From Stumbling Steps to Sore Legs: My 10K Running Journey

Written Jan 05, 2025

Hello Dear Readers,

This year, I made a bold proclamation: I’d conquer the 10K run more frequently than last year. Lofty, isn’t it? Well, it sounded heroic at the time. My main goal? Shave some seconds off my pace and make my running app sing my praises.

Let me set the scene: halfway through today’s 10K, I realized I’d missed my target pace by just a few seconds. Naturally, I did what any mildly obsessive runner would do—I pushed myself like I was being chased by a very determined turtle. The result? I barely hit my goal pace, but hey, “barely” still counts!

Looking back, it’s wild to think how far I’ve come. When I first started running seriously about 7-8 years ago, just finishing a few kilometers felt like scaling Everest. Rewind even further, and you’ll find me relearning how to walk after a brain stroke. Fun fact: my brain remembered that walking was a thing, but it forgot how to send the memo to my legs. The first time I told my wife I wanted to try running, she probably imagined me face-planting spectacularly. Spoiler: she wasn’t entirely wrong—I did fall a few times. But bruises fade, and determination grows.

Fast-forward to 2018, when we moved into our current home. I was still a slowpoke. A 5-kilometer run felt like a marathon, but over time, it stopped feeling like torture. Then came the glorious leap to 10 kilometers. Now, here I am—trying to outrun my past self, armed with sheer grit and slightly sore legs.

Speaking of sore legs, they’re the price of today’s achievement. My reward? I felt general weariness and the smug satisfaction of knowing this was my second-fastest 10K on record. Not bad for someone who started by jogging a single kilometer like a wobbly giraffe.

My endgame this year is to smash that 9:00 min/kilometer barrier. Today’s effort brought me closer, but it also left me with legs that felt like overcooked noodles. Stretching to the rescue! My daily leg stretches after a plank session is now less a routine and more a survival strategy.

So, here’s to run faster, recover smarter, and celebrate every hard-earned second because every step—whether wobbly or swift—proves that I’m still moving forward.

Crossing the Finish Line: My 1000K Running Journey

Written on December 28, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Today, I finally hit my big running goal for the year—drumroll, please—1000 kilometers! That’s a pretty satisfying number, even if it’s less than last year’s total. I’ve come to realize that running isn’t just about hitting numbers; it’s about the journey, the lessons learned along the way, and occasionally, the sweat-soaked, slightly embarrassing selfies that prove you were out there doing the thing.

This year, I shifted my focus to something new: speed. I wanted to improve my pace, and while it’s been a challenge, I’m proud of the strides I’ve made—pun absolutely intended. Running faster has a way of reminding you that progress isn’t always linear. Some days, you’re flying, and other days, let’s just say walking feels like a more viable option.

Now, let’s talk about summer, aka my arch-nemesis this year. It was hot. Not the “oh, it’s a little warm” kind of hot, but the “melting-the-soles-of-my-shoes” variety. And I’ll admit, I didn’t always feel like braving the heat. Laziness? Yes, it paid me a few visits, but can you blame me? The couch starts looking pretty appealing when the sun feels like it’s sitting in your driveway.

Thankfully, I found a way to adapt. Shifting my runs to early mornings worked wonders. There’s something magical about hitting the pavement while the world is still waking up. It’s quieter and cooler, and the sunrise is often its own reward. Plus, there’s a smug satisfaction in knowing you’ve already knocked out your run before most people have had their coffee.

Of course, my biggest hurdle this year wasn’t just the heat or the motivation dips—it was my body. Ever since my brain stroke, I’ve been dealing with a pesky little issue: my body no longer regulates temperature properly. This means external conditions like weather have an outsized impact on my running performance. It’s frustrating at times, but I’ve learned to listen to my body, adjust my pace, and embrace the idea that running is as much about resilience as it is about distance.

