The Silver Lining: Finding Positivity After a Stroke

Written on January 9, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I would never have willingly chosen to experience a stroke. Yet, it’s undeniable that not all outcomes from this ordeal were adverse. My journey through stroke recovery has led to several unexpected improvements in my life.

Before the stroke, I was battling clinical depression, a heavy and constant companion. However, post-recovery, this burden has significantly lifted. While I can’t attribute this change solely to the stroke, it certainly acted as a catalyst for many other transformations that have helped alleviate my depression.

Dealing with hypertension or kidney issues necessitates a careful consideration of diet. In my case, meat consumption is minimal, and dining out has become a rarity. Fast food is almost entirely off the menu. My wife, believing in the power of physical activity to aid brain health, encouraged me to start running—a practice I had never engaged seriously in before my stroke.

This health scare has revolutionized my approach to exercise, diet, and sleep—critical components of a lifestyle that combats depression. Although these changes were initially made to address my stroke and kidney disease, they have had the added benefit of improving my mental health. The irony is not lost on me. At the same time, I had struggled to implement these lifestyle changes to combat depression directly; the stroke forced my hand, leading to a healthier way of living that inadvertently addressed my mental health issues.

Admittedly, adopting an optimistic outlook does not come naturally to me. Yet, I find myself grateful for having overcome depression, despite wishing that it hadn’t required enduring a stroke and kidney failure to achieve this victory. Since I can’t alter the past, I’ve chosen to focus on appreciating what I have now instead of mourning what was lost.

This journey has taught me that within the heart of adversity lies potential for growth and healing. While the path to recovery was neither chosen nor easy, the resultant shift in my lifestyle and perspective has significantly improved my overall well-being. It’s a poignant reminder that the most profound changes sometimes come from unexpected places.


Rebooting Myself: Navigating Life After a Stroke

Written on January 8, 2024.

Hello Dear Readers,

Reflecting on my stroke often leads me down a path of wonder and confusion. The cause remains a mystery, as extensive medical evaluations have failed to provide any definitive answers. The complexity of my condition posed a significant challenge, not only in terms of personal acceptance but also in explaining it to others. Through much contemplation, I’ve likened my experience to undergoing a factory reset.

This analogy perfectly encapsulates the profound impact the stroke had on me. The intuitive shortcuts and pathways I had formed over the years to manage my bodily functions and interact with my environment were suddenly erased. It was as though I had to start from scratch, relearning basic tasks that had once been second nature. Brushing my teeth, a mundane task I had performed effortlessly countless times before, suddenly became a formidable challenge. Holding the toothbrush felt unfamiliar, and applying toothpaste required a deliberate effort that was previously unnecessary. Brushing itself could have been more problematic and challenging to navigate.

This transformation extended beyond personal care to everyday activities, such as typing. Previously, typing was an automatic process where thoughts seamlessly transformed into words on a screen with minimal conscious effort. However, post-stroke, this task demanded significant focus and patience, as my mental connection to my fingers had been disrupted. The ability to multitask effortlessly, a skill I had taken for granted, was now a source of frustration and a poignant reminder of my lost capabilities.

The rehabilitation journey was arduous, filled with the painstaking task of reacquainting myself with the most straightforward routines. Activities that had once been effortless, such as walking, eating, and personal hygiene, became hurdles to overcome. Despite the frustrations and challenges, I embraced a mindset of resilience and improvement. The notion of reprogramming myself became a silver lining; if I had to start over, I would strive to rebuild myself to be more robust and capable.

The experience of recovering from a stroke is akin to navigating through uncharted territory, with each step forward marking a victory in itself. It tests patience, endurance, and the human spirit’s capacity to adapt and overcome. My story is one of many, a testament to the challenges and triumphs faced by those who have had their lives unexpectedly reset. It is a reminder that, despite adversity, there is hope for renewal and the possibility of emerging stronger.

Journey of Resilience: Navigating Rehabilitation and Hope After a Stroke

Re: Rediscovering Myself After a Stroke: A Journey Back to Youth


Several weeks after Brian commenced his rehabilitation journey, we focused on improving his walking ability. The stroke had significantly weakened his muscles and robbed him of control over his legs and arms. Despite this, his brain retained the memory of movement, leading to a challenging phase where Brian would wake up at night, attempting to go to the bathroom as he used to, only to fall due to his weakened muscles. The frequency of these incidents at the rehabilitation center resulted in numerous calls from the facility, prompting Brian’s mother and me to stay with him overnight.

Brian’s frustration was palpable. At one point, he contemplated abandoning all efforts toward recovery. He was a perfectionist by nature, accustomed to meeting high standards independently. The stroke’s aftermath, which left him dependent on others for basic needs, was a source of significant distress. He expressed the extent of his despair, prompting a stern response from me that threatened to withdraw support if he gave up on himself—this moment of tough love proved to be a turning point for Brian.

