Mastering Shower Routines After a Stroke to regain Independence

Written 6/17/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

One of the abilities I lost after my stroke was taking a shower by myself. It is ironic, but taking a shower is one of the private activities I enjoy a lot. For the first several months, I had my wife help me take a shower. I always wanted to regain the ability to shower, so I determined to train myself.

It took longer than I would have liked. When you get severe brain trauma, you will forget how to move your limbs. You suddenly feel like you are in a body that I have no control over. I had to be patient about it; it would be dangerous if I started to take my shower without being in control of my ability to move. Slowly, I started to regain mobility.

When I tried to take a shower, I noticed that some of my overcalculated versions of impulsive tendencies due to stroke started to creep into many of my behaviors. In other words, some of these behaviors suddenly overwrite my activities. I need to remember to do some clearing. I quickly realized that I have to be systematic with my activities to control my impulsive tendencies. 

How can I overcome this challenge? I decided to use exactly the same method to control my other impulsive tendencies. I used a method very similar to how I trained myself to remember to do many things. I do a series of rituals in the shower. I must remember normal things are not normal for me.

When I realized and contemplated what I thought was normal, I gained the habit of anticipating what would happen throughout the day and deciding how I wished to respond. Believe me, when you don’t have your body’s normal movement, there are many anticipated events. I think about it a lot while I am showering. 

Some people may say it is a mental simulation. My wife will say disaster or risk management, and I say that is my normal life. In some ways, my reaction was still impulsive when an anticipated event occurred, but it was at least one more in line with how I had previously decided was preferable. There were also times when my planned response was different from what I should have wished to do. Yet, I find myself with the planned response taking the place of the impulsive reaction.

Controlling The Turbulent Waters of Impulsivity After a Stroke

Written 6/16/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

From a young age, I’ve battled with an impulsive streak. Ideas would hardly settle in my mind before I found myself acting on them. This trait often landed me in hot water, especially during my school days. I recall sitting in class, deeming the lecture both dull and incorrect, and voicing my disagreement without a moment’s hesitation. Over time, I learned to curb these impulses, training myself to pause and make conscious choices before reacting. Although perfection eluded me, I gradually gained a semblance of control over my actions, a victory in its own right.

However, this hard-earned self-control was one of the casualties of my stroke. Suddenly, I found myself grappling anew with my old impulsivity, which made itself known in ways both frustrating and perilous, particularly during my initial stay at a care center. A typical example was my frequent, middle-of-the-night awakenings with an urgent need for bathroom use. Under normal circumstances, this would be a straightforward, albeit annoying, situation. However, in my post-stroke weakened state, these moments became fraught with danger.

I vividly remember one such instance when, on the immediate impulse to get out of bed, I sprawled on the floor. The loud buzzing of an alarm followed, signaling a nurse to my unintended distress call. After triggering the bed’s alarm system, I faced a stern reprimand. I was instructed to press a call button and wait for assistance instead of attempting to rise. Despite this clear directive, the impulse to get up before remembering to press the button happened repeatedly, each incident a stark reminder of my diminished control.

As the frequency of these accidents increased, my wife and mother alternated nights by my side, vigilantly ensuring that I didn’t fall out of bed. This period of intense vulnerability was humbling and highlighted the extent to which my stroke had stripped away the coping mechanisms I had painstakingly developed over the years. Alongside the resurgence of impulsivity, I discovered a heightened distractibility that made concentration a formidable challenge.

Reflecting on these experiences, I recognize that the journey of recovery and adaptation is as much about relearning and restructuring old strategies as it is about physical rehabilitation. The process is slow and often discouraging, but it is also filled with moments of profound learning and personal insight. Regaining control over my impulsivity hasn’t just been about preventing physical falls; it’s been crucial in reestablishing a sense of agency and self-assurance shaken by my stroke.

In sharing my story, I hope to offer solace and understanding to those navigating similar challenges. Whether it’s due to a stroke or another life-altering event, the path to reclaiming bits of oneself can be arduous and steep. Yet, with perseverance and support, gradual progress is possible. It’s a testament to the human spirit’s resilience and adaptability to unforeseen changes.