Looking ahead, I’m setting the same 1000K goal for 2025. Why mess with a good thing, right? Starting the year with a clear goal keeps me motivated and focused. The key is breaking it down into manageable chunks—one week, one run, one kilometer at a time. And when summer inevitably makes its sweaty return, I’ll be ready to greet it with those early morning runs. Sunrise runs are calling, and I’m already planning to answer.

Here’s to another year of chasing goals, battling the elements, and reminding myself that progress isn’t about perfection—it’s about persistence. So, 2025, let’s lace up and hit the ground running. Literally.

Adapting to Change: The Importance of Scheduling in Recovery

Written December 19, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I’m all out of sorts today.  My wife has to go to a physical inventory Audit. She must go to the warehouse with an accountant to audit inventory yearly. So we’ve shifted our typical Thursday pasta meal and our BBQ Friday meal days. 

Here’s the thing: I have to adjust my schedule if anything changes. I typically create my daily schedule to work as efficiently as possible. There is something important you are taught at the rehabilitation center: having a solid schedule is one of them. We may still feel we have recovered completely, but that may not be true. Then, you may not notice that you forgot them. So, I also have a routine schedule linked to each other so that I don’t forget to do so.

My wife gradually delegated more of her tasks. I do much more tasks now than 5 years ago. I have inherited as much as possible if I can do it. For example, the yard work. Until 5 years ago, my wife used to do it. She used to do all the choirs in the house between her work. Gradually, I relearned more things to do. Scheduling those tasks helps me not forget to do them within the time I have to do them. Over time, I rearrange my routines, such as running or yard schedules, to fit into my exercise or journaling schedules. The more tasks I inherit, the more time my wife has. So, I try to inherit more of her tasks. 

I have adjusted to this seemingly small change for this Thursday and still complete my Normal Thursday chores. I believe I’ve done so, but so many of the steps in my process are linked to previous ones that changing one increases the risk of cascading as I lose the triggers for the next chore step.  Even with things a bit out of order, I’ve managed to backtrack to pick up the dropped pieces.  

I was not much of a planner before the brain stroke. I know scheduling is very important because I forget otherwise. 

I’ll need to do more anomalous things tomorrow, but it shouldn’t be too difficult. I’ll just have to keep running through my mental checklists of everything I need to do and chip away at them until everything is completed.

Overcoming Challenges: My Journey Back to 10 Pull-Ups After a Stroke

Written December 16, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

For the first time since I stopped doing pullups every day, I could do 10 consecutive pullups. It was quite a big deal for me. When I was a teen, I was doing gymnastics. Before the brain stroke, I was able to do pull-ups. When I was paralyzed after my brain stroke, I stayed on the bed for over one month, losing substantial muscle mass. 

I started using a pull-up machine, which my wife bought me on my birthday a year before my brain stroke. I used to use a door frame pull-up bar. It was convenient because the device was mobile. After we moved to this house, she thought it would be better to have the machine since I used it. The machine even allows me to work on my abs.

Once I was more comfortable with my running schedule, I started to work on my muscles. So I reassembled the machine. I struggled a lot, even completing one at the beginning. However, gradually, I gained more and could do 5-6 times. During the summer, I had to reduce the amount of muscle exercise because I had to do so much yard work, which was quite exhausting. So, when introducing the muscle exercise, I realized I lost my muscle again.

I’ve been working on my muscles every day. Although I do different parts of the workout daily, I train my muscles daily. Despite losing my muscles, it took much longer to rebuild them.

It is still hard work. For example, while the last three were hard today, finishing the final pullup required a lot of grit. I’m pretty pleased to get back to this baseline.  I’m sure it’ll get easier to do all 10 in the following weeks, and if I’m able, 

I will push myself to higher numbers. If I reach 15 before next summer’s demands, I will shift my schedule back to running before breakfast and cease my other exercises. Then, when running is again pushed to after breakfast, I can start back at 10 pull-ups.

So Close to Achieving My Journey to 1,000 Kilometers

Written December 4, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I’m pleased with how my run went today. I managed to run my fastest 10k on record. Since my first and second 5km were quick, I reduced my target pace time to its lowest point thus far: 9:49 for 10km. 

