I Overcome The Challenge of Portion Control

I’ve discovered that portion control is the key to successful weight loss. Many recipes are designed for four servings, and for years, I found it convenient to make all four and split them over two days. However, having extra food around can be risky, especially during stressful times when I tend to consume more carbohydrates than I should. Even my husband, who practices mindful eating, sometimes overindulges, particularly in protein. Despite maintaining over 400 active minutes of exercise per week, my weight loss had plateaued for quite some time.

My husband used to be a skilled baker and a capable cook. Still, after his stroke, he lost some of his planning abilities—an essential skill in cooking, where you need to consider various factors like nutrition and the cooking process. About five years ago, he started cooking again for rehabilitation. I usually have him stick to simple dishes, as he sometimes forgets to turn off the stove or oven, which has been a concern for his safety.

We had specific goals for using Hello Fresh:

In recent years, my husband’s brain has shown remarkable improvement, partly due to his dedication to running. This progress made me consider how we could tackle multiple challenges simultaneously, leading to our decision to try a meal prep service like Hello Fresh. This service provides all the necessary ingredients, with meals prepared for at least two servings—perfect for a couple like us.

  • Learn portion control
  • Experience cooking relatively simple meals

Due to my husband’s dietary restrictions, we only planned to use the service for about six months to see if it would fit. The controlled portions helped us manage his food limitations, though we still had to be very cautious about sodium intake. My husband continued to follow his specific breakfast and snack routines. Monitoring protein, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus intake is crucial for those with compromised kidneys. I adjusted some of the Hello Fresh recipes, particularly by modifying the spice mixes and sauces, as they often contained too much sodium.

At first, I was concerned about how difficult it would be to adjust to smaller portions. Initially, I felt a slight hunger, but it subsided after a few days. I was amazed to learn what 800 calories of pasta looked like and how many calories I had consumed. By the end of the first month, our bodies had adapted to the correct portion sizes. Being very active, my husband needed to maintain weight, so we created renal-friendly snacks for him.

My biggest lesson was that it’s okay to feel overly hungry to control food intake. I still enjoy pasta and bread but focus on eating what I need. I aim for gradual weight loss, as rapid changes can harm cardiovascular health. I remind myself to take small, consistent steps toward my goals.

Recreating Hello Fresh Meals

Once we felt confident managing our food intake, we stopped using Hello Fresh. Now, I select a weekly menu of 4-5 recipes and create a grocery list tailored to those meals. During our time with Hello Fresh, I learned how to make my spice mixes, as many commercial options, like those for hamburger potatoes and Old Bay seasoning, contain too much salt for my husband. I was pleasantly surprised by how well my homemade versions turned out.

I now pack all the ingredients for each meal in a reusable bag, excluding the spice mixes or homemade sauces, and include the recipe. My husband still cooks from these prepared bags and has noticed only a slight difference from when we used Hello Fresh. His cooking skills have improved significantly, and he has had almost no accidents in the kitchen.

Minimizing Food Waste

One thing I’ve had to be mindful of is food waste. With just two people, buying large quantities of perishable items is not practical, as they often go unused. For fresh vegetables, I typically purchase only ingredients we need for the week unless it lasts longer, like cabbage or onions. To avoid waste, I’ve been creative, making soups, stir-fries, canning, and freezing as much as possible. I store extra food in air-freezer bags to extend its shelf life.

What I Learned From This Experience

Reflecting on my weight loss journey, I realized that portion control was the missing piece. I didn’t have to cut back on my food intake drastically; it was about eating the right amounts. I’m now within 10 pounds of my goal, a milestone that took a while to reach due to the earlier plateau.

In addition, I’ve learned valuable lessons about minimizing food waste. I research preservation techniques whenever we have leftovers; now, very little food goes to waste in our home.

We’ve also adapted many recipes to be more renal-friendly. I look forward to sharing how we do that in another post. Despite our dietary restrictions, this system has been effective for us, and I wanted to share our experience in hopes it might help others.