Taking his rehabilitation more seriously, Brian and I began daily walks with the assistance of a walker. Initially, he required frequent rests, but after 16 months, he progressed to jogging, covering 1.27 miles on his first attempt. Recognizing the importance of proper footwear, I gifted him a pair of running shoes. We also discovered a running app named “Zombies, Run!” with a log function. I encouraged Brian to track his distance and inform me upon reaching 500 km, aiming to monitor the usage of his shoes. Additionally, we invested in a digital scale to measure his muscle composition, weight, and bone mass, which became a source of pride for Brian as he noted his gradual improvements.

Experiencing a stroke results in numerous losses, not just for the survivor but also for their family. Reflecting on Brian’s journal entries during this time evokes strong memories of our shared struggles. I wished I had read a journal like this back then.

My husband truly inspires me. With his permission, I’ve shared excerpts from Brian’s journal to offer hope and insight to others facing similar challenges. Recovery from a stroke is a slow process, but improvement is possible. For those supporting someone like Brian, it’s crucial to communicate hope and encourage perseverance. Never give up.


Rediscovering Myself After a Stroke: A Journey Back to Youth

Written on January 7, 2024


Throughout my life, I often encountered the philosophical musing: if given the chance, would one return to their youth with the wisdom they’ve accumulated? For the longest time, my answer was a resolute no. My younger years were not periods I looked back on fondly, and the prospect of revisiting them, even with the advantage of hindsight, seemed far from appealing. However, fate, through the unexpected event of a stroke, made this decision on my behalf. In a bizarre twist, I was thrust back to a state resembling my youth, where essential habits and skills I took for granted were wiped clean, necessitating a thorough relearning process akin to a child taking their first steps.


The journey was nothing short of frustrating. Imagine, if you will, the sudden and complete loss of control over bodily functions once operated on autopilot. The mere act of walking became a Herculean task that demanded my full attention and effort. It was during this time, amidst the throes of rehabilitation and reacquaintance with my own body, that I decided to shift my perspective. Rather than mourning the loss of my former capabilities, I chose to view this as an opportunity to rebuild myself, but better.


This shift had its challenges. My natural inclination towards perfectionism meant that each failure and stumble was met with harsh self-criticism. Yet, the stroke provided an undeniable excuse for every shortcoming. Dropped a glass? A direct consequence of the stroke. Forgot to refrigerate the leftovers? Another lapse courtesy of my condition. While it was tempting to lean on these excuses, I recognized the danger of allowing my stroke to become a crutch that hindered improvement.


Determined to overcome, I made a pact with myself to persevere. While my stroke was a legitimate barrier to achieving perfection, it wasn’t an impossible one preventing improvement. Embracing kindness towards myself in the face of failure became a transformative practice. This newfound leniency allowed me to approach tasks with a beginner’s mindset, gradually improving without the pressure to achieve mastery from the outset.


Logging and Journaling became vital in this process, providing a tangible record of my progress. Over five years, this practice revealed to me just how far I had come. The path to recovery and self-betterment was slow, often imperceptible from day to day, but the cumulative effect was undeniable.


In retrospect, the stroke inadvertently forced me into the very scenario I had long dismissed. Returning to a state of developing ability with the wisdom of my years became a blessing in disguise. It offered me a second chance at relearning how to live and live better. Through this journey, I discovered resilience, patience, and a more profound kindness towards myself that I might never have found otherwise.

Rediscovering My Running Routine After the Thaw

I find myself infused with a modest surge of excitement today as the thaw has finally made the roads passable for running. The grip of winter has loosened slightly, allowing me to entertain the thought of hitting the pavement once more after a hiatus of just over a week. Unlike the often snowy expanses of the northern United States, where the white blanket is a familiar scene, Nashville presents a unique challenge with its icy conditions. The slippery roads here make the prospect of running not just daunting but potentially perilous. Given these conditions, I made the cautious choice to forego my outdoor runs.

The interruption in my running routine stirred a flicker of concern within me—a worry that this break might slow or set me back. However, I quickly silenced these pessimistic thoughts, reassuring myself of the resilience and adaptability of my body and spirit. The brief pause, I reminded myself, would not be a significant hindrance. Indeed, I should focus on the positive, anticipating the joy and fulfillment of resuming my runs. The prospect of getting back on track, feeling the rhythm of my feet against the ground, is a source of genuine happiness.

During these inactive days, I’ve noticed a tangible shift in my nightly routine—sleep has been more elusive, a direct consequence of my body’s lack of physical exhaustion. And now, as if to test my resolve, the forecast promises a morning of rain. Running under a downpour is far from ideal, often feeling more like a chore than a pleasure. Yet, I consider it, hopeful for a brief respite in the weather that might allow for a dry run. Fortunately, the forecast does not predict thunderstorms, which means that while the run may be soggy, it won’t be hazardous. With this knowledge, I steel myself for the challenge, determined to push through the discomfort.