I plan to do two more runs this week: a 5k on Friday and another 10k on Saturday. I am doing extra running this month because I decided to hit 1,000 kilometers this year. I have been concentrating on pace for most of the year, so I did only a 5-kilometer run three times a week until November. I hit my goal pace timer last month and added an extra goal for 2024.

Following this plan, I’ll have 897 kilometers for the year with three full weeks remaining. So, I have a few more extra 10ks to run in the following weeks to reach my end-of-year goal, but I’m pretty sure I can get it even with the likelihood of missing a run on Christmas day.

It is nice to achieve goals. When I started running faster, I struggled a lot at the beginning. Caring about my pace and time was extra pressure for me. The summer in Nashville is humid and hot, preventing me from running faster. So, I ran in the early morning when the temperature was still tolerable. Last month, I changed my running schedule back to normal. I didn’t know that temperature impacted my running pace until I started caring about my running speed.

I’ve never been a runner in the past, so running is my newly acquired hobby. Running used to be a pain for me when I started. Now, I don’t feel like running that way anymore. I started walking and running after my brain stroke because my wife pushed me to my brain recovery. Now, I am beginning to like running. The year 2024 is almost over and has been quite good for me.

From Cold Mornings to Warm Reflections: Navigating Life After a Brain Stroke

Written November 16, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

It was one of the days that I felt like I just wanted to stay in bed. Ever since I got my brain stroke, I cannot stand cold at all. Before I had my brain stroke, I had a much higher heartbeat and blood pressure, and I always felt hot. We used to live in Canada; my wife complained because I would open our bedroom window while sleeping. Ever since I can remember, my wife has kept her temperature around 65F or 18C during the winter. So our house would always be cool in the winter. I was hot all the time. Now, I feel cold.

I had difficulty forcing myself from bed this morning. I initially woke 45 minutes before my alarm. During the summer months, I would start my run early. But it’s so chilly. I hesitated. I crawled back to bed after using the restroom and fell back asleep. When my alarm sounded, I turned it off and snuggled back under the warm covers, staying awake but in bed and warm for a half hour. Despite the early morning, my wife was already out of bed a few hours before me. She wakes up much earlier every day.

Eventually, I forced myself to throw back the blankets and start my day. When I woke up, my wife was already done running, studying Geman, and writing something in the notebook in the dining room. She has more things to do in her morning routine, as she will create the menu for the upcoming week and create a grocery list. Somehow, we bought four limes that became bad after ten days, which she was upset about. She does not like wasting food ingredients since we should be able to control that with proper planning. Also, she thinks it is sinful to waste food. I know she lists why we wasted the food on the lists.  Then, she would write about how to avoid such an event again. The year is almost over, but we don’t have one page of wasted food. 

Observing my wife also made me question whether I had wasted time today. I’ve been delaying my run in my office, allowing it to warm up further, but I think I’ve wasted enough time now and will start my run shortly. I still need to do weekly house vacuuming chores and clean leaves outside. 

Later, I talked to my wife about this morning, and she said she would put on the space heater before she goes running going forward. She also understands that my body condition is different. I hope it will work better. 

Chilly Days, Leaves, and Adjusting to Nature’s Rhythm

Written November 12, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

It’s so darn chilly today, but I must push myself to clean the leaves. The windy and rainy days made our front yard cluttered with leaves. This is what happens when I skip working on collecting leaves.

The hurricane gave Nashville a couple of chilly days. It has been so cold today that I almost wanted to stay inside the house. I waited a bit longer, hoping the temperature would be more tolerable. After I had a brain stroke, I lost control of my inner thermoregulation system. My skin feels the heat or chills more profoundly than before my brain stroke. I will adjust my schedule for outside chores since external conditions impact me more. If I didn’t have to finish the task today, I would instead want to complete the task in a better condition. 

