The Quest for a Rare Siamese: A Family’s Journey

Written on February 6, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Embarking on a quest to welcome a new feline member into our family has turned into quite an adventure that’s both exciting and challenging in equal measure. My partner has her heart set on a rather specific type of cat, adding a layer of complexity to our search. Our journey is further complicated by the need for a hypoallergenic breed, as our family members are allergic to cats.

The breed in question is a flame-point Siamese female, a choice that has proven to be as rare as beautiful. The uniqueness of the flame point lies in its recessive gene, which is especially challenging to find in females. The search feels like a quest for a hidden treasure, elusive and demanding patience and determination.

The pursuit has been extended, with my wife recounting her previous seven-month-long quest to locate a breeder capable of offering such a prized feline. I have also spent countless hours scouring for a breeder who could help us. Our efforts finally bore fruit last evening when we encountered a breeder expecting a litter that might include the gem we’ve been searching for. The anticipation of whether a flame-point Siamese will be born and our position on the waiting list keeps us on the edge of our seats.

As we wait for the next few months to unfold, the suspense of meeting our future kitty grows. The timeline aligns serendipitously with our life plans, giving my wife ample time to warm up to the idea of a new feline friend and fitting perfectly with our upcoming spring trip. This interval before the kitten is ready to leave its mother’s side offers a pause for emotional and practical preparation.

Our family’s journey to find the perfect addition to our home is a testament to the lengths one will go for love—love for a partner’s wishes and the future joy a pet can bring. The specificity of our search has not deterred us; rather, it has strengthened our resolve and anticipation for the day we finally welcome our rare, flame-point Siamese into our lives. With its trials and tribulations, the adventure promises a reward far more significant than any challenge: adding a new, cherished member to our family circle.

Maximizing Time Alone: A Cleaning Journey While My Partner’s Away

Written on March 23, 2024

My husband will be away, spending quality time with his siblings in the upcoming days—a trip I wished to join if only my schedule permitted. Unfortunately, the timing couldn’t have been more inconvenient. With the completion of consolidation reports, nearing the end of financial audits, and the final touches to our financial statements, my work as the sole accountant for our company has been more demanding than ever. The looming task of handling corporation tax still awaits me. Given these circumstances, taking time off was hardly an option. However, I managed to secure a single day to cherish moments with my husband before his departure.

After confirming my husband’s trip, I strategized to use this period to clean our home thoroughly. Although work obligations spilled into the weekend, I seized the chance for a comprehensive cleanup. My husband’s absence made this task more straightforward, allowing me to dive right into it with my trusted trio: vinegar, baking soda, and citric acid.

Admittedly, I often feel a pang of guilt for not maintaining a cleaner home. While my husband contributes to daily upkeep, my efforts are usually reserved for spot cleaning and tackling the bathroom and kitchen over the weekend. Yet, this often needs to be improved. The desire to clean windows, wallboards, and doors weighed on me, especially considering the recent surge in pollen, which likely invaded every corner of our house.

Determined, I dedicated four hours to an intense cleaning spree, focusing on our showers, bathrooms, kitchen appliances, and sideboards. The result was a significantly tidier home that not only looked better but also made me feel better.

Reflecting on this, I’m reminded of my grandmother’s wisdom. She often said that cleaning could clear one’s mind, which resonated with me deeply during this cleaning endeavor. Indeed, as I navigated through the chores, the clutter of my mind seemed to diminish alongside the physical clutter. This experience underscored the value of finding tranquility and satisfaction in the simplicity of household chores, particularly during solitude. It served as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a clean home and a clear mind, especially amidst the hectic pace of professional responsibilities.


While the initial motivation for this cleaning marathon was born out of necessity and the opportunity presented by my husband’s absence, it evolved into a therapeutic exercise that brought clarity and a sense of accomplishment. It’s a gentle reminder that sometimes, in the quiet moments of solitude, we find the space to rejuvenate and realign ourselves, ready to tackle the challenges ahead with a renewed spirit and a cleaner home.