Reflecting on this period of enforced rest, I realized that running has become an integral part of my life. It’s not merely a physical activity but a mental and emotional lifeline, a ritual that sustains me. The snow, with all its silence and stillness, has inadvertently illuminated the profound significance of this habit in my life. It’s a reminder of the resilience required in the face of winter’s chill and all aspects of life’s unpredictable journey.

This experience, this temporary pause, has only deepened my appreciation for the ability to run, move, and feel the earth beneath my feet. It’s a testament to the enduring human spirit, to our capacity to face obstacles, whether icy roads or internal doubts, and to emerge stronger, more committed, and more grateful for the simple, profound joy of running.

The Enduring Value of Mythology in Modern Life

My fascination with mythology, particularly the Greco-Roman variety, has been a constant throughout my life. I recall enrolling in a mythology class during high school and, later, furthering my interest at university. At the time, these courses seemed more like a delightful dalliance with my hobbies than a foundation for serious academic pursuits. However, as time has passed, the richness of mythology has proven to be an unexpectedly valuable asset in my life.


The spark for this realization was reignited by my wife’s ambitious endeavor to delve into the depths of Western classical literature and, more broadly, the liberal arts. She embarked on this intellectual journey by revisiting seminal works such as Homer’s “Odyssey” and “Iliad,” along with Virgil’s “Aeneid.” These epic tales are steeped in the mythological traditions of ancient Greece and Rome, and my wife frequently found herself seeking clarity on the myriad references to gods and goddesses woven throughout these narratives. Fortunately, thanks to my educational background in mythology, I was able to shed light on her questions or at least guide her toward the answers.


This experience has underscored a profound lesson for both of us: there is no such thing as useless knowledge. Even if the immediate application of certain information seems trivial, serving merely as a conversational reference or a tidbit of trivia, its value extends beyond the superficial. We’ve reflected on how often we’ve heard the lament that specific fields of study, such as mathematics, are useless. Critics argue that mastering calculus or geometry is a futile endeavor doomed to irrelevance in everyday life. Yet, this perspective overlooks a fundamental truth – unused knowledge remains dormant not because it lacks utility but because the absence of understanding precludes its application.

Rediscovering My Culinary Skills: A Stroke Survivor’s Journey with Hello Fresh

December 6, 2023


In a recent heartfelt moment, my wife observed a noticeable improvement in my cooking skills since we started using Hello Fresh. This observation holds a special significance for me. Before my stroke, I took pride in following recipes with precision. However, the aftermath of the stroke significantly impaired my culinary abilities, often leading to unsatisfactory and sometimes disastrous meal preparations.


Hello Fresh, widely recognized for its convenience in eliminating the hassle of recipe hunting and ensuring the availability of ingredients, has become more than just a food delivery service for me. It has transformed into an unexpected tool for rehabilitation and skill development. Initially, I appreciated Hello Fresh’s straightforward recipe format and the convenience of having all the necessary ingredients. This combination effectively removed two significant barriers to successful cooking: complex instructions and the frequent absence of ingredients.


But there’s more to it. As I continued using Hello Fresh, I noticed a gradual return to my previous cooking abilities. The easy-to-follow nature of their recipes played a crucial role in this. Familiarizing myself with recipe formats and rhythms has made cooking easier, which boosted my confidence in my culinary skills.


This experience has led me to view Hello Fresh from a different perspective. It’s not just a service that provides meal kits; it’s a culinary training program in disguise. For someone like me, recovering from a stroke and striving to regain lost skills, Hello Fresh has been unexpectedly beneficial. It’s more than just the convenience of prepared ingredients and selected recipes; it’s about restoring a skill that was once a source of pride.


I now recommend Hello Fresh not only for its evident benefits of convenience and taste but also as a tool for anyone looking to improve or regain their cooking skills. It has been a significant part of my journey to reclaim a part of my life that I thought was lost after my stroke. Each meal prepared is a step forward in my recovery, a testament to the role of cooking in healing and personal growth. Hello Fresh, in my experience, has proven to be an ally in this journey, making it an integral part of my culinary and individual rehabilitation.

Running Into Inspiration: How My Exercise Routine Became a Source of Motivation for Others


December 5, 2023

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday’s run was more than just a typical exercise session; it became a moment of unexpected introspection and community connection. While jogging, I encountered a neighbor’s father who felt compelled to introduce himself and inquire about my running habits. As we chatted, he casually mentioned that my dedication to running inspired him. This brief exchange, filled with friendly small talk and a promise to greet me by name in the future, left a lasting impression as I continued my run.


