Taking a Break and Tackling Big Weekend Projects

Written August 25, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Today is my official rest day. While there are always daily chores, I avoid running or tackling yard work on Sundays unless something urgent arises. This week has been incredibly taxing, with extra home maintenance tasks leaving my legs sore. I hope a day of rest and some much-needed stretching will help me recover and feel refreshed for the coming week.

My wife, meanwhile, uses Sundays to organize her upcoming week. She has her to-do list workbooks and plans everything down to the smallest detail. I’m not quite as meticulous, but I like to lay out my tasks and schedule for the week. Everything goes into my Google Calendar, so I can easily access it on my phone. It’s my way of staying organized without feeling too bogged down by every minor task.

We have some exciting plans for next weekend. We’ll head to my mother’s house to celebrate our niece’s birthday. It’s been a while since we’ve seen her, as the last few weekends have been packed with obligations, and we haven’t visited since July. My wife is especially eager to see everyone again. In addition to the celebration, we’re also preparing to begin a much-needed deck repair. This project will take several days to complete.

The deck stairs need significant work. They were built into a tree we recently cut down, which had grown so tall and close to the house that we were worried the roots would damage our foundation. Unfortunately, the roots have already affected the brick pathway leading to the stairs before cutting the tree. I’ve put off this repair for the year, but now it can’t be delayed any longer. My wife insists we do the repairs correctly this time. I’m still puzzled by why anyone would build a brick path over a root system, but it must have been done when the house was built over 30 years ago. We’re still debating whether to handle the deck repairs ourselves or hire professionals since we don’t have the proper tools.

This year, we’re at least committed to sanding and staining the deck and cleaning, sanding, and repainting our deck furniture. I’m looking forward to having the space functional again. Once the deck is ready, we can use the grill and maybe even expand the garden around it—a healing garden, as my wife envisions. While maintaining a house can be a lot of work, the effort always feels rewarding.

As I look ahead to this week, I’m adjusting my schedule to account for two big maintenance days on Thursday and Friday. Then we have the birthday party on Saturday. My wife, ever the planner, will also review our August expenses and tweak the budget for the rest of the year. At least this will be the long weekend. For now, I’m just hoping this leg soreness goes away soon!

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