Navigating the Extremes: How My Stroke Altered My Sensitivity to Temperature

Written May 13, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

The aftermath of my stroke brought with it numerous challenges, one of the most pronounced being my diminished ability to tolerate discomfort. This change has manifested most noticeably in my sensitivity to temperature fluctuations—I am perpetually feeling too hot or cold, often simultaneously. At first, this constant state of thermal discomfort was baffling. Can you fathom feeling both overheated and chilled at the exact moment? It seemed absurd.

After much reflection, I’ve realized that my stroke has fundamentally altered what I refer to as my “threshold of discomfort tolerance” for both extremes of temperature. Oddly enough, these sensations often overlap, adding an extra layer of complexity to my daily experiences.

Living in Nashville, where the weather can be pretty erratic—chilly mornings in the low 50Fs swiftly giving way to mild afternoons in the 70Fs—has not made things easier. Following my stroke, my body’s ability to adapt to external temperatures has significantly weakened. This inability to regulate my internal temperature plays a crucial role in influencing my physical activities, particularly running.

Running, like any form of exercise, inherently involves some discomfort, which is essential for gaining strength and improving cardiovascular health. However, every additional element of discomfort is magnified for someone facing a challenge like mine, where the body’s temperature regulation is compromised. Whether it’s excessive heat or cold, strong winds, or high humidity, each condition contributes to discomfort and reduces the threshold available for pushing my running speed.

Since controlling the weather is beyond my reach, I focus on managing what I can—like selecting appropriate running attire to mitigate the impact of these external conditions on my body. I suspect these issues stem from my autonomic nervous system, though I’m unsure how to address this directly. My approach now involves keeping mental notes and exploring potential strategies to cope more effectively with these challenges.

The Silver Lining: Finding Positivity After a Stroke

Written on January 9, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I would never have willingly chosen to experience a stroke. Yet, it’s undeniable that not all outcomes from this ordeal were adverse. My journey through stroke recovery has led to several unexpected improvements in my life.

Before the stroke, I was battling clinical depression, a heavy and constant companion. However, post-recovery, this burden has significantly lifted. While I can’t attribute this change solely to the stroke, it certainly acted as a catalyst for many other transformations that have helped alleviate my depression.

Dealing with hypertension or kidney issues necessitates a careful consideration of diet. In my case, meat consumption is minimal, and dining out has become a rarity. Fast food is almost entirely off the menu. My wife, believing in the power of physical activity to aid brain health, encouraged me to start running—a practice I had never engaged seriously in before my stroke.

This health scare has revolutionized my approach to exercise, diet, and sleep—critical components of a lifestyle that combats depression. Although these changes were initially made to address my stroke and kidney disease, they have had the added benefit of improving my mental health. The irony is not lost on me. At the same time, I had struggled to implement these lifestyle changes to combat depression directly; the stroke forced my hand, leading to a healthier way of living that inadvertently addressed my mental health issues.

Admittedly, adopting an optimistic outlook does not come naturally to me. Yet, I find myself grateful for having overcome depression, despite wishing that it hadn’t required enduring a stroke and kidney failure to achieve this victory. Since I can’t alter the past, I’ve chosen to focus on appreciating what I have now instead of mourning what was lost.

This journey has taught me that within the heart of adversity lies potential for growth and healing. While the path to recovery was neither chosen nor easy, the resultant shift in my lifestyle and perspective has significantly improved my overall well-being. It’s a poignant reminder that the most profound changes sometimes come from unexpected places.


Journey of Resilience: Navigating Rehabilitation and Hope After a Stroke

Re: Rediscovering Myself After a Stroke: A Journey Back to Youth


Several weeks after Brian commenced his rehabilitation journey, we focused on improving his walking ability. The stroke had significantly weakened his muscles and robbed him of control over his legs and arms. Despite this, his brain retained the memory of movement, leading to a challenging phase where Brian would wake up at night, attempting to go to the bathroom as he used to, only to fall due to his weakened muscles. The frequency of these incidents at the rehabilitation center resulted in numerous calls from the facility, prompting Brian’s mother and me to stay with him overnight.

