chickens leads to occasional stand-offs between the two species. Both are protected, limiting how much their human caretakers can intervene. The strategy mainly involves keeping chickens out with a fence, hoping they stay on one side. At the same time, the cats contentedly remain on the other.

This journey to the Florida Keys was more than just a getaway; it was an immersion into a unique ecosystem where humans, animals, and history intertwine. Each encounter—whether with the historic chickens, the playful stingrays, or Hemingway’s extraordinary cats—gifted us with narratives to carry back home, enriching our lives with their simplicity and beauty.

Pushing Through: A Runner’s Resolve Amid Challenges

Written 4/17/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Even for someone as seasoned as myself, running can sometimes become more difficult. Lately, I’ve been caught up in the marathon-like task of mowing the lawn because our vacation to Key West is fast approaching. Living in Tennessee, the grass grows exuberantly, even in what should be the mild month of April. Despite feeling physically drained, there’s still a sense of pride in how much I accomplished with the lawn yesterday.

I’m not sure if my fatigue is due to my kidney condition or just the physical toll from overexertion, or perhaps it’s a combination of both. Before my stroke, I was never truly dedicated to running; it was more my wife’s passion than mine. Hence, it was unclear if my kidney condition contributed to my increased fatigue. Yet, even on such draining days, I lace up my shoes and hit the pavement. Running feels laborious, almost zombie-like in pace, to the point where I overslept this morning.

Despite this, I’ve committed to running, a pledge I made years ago. My wife has always believed that keeping active is essential for my brain’s recovery. It’s something I’ve come to rely on, a trusty routine to propel me forward. The weather, according to my app, promises a warmer day than I’d prefer for a comfortable run. Although still weary, I managed to catch up on some sleep. Maybe today, I’ll just be a few seconds off my usual pace.

Running holds another significant place in my schedule today. This week is our last before the vacation, and there won’t be much running while we’re away. Despite how my body feels, the anticipation of our trip and the break from my daily runs gives me a reason to push a little harder today.

Breaking Routine for A Grand Adventure

Hello Dear Readers,


The atmosphere at my home is buzzing with excitement as tomorrow, Jon, a dear friend of mine, will drop by to spend a few wonderful days with us. And suppose that wasn’t thrilling enough, a week following his visit, my wife and I will embark on a much-anticipated vacation to the magnificent Grand Canyon.


As much as my heart leaps at these forthcoming events, they undeniably detract from my usual day-to-day activities. Such breaks, while refreshing, often mean that the regimen we’ve ardently built might face slight interruptions. And in my case, that pertains to my exercise routine and consistent blogging streak.


I’ve resolved to trim down my exercise commitments to make room for all the fun, laughter, and memories we’ll create. Instead of my full-blown workout, I’ll likely stick to pushups whenever I can squeeze in a moment amidst our activities. The other elements, like my daily planking sessions, will probably have to take a backseat until our return.


For the avid readers and followers of my blog, fret not! Although I might briefly hit the pause button on my regular posts, my creative mind will remain active. I’ve armed myself with a trusty notepad, which I intend to fill with fresh ideas and musings, ensuring a smooth transition back into my blogging rhythm once I’m back.


A point of contemplation for me has been the potential loss of my streaks. There’s my planking streak, which I’ve meticulously maintained, and the streak for my language lessons. I hope to continue the latter, as my phone, my loyal companion, will be right by my side. Yet, the unpredictability of vacations can sometimes surprise us.


However, here’s the perspective I’ve decided to embrace: While it’s true that I hold a particular pride in these streaks, the experiences, joys, and rejuvenation that this time off promises are unparalleled. So, if my streak counter resets, so be it. I’m ready to dive headfirst into the adventures awaiting us and pick up the pieces with renewed vigor.


And I remain unwavering in my determination for those wondering about my fitness goals. Despite the brief hiatus, I’m confident in achieving my annual target: 20 pullups, pullovers, pushups.