This wasn’t the first time someone had expressed how my regular exercise routine had inspired them. It’s the second such instance, and I must confess that I grapple with a feeling akin to imposter syndrome each time it happens. Despite the sincerity in their words, I find myself questioning the validity of their admiration. I attribute their praise partly to politeness and curiosity. Still, there’s a growing realization that there might be more.


In these moments of doubt, I ponder the depth of my actions’ impact on others. The thought of being someone’s inspiration, especially in a domain as personal and challenging as fitness, is humbling and daunting. It’s a shallow sensation, this doubt, yet it’s persistent. It’s easy to dismiss compliments as mere niceties. Still, the repeated occurrence of such incidents leads me to confront a new reality.


The responsibility of being an inspiration, even if unintended, is something I had yet to anticipate when I started my fitness journey. My initial goals were personal – to improve my health and well-being. However, the interactions with my neighbor’s father and others have shed light on a broader impact. It’s not just about the physical transformation or the discipline of a regular exercise routine. It’s about the ripple effect of one’s actions on the community.


Facing this reality, I’m contemplating how to harness this influence positively. While directing them to this blog to read about my experiences and thoughts is an option, there’s potential for a more productive engagement. Sharing more about the challenges and triumphs of my fitness journey could provide a more relatable and motivating narrative for others. Creating a space for shared experiences and tips could foster a supportive community around fitness and well-being.


In conclusion, the fitness journey is often viewed as a solitary endeavor focused on personal goals and self-improvement. However, my experiences have shown me that it can transcend individual boundaries. Our actions, no matter how small or routine they seem, can inspire and motivate those around us. This realization is a testament to the power of community and a call to embrace the unexpected roles we may find ourselves in. As I continue my running and fitness journey, I remain open to the possibilities and responsibilities that come with being an unintended source of inspiration.

A Twist in Our Pizza Day: Embracing Change and Finding Solutions


Written: Nov 26, 2023


Today marks another one of our cherished pizza days. However, a little twist cropped up last night. Surprisingly, I realized we had run out of chicken, typically a star topping on our pizza. This prompted a quick brainstorming session to think of suitable alternatives. By morning, I had a few ideas to discuss with my wife. We eventually settled on trying out turkey as a replacement for the day. It might be even more delightful than our usual chicken topping. This unexpected turn of events stems mainly from a recent shift in our regular meal routine.


Before our subscription with Hello Fresh, we regularly received our meat supplies from a service known as Butcherbox. However, since we started our journey with Hello Fresh, we’ve put our Butcherbox orders on hold. Hello Fresh conveniently includes the necessary meats in their recipe deliveries, which seemed like a perfect arrangement. Additionally, an impromptu grocery run for eggs, essential for the pumpkin pie we were making, resulted in us missing our usual shopping trip yesterday. While unlikely to happen often, this series of events has taught me an important lesson: to keep a closer watch on our chicken stock.


My wife often shares pearls of wisdom with me, one of which is particularly relevant in this scenario. She advises that when presenting a problem, it’s beneficial to have potential solutions ready. This advice initially meant for employees communicating with supervisors, proved invaluable last night. Discovering the absence of chicken, I quickly suggested a few alternatives to my wife. This approach, I’ve realized, is wider than workplace interactions. It’s a versatile strategy that can be applied in various aspects.

A Journey in Japanese: Day 365 and Counting

Today marks my 365th day of dedicated engagement with my Japanese language learning app. As I reflect on this journey, it’s clear that while my writing and reading Japanese abilities are still in their infancy, I have made notable strides in listening and speaking. Forming phrases in Japanese presents a challenge; I often find myself constructing sentences in English first and then laboriously translating them, utilizing my growing repository of memorized Japanese phrases.

The Japanese language is nothing short of intriguing. Its grammatical structure vastly differs from the Indo-European languages I have previously studied, presenting a fascinating challenge. I used to marvel at my wife’s proficiency in English, especially her adept use of “who” and “whom” – a feat that eludes many native speakers. However, my foray into Japanese has shed light on the underlying reasons for her linguistic precision. Japanese employs specific particles to denote the grammatical role of words. Unlike English, which heavily depends on word order to identify subjects and objects in sentences, Japanese simplifies this by using distinct particles for each. This system necessitates a keen understanding of sentence structure and is integral to spoken and written Japanese.

Looking ahead, I have set a goal for the next year to delve deeper into the Japanese writing system, starting with Hiragana. Mastering Hiragana is the first step towards gaining proficiency in the language’s script, which will eventually pave the way for me to tackle Kanji. I’m under no illusion about the complexity of Kanji, recognizing it as a more daunting aspect of the language. But, as with every step of this linguistic journey, I am ready to embrace the challenge with enthusiasm and determination. My experience so far has been a testament to the joys and challenges of language learning. I am excited to see where this path will lead me in the realm of bilingualism and cultural understanding.