Brian’s frustration was palpable. At one point, he contemplated abandoning all efforts toward recovery. He was a perfectionist by nature, accustomed to meeting high standards independently. The stroke’s aftermath, which left him dependent on others for basic needs, was a source of significant distress. He expressed the extent of his despair, prompting a stern response from me that threatened to withdraw support if he gave up on himself—this moment of tough love proved to be a turning point for Brian.

Taking his rehabilitation more seriously, Brian and I began daily walks with the assistance of a walker. Initially, he required frequent rests, but after 16 months, he progressed to jogging, covering 1.27 miles on his first attempt. Recognizing the importance of proper footwear, I gifted him a pair of running shoes. We also discovered a running app named “Zombies, Run!” with a log function. I encouraged Brian to track his distance and inform me upon reaching 500 km, aiming to monitor the usage of his shoes. Additionally, we invested in a digital scale to measure his muscle composition, weight, and bone mass, which became a source of pride for Brian as he noted his gradual improvements.

Experiencing a stroke results in numerous losses, not just for the survivor but also for their family. Reflecting on Brian’s journal entries during this time evokes strong memories of our shared struggles. I wished I had read a journal like this back then.

My husband truly inspires me. With his permission, I’ve shared excerpts from Brian’s journal to offer hope and insight to others facing similar challenges. Recovery from a stroke is a slow process, but improvement is possible. For those supporting someone like Brian, it’s crucial to communicate hope and encourage perseverance. Never give up.


Rediscovering Myself After a Stroke: A Journey Back to Youth

Written on January 7, 2024


Throughout my life, I often encountered the philosophical musing: if given the chance, would one return to their youth with the wisdom they’ve accumulated? For the longest time, my answer was a resolute no. My younger years were not periods I looked back on fondly, and the prospect of revisiting them, even with the advantage of hindsight, seemed far from appealing. However, fate, through the unexpected event of a stroke, made this decision on my behalf. In a bizarre twist, I was thrust back to a state resembling my youth, where essential habits and skills I took for granted were wiped clean, necessitating a thorough relearning process akin to a child taking their first steps.


The journey was nothing short of frustrating. Imagine, if you will, the sudden and complete loss of control over bodily functions once operated on autopilot. The mere act of walking became a Herculean task that demanded my full attention and effort. It was during this time, amidst the throes of rehabilitation and reacquaintance with my own body, that I decided to shift my perspective. Rather than mourning the loss of my former capabilities, I chose to view this as an opportunity to rebuild myself, but better.


This shift had its challenges. My natural inclination towards perfectionism meant that each failure and stumble was met with harsh self-criticism. Yet, the stroke provided an undeniable excuse for every shortcoming. Dropped a glass? A direct consequence of the stroke. Forgot to refrigerate the leftovers? Another lapse courtesy of my condition. While it was tempting to lean on these excuses, I recognized the danger of allowing my stroke to become a crutch that hindered improvement.


Determined to overcome, I made a pact with myself to persevere. While my stroke was a legitimate barrier to achieving perfection, it wasn’t an impossible one preventing improvement. Embracing kindness towards myself in the face of failure became a transformative practice. This newfound leniency allowed me to approach tasks with a beginner’s mindset, gradually improving without the pressure to achieve mastery from the outset.


Logging and Journaling became vital in this process, providing a tangible record of my progress. Over five years, this practice revealed to me just how far I had come. The path to recovery and self-betterment was slow, often imperceptible from day to day, but the cumulative effect was undeniable.


In retrospect, the stroke inadvertently forced me into the very scenario I had long dismissed. Returning to a state of developing ability with the wisdom of my years became a blessing in disguise. It offered me a second chance at relearning how to live and live better. Through this journey, I discovered resilience, patience, and a more profound kindness towards myself that I might never have found otherwise.