Just like I hoped, a few hours improved the temperature. It seemed much warmer after a few hours. The lovely sunlight dried up the leaves enough to vacuum easily when I got outside. The wet leaves could be nasty sometimes; they get clogged in our leaf vacuum cleaner in the middle of the cleaning. 

On a day like this, I tweaked my schedule. I can still do the other chores in the house before doing any outside chores. I still have several tasks I need to complete besides the leaf vacuuming today. 

The several consecutive warm and humid rainy days confused our lawn with the season. They seemed much longer than a few weeks ago. It needs to be longer to mow the lawn, but I need to see how long it gets. 

I plan to do one more round of leave vacuuming this Thursday. I’ve checked the weather forecast. It will likely be another chilling morning. Luckily, no rain is predicted between now and then. The trees in front of our house lost a substantial amount of trees, hinting that my leaf vacuuming task will end soon.

Running Through the Roller Coaster of Temperature Swings

Written October 11, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

The very chilly morning temperatures look like they’re about to bounce around chaotically over the next week. The weather may rise 10 degrees before dropping 20. We are riding a roller coaster made by some weather machine. I don’t like these swings because they don’t give me time to adapt.

Ever since my brain stroke, I have caused trauma in my hypothalamus, and I have lost control of my body temperature and the thermoregulation system. Our body is supposed to adjust heat by sweating, shivering, or changing blood vessel dilation. Brain stroke also damages the censoring system on my skin so that I can feel both cold and hot at the same time. 

My wife keeps the house temperature at about 65F (18C). She believes that being too hot in the winter or too cold in the summer would break our thermoregulation system. Living in Portland, we hardly used a heating or cooling system. This is not as possible in Nashville, where the weather can be hotter and cold. Since I have a problem adjusting my body temperature, this helps me greatly during hot summers or cold winters. 

I change how I dress to control my temperature by consulting the weather app on my phone. It can be critical when I go running. Sometimes, I do a 10km run and could be outside for over 60 minutes. I started to log my running speed; I noticed that the temperature greatly impacted my running performance. Sometimes, the temperature shifts to 10F while I am running. The volatile temperatures leave me either overdressed or underdressed.

The temperature will not stop me from running unless there is a snowstorm. I hope to run a 10k tomorrow, but I’ll do so after breakfast.  It’s been several months since I’ve eaten breakfast before running, so I’m curious how returning to that schedule will feel.

This Is How I Overcame The Aftereffect of Brain Stroke

Written September 18, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I saw my running pace has improved significantly in the last couple of days, and I’m thrilled about the results. The temperature has dropped considerably compared to a few weeks ago. The cooler weather has made a noticeable difference to my running as I found it easier to push myself further. I’ve recently achieved my target pace of below 10 minutes per kilometer, and today, I hit a new personal best for my 5k time.

It’s hard to believe how far I’ve come since my brain stroke in 2015. Back then, my brain struggled to send signals to my legs, even though I remembered exactly how to walk or run. It felt like typing on a disconnected keyboard—no matter what I did, there was no response. The doctors explained that my neural pathway for walking or running had completely vanished. I had to relearn everything from scratch, starting with weeks of rehabilitation just to take a few steps.

Those early months were challenging. Learning to walk without a walker or any support took a tremendous amount of effort and time. I faced another hurdle at work, where my brain couldn’t filter out unnecessary information, making it difficult to focus. Then, I truly understood the intricate abilities we take for granted.

Determined not to give up, my wife and I began walking every day, although I had to rest frequently just to cover 1.5 miles. Then, one day, I told her I wanted to learn how to run. She was understandably concerned at first because the running could strain my kidneys. I was serious about it. I started with my old running shoes, but it wasn’t really running—more like fast walking, with a lot of stumbling. After a month of trying, my wife suggested I get a good pair of running shoes. That small change made a huge difference, making each step feel lighter.

To track my progress, she set up an Excel sheet where I could log my runs, and she even got me the Zombie Run app to add some excitement to my routine. It turned my running into an adventure rather than a chore.