Embracing Mondays: A Fresh Start to the Week

Hello Dear Readers,

Sometimes, ticking off every item on my to-do list seems like a marathon with no finish line. Some tasks take me longer than anticipated. Often, it’s because I’ve lagged behind on the initial few tasks, setting off a domino effect that delays the rest of my day. Despite these setbacks, I find solace in the small victories. Take yesterday, for instance—I might have moved at a snail’s pace from one task to another, yet I consider the day a triumph. After all, the essence of progress lies not in speed but in direction and completion.

Today marks the beginning of a new week, presenting a clean slate and boundless possibilities. I awoke at my usual time, firmly rooted in the day’s purpose and barely straying from my envisioned path. With several hours to spare before hitting the optimal time for my run—the sole time-sensitive activity on my agenda—I afford myself the luxury of a slower pace. This deliberate choice ensures that, despite a leisurely start, there’s ample time to conquer my list without the rush.

My relationship with Mondays has undergone a remarkable transformation. The mere thought of Mondays used to summon a sense of dread, a harbinger of the end of leisure and the resumption of a week filled with tasks and obligations. Weekdays were synonymous with non-stop activity, leaving weekends as my much-needed oasis of rest and rejuvenation. Consequently, Mondays felt like an unwelcome jolt back to reality—a stark reminder of the endless cycle of routines and responsibilities that awaited.

However, a shift in perspective has led to a newfound appreciation for Mondays. My weekends, once a sanctuary of relaxation, have gradually become cluttered with commitments, making Mondays unexpectedly serene in comparison. This inversion of roles between weekdays and weekends has led me to question the longevity of my aversion to Mondays. It may be time to retire my longstanding grudge against the first day of the week, as it no longer seems justified. After all, Mondays offer a chance to reset, a pause before the rush, making them less about the end of freedom and more about the opportunity to start afresh.

In this light, Mondays have shed their gloomy cloak, revealing themselves as a beacon of new beginnings. They remind us that every week offers a fresh start, an opportunity to approach our goals with renewed vigor and a positive outlook. So, as I embrace this shift in perspective, I find myself looking forward to Mondays with a sense of anticipation rather than apprehension. It’s a subtle yet profound reminder that our attitudes towards time and tasks can transform our experience, turning dreaded moments into opportunities for growth and renewal.

Navigating Exercise Challenges with a Twist of Determination

Hello Dear Readers,

Embarking on another day, I find myself poised to escalate the intensity of my morning workout ritual. The journey of augmenting one’s exercise regimen is not without its trials and tribulations. Currently, I grapple with the aftermath of what I suspect to be a minor mishap involving my subclavius muscle – a souvenir from a particularly ambitious session of curls a fortnight ago. This hiccup necessitates a mindful approach to how much further I can push my physical limits.

In the realm of physical training, the importance of understanding the specific muscles you aim to fortify cannot be overstated. However, this task becomes considerably more complex when contending with an injury. The initial strategy was maneuvering around the afflicted muscle, though this proved less effective than anticipated. It’s a peculiar situation; the discomfort isn’t a constant companion. Its presence is only made known when I turn my head to the left while simultaneously rolling my right shoulder backward. An intriguing, if not slightly inconvenient, trigger.

Despite these challenges, my resolve remains unshaken. I plan to introduce an additional weight of 2.5 pounds to my regimen. This minor adjustment is a testament to my commitment to progression. Of course, this ambition is tempered by a sense of prudence; should this increase in weight exacerbate my discomfort, I will not hesitate to retract this decision.

The path of physical betterment is one fraught with anticipated and unforeseen obstacles. Yet, it is through navigating these obstacles that we uncover our resilience and adaptability. The current predicament serves not as a deterrent but as a nuanced lesson in the delicate balance between pushing our limits and heeding our bodies’ signals.

Navigating Loss and Love: The Journey of a Beloved Cat

Mar 26, 2024

Re: The Quest for Future Kitty: Navigating the Rarity of Flame Point Siamese Cats

Life, with all its ups and downs, often brings us to a place of deep reflection and emotional growth. My journey, particularly recently, has been one of love, loss, and the bittersweet memories in between. The loss of our beloved cat last autumn has cast a long shadow over our lives, reminding us of the fragility of joy and the enduring nature of love.