Rediscovering My Culinary Skills: A Stroke Survivor’s Journey with Hello Fresh

December 6, 2023


In a recent heartfelt moment, my wife observed a noticeable improvement in my cooking skills since we started using Hello Fresh. This observation holds a special significance for me. Before my stroke, I took pride in following recipes with precision. However, the aftermath of the stroke significantly impaired my culinary abilities, often leading to unsatisfactory and sometimes disastrous meal preparations.


Hello Fresh, widely recognized for its convenience in eliminating the hassle of recipe hunting and ensuring the availability of ingredients, has become more than just a food delivery service for me. It has transformed into an unexpected tool for rehabilitation and skill development. Initially, I appreciated Hello Fresh’s straightforward recipe format and the convenience of having all the necessary ingredients. This combination effectively removed two significant barriers to successful cooking: complex instructions and the frequent absence of ingredients.


But there’s more to it. As I continued using Hello Fresh, I noticed a gradual return to my previous cooking abilities. The easy-to-follow nature of their recipes played a crucial role in this. Familiarizing myself with recipe formats and rhythms has made cooking easier, which boosted my confidence in my culinary skills.


This experience has led me to view Hello Fresh from a different perspective. It’s not just a service that provides meal kits; it’s a culinary training program in disguise. For someone like me, recovering from a stroke and striving to regain lost skills, Hello Fresh has been unexpectedly beneficial. It’s more than just the convenience of prepared ingredients and selected recipes; it’s about restoring a skill that was once a source of pride.


I now recommend Hello Fresh not only for its evident benefits of convenience and taste but also as a tool for anyone looking to improve or regain their cooking skills. It has been a significant part of my journey to reclaim a part of my life that I thought was lost after my stroke. Each meal prepared is a step forward in my recovery, a testament to the role of cooking in healing and personal growth. Hello Fresh, in my experience, has proven to be an ally in this journey, making it an integral part of my culinary and individual rehabilitation.

Navigating Temperature Control Challenges After a Stroke: A Personal Journey

In the wake of my husband’s stroke, we faced a myriad of challenges, one of which was his sudden struggle with body temperature regulation. This unexpected journey began when he suffered a brain stroke, leading to bleeding in the central part of his brain. Among the areas impacted was the hypothalamus, nestled just above the brainstem.

The hypothalamus plays a pivotal role in maintaining our body’s equilibrium, a state known as homeostasis. As the Cleveland Clinic outlines, this small but mighty part of the brain acts as a messenger, coordinating crucial functions such as body temperature, blood pressure, and even our moods and sleep patterns.

The initial three months post-stroke were particularly tough, and they’re periods my husband doesn’t recall. After removing his feeding tube, I took on the responsibility of feeding him, a slow and painstaking process due to his lack of motivation. His sense of time was skewed, necessitating a strict sleep schedule. Touch became a source of discomfort, like a knife’s edge against his skin. His world seemed devoid of the sensations that usually bring joy, like the warmth of a sunny day or the cool relief of a breeze.

In the following months, his perception of hot and cold became conflated. He would wear a robe in summer, feeling both hot and cold simultaneously. We discovered that applying pressure to his skin could sometimes trick his brain into not feeling cold, leading him to often wear a hooded shirt even in warm weather. Before his stroke, we seldom needed air conditioning or heating in our Portland home, but post-stroke, finding a comfortable temperature became a constant challenge.

As someone who isn’t a medical professional, my understanding is based on observation and reading. I’ve noticed the brain’s remarkable ability to compensate and heal after such trauma. Before his stroke, my husband never enjoyed running, but now, it’s an activity that seems to aid his recovery. Nearly a decade into his journey, his abilities have been significantly improved, such as being able to cook independently.

I’ve decided to share our story and his progress in a journal form, hoping it might offer a glimmer of hope to others in similar situations. Ten years ago, when he first experienced his stroke, I was desperate for information and support. Seeing his recovery now, I believe our experience might resonate with others searching for hope and understanding in the face of such life-changing events.



Cleveland Clinic. (2022, March 16). Hypothalamus. Health Library.