It took years for me to see the full extent of my progress. When we moved to Tennessee in 2018, my mother noticed the muscle definition in my calves. When I lost my mobility after my stroke, I had lost so much muscle mass in the months following my stroke that it felt like a victory to have someone point out my runner’s legs. My endurance had also increased, allowing me to tackle more tasks without feeling exhausted. I felt genuinely proud of myself for the first time in a long while.

After achieving my distance goal last year, I decided to focus more on improving my pace. It added extra challenges as I had to monitor my pace during my run. I get tired very quickly because of my kidney, so I have to know when to stop pushing myself. My running suffers during summer due to its heat. Despite a few setbacks along the way, I kept moving forward. My goal is to set a new best at least once a week, and I’ve been getting multiple of my fastest records in rows. Now, I find myself wondering how many personal records I can possibly create.

The journey hasn’t been easy, but every small victory feels monumental. And with each run, I’m reminded of how far I’ve come—from relearning to walk to becoming someone who now sets running records. It’s a journey that’s as much about perseverance as it is about running.

Celebrating Progress On Hitting My Running Pace

Written Septermber 6, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Today brought some good news—my efforts have finally paid off. During my run, I achieved the pace I’ve been aiming for as part of my end-of-year goal. This achievement is a significant milestone for me, and it feels incredible to see my progress. Because of this success, I’ve set a new rule for myself: for each run, I will reduce my pace time by 5 seconds. The challenge I’ve given myself is to beat this reduced pace twice in a row, with no more than two failures in between. Once I accomplish that, I’ll lock in my end-of-year pace goal at the new speed.

One thing I’ve come to realize is how different it feels to focus on pace rather than just distance. Initially, my running goals were all about how far I could go. But now, I’ve become more conscious of the nuances involved in pacing myself, and it’s an entirely different experience. Running pace can fluctuate based on many factors I hadn’t considered before. For example, external temperature can give me a boost or slow me down considerably. Cooler days tend to energize me, while hotter days can make running feel like an uphill battle. Similarly, wind and weather conditions greatly influence how well I perform. A strong headwind can be exhausting, while a nice tailwind makes me feel like flying.

My physical condition is another critical factor. One day, I might feel full of energy and ready to tackle my run, while the next day, my body might feel heavy, making it harder to keep a steady pace. These variables make running a more dynamic challenge than I initially anticipated, and it has taught me to be flexible with my expectations.

In addition to pacing, I’ve also learned the importance of taking care of my body during this journey. Overexertion is a real risk, especially when the weather is extreme. Running too long in the blazing summer heat can be dangerous, mainly if I run low on water. I must constantly monitor hydration, as it can make or break a good run. Additionally, I’ve realized that I need to prioritize rest when my muscles are sore or not recovering properly. Pushing through without adequate recovery could lead to injuries or setbacks, which I want to avoid.

I also have specific dietary restrictions that make recovery more challenging. Since I have limits on my protein intake, I have to be careful not to lose muscle through overexertion. Muscle loss is a real concern for me, so I’m mindful of balancing my exercise with the nutrients my body needs to repair and grow. Monitoring my calorie intake is another part of the process. I need to fuel my body for these runs without going overboard. Through it all, I remind myself I’m running to improve and strengthen my body—not harm it. This is a promise I made to myself when I first started running, and it’s something I hold onto as I continue to progress.

My running journey began after I lost mobility due to a brain stroke. It was a tough time, but after several months of rehabilitation, I was able to walk again. Eventually, I worked my way up to running, a huge victory. Now, I’m running and pushing myself to get faster. While it’s still a struggle to improve my speed, I’m determined to keep going, step by step.

Today, I want to celebrate my success. It’s easy to get caught up in the next goal, the next challenge, but it’s essential to take a moment to appreciate how far I’ve come. I’m thrilled with how today’s run went, and it serves as a reminder that progress is possible, no matter how difficult the journey may seem.

I look forward to what comes next and am excited to see where this running journey takes me.