Nearly 17 years ago, faced with the impossibility of having children due to medical reasons, I decided to welcome a kitten into our lives. This wasn’t just any kitten; she was a flame-point, apple-head Siamese, a breed marked by its rarity and distinct beauty. However, it was later revealed that she was a mix, a detail that mattered little in our affection for her. My husband, in particular, formed an inseparable bond with her from the moment they met, showering her with love and attention in a way that was uniquely his. While I may not have pampered her to the same extent, my love for her was no less profound.

The pain of loss has a peculiar way of warping my senses, leading me to find traces of our departed loved ones in the most mundane occurrences. At times, I could swear I heard her, a sentiment fueled more by hope than reality, as the rational part of me recognized the sounds as nothing more than the whirring of the heater or the rustling of the wind. Despite my fear of horror films and ghosts, there were moments I desperately wished to believe that she had returned to us in some form.

The void left by her absence has been difficult to navigate. The thought of welcoming another cat into our home has surfaced, prompted by my husband’s desire for a new feline companion. Yet, the thought alone brings tears to my eyes as the memories of our lost cat remain too fresh, her presence too profoundly intertwined with our daily lives. It’s a hesitation born not from a lack of love for animals but from a heart still heavy with grief.

The depth of my husband’s affection for our cat was made abundantly clear in a moment of profound vulnerability. Emerging from a seven-day coma induced by a brain stroke, his first words were not only my name but also that of our beloved cat. It was a testament to their bond, forged through countless days spent together while he worked from home and she kept him company.

As we contemplate the future and the possibility of opening our hearts to another cat, we face practical considerations, such as choosing a hypoallergenic breed due to allergies within our circle of friends and family. Yet, the emotional readiness for such a step is a question that lingers. The fear of inadvertently seeking out the shadow of our lost cat in a new one looms large, raising ethical and emotional concerns about fairness to the latest addition.

Navigating this landscape of grief and love is a journey without a clear roadmap. Each step forward is a delicate balance between honoring the past and being open to new sources of joy and companionship. In this space of uncertainty, the only certainty is the profound impact of our beloved cat on our lives, a legacy of love that endures beyond her physical presence.


The Quest for Future Kitty: Navigating the Rarity of Flame Point Siamese Cats

Written on February 2, 2024

Hello, Dear Readers,

My wife and I have embarked on what we anticipate will be an extensive journey—a search for a new kitten. Our hearts are set on finding a kitten that mirrors the unique characteristics of our previously cherished cat, Gambi. Gambi was not just any cat; she was a distinguished female apple-headed, flame-point Siamese cat, a type that holds a special place in our hearts.

This particular breed is relatively rare. It is a distinctive blend created through the crossing of a traditional Siamese with an orange American shorthair domestic cat. This specificity makes the quest for a similar kitten a challenge, as there are fewer breeders focusing on this hybrid, given the complexities and potential limitations associated with cat shows and pure breed registrations.

Breeders may lean towards raising purebred Siamese kittens, primarily due to the appeal of submitting them to prestigious cat shows, which come with stringent entry requirements. While my thoughts on breeders’ preferences are speculative, the breed’s rarity suggests a complex interplay of factors influencing their breeding choices.

In our pursuit, we’ve reached out to several breeders, expressing our interest and hoping they’ll contact us if they have what we’re seeking. Finding the right breeder and awaiting the arrival of a litter that meets our criteria might take time. This waiting period offers us an opportunity for emotional preparation, as the void left by Gambi’s absence remains profound.

Gambi’s departure has left a bittersweet taste, making the anticipation of a new kitten a hopeful and reflective time for us. I’ve affectionately referred to this yet-to-be-discovered kitten as “future kitty,” a placeholder name that signifies our hope and openness to this new chapter. Once we meet “future kitty,” we’ll choose a name that suits her unique personality and presence.

The search for a kitten similar to Gambi is more than a quest for a new pet; it’s a journey of healing, remembrance, and, eventually, the joyful welcoming of a new family member. It underscores our deep bond with our pets, who become irreplaceable parts of our lives and families.