Navigating My New Normal: Embracing Post-Stroke Clumsiness

Hello Dear Readers,

Life has a curious way of teaching us empathy and understanding. It’s often through our own experiences that we gain a deeper insight into others. After experiencing a stroke, one of the challenges I faced was an unexpected decrease in my dexterity, especially in my left hand. This unexpected turn of events forced me to grapple with a new clumsiness, unlike anything I had known before.


Before the stroke, I prided myself on my excellent balance and coordination. My hands were always sure and steady, effortlessly performing tasks. However, my left side became noticeably weaker post-stroke, with its response time not as quick as it used to be. This change surprised me, resulting in moments where I’d bump into objects or drop items. One incident that stands out vividly is an ordinary lunch at the hospital cafeteria. While attempting to take a sip from my drink, my left hand faltered, causing the drink to spill. It was a moment that was as puzzling as it was embarrassing.


These instances made me confront an unfamiliar reality. There was a pronounced disparity between what I anticipated I could do and what I was actually capable of. The once-taken-for-granted coordination became a daily challenge, requiring me to adjust and relearn. Thankfully, with persistence and rehabilitation, I started to bridge this gap over time. The gap between my anticipated abilities and my post-stroke realities gradually diminished.


Before this, I confess that my understanding and patience for those who might have been labeled as “clumsy” or “accident-prone” was limited. It’s not that I lacked compassion, but I lacked the lived experience. Now, with my own experiences of dropping things without apparent reason or unintentionally bumping into objects, I possess a newfound empathy for those facing coordination challenges.


In retrospect, it’s apparent that we often base our perceptions and judgments on our personal experiences. It takes a significant event or shift in our lives to broaden our understanding and allow us to see through another’s lens. For me, the aftermath of the stroke, with its challenges and revelations, became a significant event. It taught me the importance of patience, both with myself and others and highlighted the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.


In embracing my new reality, I’ve learned to navigate through physical challenges and deepened my compassion and understanding for others. We all have our battles, seen or unseen, and it’s crucial to approach every individual with kindness and patience.


In closing, my message to all reading this is simple: Let us not wait for a transformative event to teach us empathy. Let’s embrace understanding and compassion as core tenets of our daily lives, making our world a little kinder, one interaction at a time.

Relearning to Type After My Stroke

Hello Dear Readers,

Relearning a skill after a life-changing event is physically challenging and emotionally taxing. This has been my reality since experiencing a stroke, which severely affected my ability to type efficiently.

I fondly recall the days when my fingers would effortlessly dance on the keyboard at speeds of up to 200 words per minute. However, I struggle to achieve even a quarter of that pace post-stroke. The reason? My stroke took a toll on my muscle memory and compromised the strength and sensitivity of my left side. These physical limitations and my vivid memories of faster typing days have made the whole experience particularly disheartening.

It’s not merely the slowness but the inaccuracy that accompanies it. Each typo stands as a reminder of the capability I once had and the distance I have yet to cover to regain it. This sense of loss and nostalgia has often tempted me to shy away from the dedicated effort required to reacquire my typing proficiency. Despite these feelings, deep down, I remain hopeful. I believe I can rebuild this skill from scratch with perseverance and consistent effort.

Creating this blog has been a blessing in disguise for my recovery journey. It’s become more than just a platform for me to share my thoughts; it’s my daily typing exercise. I’m determined to challenge myself further by typing with both hands, even if it’s initially slower than just one. The silver lining? While my fingers might have forgotten their dance steps momentarily, my mind hasn’t. I can mentally map the keyboard layout, even if getting my fingers to follow requires deliberate thinking.


Day by day, as I write, I can feel the incremental improvements. The small victories, like fewer typos or slightly faster typing speeds, motivate me to persist. Given the time and intention to continue sharing my journey through this blog, I remain optimistic about reclaiming my former typing prowess.


I hope my story offers hope for anyone reading this and facing their set of challenges, whether related to a stroke or not. Recovery and relearning might be slow, but with patience and determination, progress is inevitable.