The Hillside Homeowner’s Guide to Procrastination and Lawn Mowing

Living on a hillside in Tennessee comes with its unique set of challenges, especially when it comes to lawn maintenance. With the unpredictable weather patterns and the constant battle against the clock, managing our lawn can sometimes feel like a strategic game. My personal struggle with procrastination often plays a pivotal role in this ongoing saga, making the task of lawn mowing a significant aspect of my weekly routine.

Each week, I dedicate one to two hours to mowing our lawn, a crucial task to keep the grass from becoming an unruly jungle. However, like many, I sometimes find myself looking for any excuse to escape this chore, especially when the motivation isn’t there. Yesterday was a prime example where the allure of procrastination won out over the necessity of lawn care.

The weather here doesn’t make this any easier. Our Tennessee springs are notorious for their fickleness – one day, it’s pleasantly warm, and the next, temperatures plummet by 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Rain becomes an all-too-frequent visitor, complicating my mowing schedule. The result? An often too-long lawn that demands immediate attention, lest it become unmanageable.

My wife often cites the mantra “Eat that frog,” advocating for tackling the most daunting tasks early to free the rest of the day from their looming presence. She finds solace in systematically checking off items from her to-do list. This practice ensures productivity and peace of mind. Her approach is one of discipline and foresight, qualities I admire yet struggle to embody fully due to my procrastinatory nature.

I combat my tendency to procrastinate by making specific promises to myself, setting firm deadlines, and recognizing the flexibility—or lack thereof—of my tasks. While I may push my duties to the eleventh hour, I rarely fail to accomplish them. However, this method has flaws, especially when unforeseen circumstances, like our unpredictable weather, come into play. My recent bout of procrastination has left me facing a dauntingly overgrown lawn, a consequence I now regret.

Our perspectives on procrastination diverge significantly. My wife detests it, prioritizing eliminating unwelcome tasks as early as possible. Conversely, I see some value in delaying certain tasks, likening it to the interest paid on borrowed time. This philosophy, however, has its pitfalls, as I’ve learned the hard way with lawn mowing. The longer the grass grows, the more arduous the task becomes—a tangible representation of the cost of procrastination.

As I gaze upon the weather forecast, hoping for a break in the rain to tend to my lawn, I reflect on the importance of planning and adaptability. External factors, such as weather, sometimes remind me of the limits of control over my schedule. This recent experience has instilled a newfound resolve to tackle lawn mowing head-on, without delay, in the coming weeks.

Living on a hillside in Tennessee has taught me more than just about lawn care; it’s a lesson in time management, the pitfalls of procrastination, and the value of early action. As I look ahead, I’m reminded of the importance of embracing these challenges, knowing well that even the steepest of hills can be easily managed with a bit of foresight and discipline.