Though the path to finding a “future kitty” may be filled with patience and anticipation, we are committed to it, guided by the memory of Gambi and the desire to open our hearts to another extraordinary cat. The emotional preparation we undergo now will undoubtedly make the arrival of our new kitten all the more remarkable as we look forward to the unique joy and companionship she will bring to our lives.

To our fellow pet lovers and readers, we’ll keep you updated on our journey. The search for “future kitty” is a testament to our enduring love for our pets, past, present, and future. Thank you for joining us on this heartfelt quest.

Embracing the New Normal: A Day of Disruptions

Written on January 31, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Amidst the yearly ritual of my check-up meeting, I found myself navigating through the day’s tasks with notable success yesterday. The only casualty in my daily routine was my second cup of coffee—a minor change. Yet, it significantly contributed to my exhaustion as the night drew in.

The day had started on an alright note, and indulging in some extra sleep this morning, I’ve managed to shake off the weariness from yesterday’s altered schedule. Nonetheless, I eagerly anticipate the refreshing embrace of sufficient coffee to elevate my energy levels back to their familiar state.

This leads me to ponder whether recognizing these minor disturbances in my routine is a byproduct of having a routine in the first place. Recently, my daily patterns have been jostled by snow, unpredictable delivery schedules, and hospital appointments, making disruptions seem like the new status quo. Suppose a day sprinkled with unexpected events has become the norm. In that case, these aren’t disruptions but elements of my newly adapted normalcy.

Adopting this mindset might keep the external realities of my schedule the same. Still, it could offer me a steadier footing amidst the unpredictability. The irregularities are no longer obstacles but nuances of a continuously evolving life. This shift in perception, although subtle, can ease the strain of adjustment and help me navigate through the ebbs and flows with a sense of resilience.

It’s somewhat comforting to think that what once seemed like disruptions are now integral parts of my daily life. It’s a testament to human adaptability and the subtle power of perspective in managing life’s uncertainties. While the absence of my second cup of coffee might have left me yearning for its comforting routine, it also underscored the capacity to find equilibrium amid change.

So, as I look forward to my next cup, it’s not just the caffeine boost I’m after but a moment to reflect on the beauty of embracing the unexpected. It’s about finding balance in the flux and recognizing that a shift in routine can sometimes lead to a deeper appreciation of the small constants that anchor us. The disruptions, in their own way, remind us of our ability to adapt and find joy in the new patterns that emerge.

In closing, my dear readers, I encourage you to view the disruptions in your own lives not as hindrances but as opportunities to forge new norms. In these moments of adaptation, we often discover unanticipated strengths and joys. Let’s raise our cups—be it the first, second, or even third—to the beauty of resilience and the endless possibilities in what we might have once called disruptions.

A Morning of Hustle: Navigating Through Routine and the Unexpected

Written on January 30, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Each day, as dawn breaks, my first act is physically exercising. It’s my unwavering ritual, the cornerstone of my day. However, today presented a slight deviation from the norm. The reason? My calendar was marked for my yearly health examination, a non-negotiable hour-long appointment.

In a flurry, I glanced at the clock, gauging my precious minutes before embarking on my journey to the clinic. A quick mental run-through of my morning tasks reassured me that I should manage to weave through my routine unscathed, barring any dallying. The key, I reminded myself, was efficiency—completing my exercises in time to ensure a leisurely walk to the clinic without compromising my daily goals.

But then, an unexpected reminder popped into my head. Weren’t we expecting our water delivery today? Given our dwindling supply, this was no minor detail. Hastily, I checked our schedule, and to my immense relief, the delivery was indeed slated for today. True to their word, the water arrived, sparing us the inconvenience of a dry spell—we were on our last bottle, after all.

I navigated through my morning chores and fitness regimen with haste and precision. The clock ticked away, but my pace was steady. A sense of accomplishment washed over me as I laced up my shoes, ready to head out. Despite the tight schedule and unforeseen considerations, I adhered to my morning ritual, ensuring that my day started positively.

Mornings like these remind me of the beauty embedded in our routines. Yes, they are occasionally interrupted by the unexpected, but isn’t that the essence of life? These slight deviations challenge our flexibility and resilience, pushing us to adapt and overcome. And as I stepped out, heading towards my annual check-up, I couldn’t help but appreciate the small victories that come from managing the chaos of everyday life.

So here’s to embracing the hurdles and cherishing the mundane. After all, it’s in these moments that we find the proper rhythm of our days.

Spring’s Subtle Arrival: A Reflection

Written on January 28, 2024

As we inch closer to the end of another week, the promise of spring whispers ever so softly to us. It’s a time filled with subtle signs that herald the return of warmer days. During my recent runs, I’ve been greeted by the sight of robins, those quintessential messengers of spring, frolicking across various lawns. Their presence is a comforting reminder that spring is indeed on its way.

Reflecting on this same period last year, I recall the slightly surreal sight of these birds hopping through a light blanket of snow. It was a peculiar contrast – the embodiment of spring dancing amidst winter’s lingering embrace. I hope that this year, the transition will be less jarring, with spring taking its rightful place without the backdrop of winter’s chill.

Yet, with the arrival of spring comes the inevitable: a list of chores that seem to awaken alongside the blossoming flora. A significant part of this seasonal shift includes the resurgence of yard work. Last year, I successfully maintained our outdoor space and found the perfect balance. Our homeowner’s association, perhaps taking note of the improvements, spared us the usual reminders to tend to our yard. This small victory encouraged me to adopt a similar strategy this year.

With all its beauty and promise, spring also reminds us of the cyclical nature of responsibilities and the satisfaction derived from their fulfillment. As much as it signifies renewal and growth, it also beckons us to engage with our surroundings to care for the land that, in turn, sustains and nurtures us. So, as we stand on the cusp of this season of rebirth, I embrace its joys and demands with equal enthusiasm.

As you observe the signs of spring in your own lives, you may find joy in the simple pleasures it brings and resilience in the face of its challenges. Here’s to a season of growth, renewal, and the harmonious balance between enjoying nature’s beauty and contributing to its upkeep.

Back on Track: Rediscovering the Joy of Running

Written on January 24, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Good news abounds as I’ve finally managed to reintegrate my beloved running routine into my life, marking a significant milestone since the interruption caused by the last snowfall. Venturing out yesterday for the first time since winter’s grip loosened, I embarked on my run under the cloak of rainfall—a testament to my determination to reclaim this piece of my life.

Despite concerns that a week-long break might have eroded my speed, the run unfolded surprisingly well. Rather than being a deterrent, the rain seemed almost inconsequential to my pace. That’s not to say it was effortless; by the journey’s end, my legs were broadcasting their fatigue loud and clear, a tangible reminder of the hiatus’s impact. Yet, the early night that followed—ushering in a deep, restorative sleep—left me feeling rejuvenated today, to the point where I might even declare myself a tad over-rested.

Reflecting on this, I find my evolving relationship with running quite fascinating. There was a time when I viewed it more as a necessary evil—a means to an end, filled with discomfort rather than delight. However, as my cardiovascular fitness improved, so too did my perspective. The activity I once deemed painful has now transformed into a source of joy, a shift in sentiment that even a rainy run couldn’t dampen.

This rekindled enthusiasm for running signifies more than just a return to physical activity; it marks the reassembly of my daily routine, piece by piece. The holidays and winter conditions had scattered my habits like leaves in the wind. Still, with my running shoes laced once more, I feel as though I’ve woven those scattered pieces back together. The structure and familiarity of my routine have been restored, imbuing me with a sense of accomplishment and normalcy.

The challenge now lies in maintaining this momentum. The ease with which life’s disruptions can unravel our routines reminds us of the need for resilience and dedication. My recent return to running serves as a personal victory and a blueprint for navigating the ebb and flow of life’s inevitable interruptions. With each step on the pavement, rain or shine, I’m not just running; I’m reaffirming my commitment to my well-being and the routines that sustain it.

As I lace up my shoes for the next run, I do so with a renewed sense of purpose and a heart full of gratitude for the ability to move forward, both literally and metaphorically. Once a daunting task, running has become a cherished ritual, a source of strength and joy amidst the chaos of life. It’s a poignant reminder that the path back to ourselves sometimes begins with a single step forward.